
Well, it's about Aiden, isn't it?

The question echoes in Elise's mind, as she ponders how to respond. Finally, with an aching tiredness, she asks resignedly, "How'd you guess?"

"You're really asking me that? We've been in Silverstone Beach for, what, two weeks, and the only teenage male in the near vicinity is Aiden. Besides, it was pretty obvious that you guys— Well, I suspected he had feelings for you within the first few days. You… I wasn't as sure, but I thought you might."

"Wait, wait, what? You knew that he liked me?"

"I suspected."

Elise's stunned. She prided herself on her logic and reasoning, but she hadn't caught what was staring her in the face when Addie knew after only a few days.

Adelaide can tell Elise's still processing, but after a few minutes she prods, "So what happened?"

Elise flushes. "He… confessed."

"That's wonderful!" Adelaide notices that Elise doesn't share her enthusiasm. "Why are you upset about that? I thought you guys had a fight or something."

"Yes. No. Maybe?"


"I think… I rejected him? I'm not sure."

"What? How do you not know?"

"I panicked."

"Wait, why? Was I wrong about you? Do you not like him?"

I do like him, of course I do. She ducks her head. "No."

"Elise, look me in the eye and tell me that you don't like him."

Elise starts: "I don't—" she pauses. "No, this is stupid. It doesn't matter anyway."

Adelaide is quite sure that Elise saying it doesn't matter means it matters a lot to her, but she doesn't push it.

"Okay, then, why did you reject him?"

"Because we're best friends! If something goes wrong, it'll be so bad. I…I don't want to lose him."

"So you like him" — Adelaide ignores Elise's protest at this statement — "but you're scared of getting into a relationship with him. In case it doesn't work out. I see."

Adelaide pauses, thinking. ��Elise, I know that you probably don't want to change your mind about this. But just hear me out, okay? Ultimately it's up to you, but I think you should give it a chance. You like each other. That's already a big plus. Sure, it might go wrong, but how bad would it be? And you could be so much happier if you tried it out."

Elise is indignant. "I don't need a boy to be happy."

"Yeah, you don't. But being in a relationship isn't just about flaunting the fact that you have a boyfriend. Ultimately, it's knowing that the other person will be there for you, no matter what, that they're thinking of and caring for you."

"Isn't that what friendship is?"

Adelaide shrugs. "I guess, but it's different. I don't think it's explainable until you experience it. Well, in the end, it's up to you, but I think you should give Aiden a chance."

"No." Elise shakes her head vehemently. "There's no point."

"Elise…" But Adelaide trails off, unsure if she should complete her thought. Her teasing tone earlier is gone.


"Is it… don't hate me if I say this," Adelaide looks at her, doe-eyes widened with concern.

"Of course not."

"Well, is it… because of Dad?"

"Of course not!" While the previous statement had been gentle, the same three words are now laced with tension in this outburst. "No… no, of course not…" Her eyes shift to her hands, clenched into fists.

Adelaide doesn't push it. She just leans her against Elise's shoulder, holding in a heavy sigh.