Elise clutches the picnic blanket as she stands by the car, waiting for Aiden. He shows up shortly, twirling the keys around, and her chest clenches. But she forces a smile. "Ready to go?"
"Yep." Aiden unlocks the car and they get in. He turns on the engine, and she tries to think of something to say, but is at a loss for conversation topics.
They haven't talked much since the incident. Haven't talked at all, really, other than him offering to drive. She's not sure if she's avoiding him or he's avoiding her. Probably both.
"Thank you for doing this. You didn't have to."
Aiden shrugs. "I knew this mattered to you. You shouldn't miss it." is all he says.
"So. Weather's nice, isn't it?" Elise cringes at how they've become strangers now.
Elise's out of things to say, so she stares out the window, watching the hills roll by, until she gradually falls asleep.
"Elise." She wakes to a gentle shaking of her shoulder. ��We're here."
"Mh?" Elise mumbles, still groggy. Then she remembers where they are. "Oh! Did I fall asleep? Sorry."
"No problem. You know which way to go from here?"
"Yeah." She gets out of the car, bringing the picnic blanket with her. "It's a short walk, but we'll be there soon."
They've made it to the location, a small clearing in the trees that cover the rest of the small hill. Elise sets down the picnic blanket, and they're waiting, as they've been doing for the past few minutes, in utter silence.
She plays with the hem of her sleeve, twisting it back and forth as she deliberates. After a few more minutes, she speaks.
"Aiden… I can't stand this anymore. I hate it. Can we just—talk?"
He seems a little surprised, but says, "Sure. Is it something I did? I mean other than…what happened a few days ago. I've tried to leave you alone, but I'm sorry if that hasn't worked."
Elise's taken aback. "No, it's not your fault. Lord, not at all. It's just…" She sighs. "Maybe I should tell you everything."
She inhales slowly, tracing the edge of the picnic blanket with her finger as she tries to collect her thoughts. "First of all, I feel awful about how I reacted that day. I imagined if I confessed to yo— I mean, some random, hypothetical person, and if that'd been me, it would've been terrible. I… wouldn't blame you if you hated me now."
"Hate you?" Aiden almost laughs, humorlessly. "I could never. I've tried— or not exactly, but I've tried to get over you and— never mind."
Elise's a little hurt by that, but she supposes it's fair, after what she put him through. She hesitates. "And the second thing is… no, I can't do it." She covers her face with her palms and takes a deep breath. "God, this is terrifying."