They've made up. Supposedly, anyway. Aiden apologized and Elise's terse nod and "It's okay" implied that she accepted the apology. But the tension between them is fraught, and it's almost worse than before.
He feels awful, feels that maybe Elise was right and maybe he's ruined one of his best friendships because he had to open his mouth. Ignorant, inconsiderate Aiden.
And their trip to Silverstone is ending in a few days, so if he's ruined it, he might have for good.
Stuck in these melancholy thoughts, he methodically goes through the motion of washing and cleaning the dishes. It's after lunch, and he's in charge of the chores today, while the others are out at the beach, or so he assumes.
At least, they're not in the house. So he's surprised when Elise steps into the kitchen.
"Um, hi." In his surprise, he accidentally puts a spoon under the faucet the wrong way, and water splashes everywhere. He hurries to shut off the tap, while Elise grabs some paper towels to help wipe up the mess.
"Hi. I… wanted to say I'm sorry. Um, for my temper yesterday. It's not your fault; you couldn't have guessed that— I shouldn't have taken it out on you. Maybe… " she shakes, breath unsteady. "Maybe I'm just too scarred by what happened. Too broken."
"No. No. Elise, it's not your fault at all. I should've been more understanding too, I knew what happened, I just didn't think of it because I was too selfish. I'm sorry."
Elise nods absentmindedly. It's not that she doesn't care about what he's saying, she's just too distracted to listen closely. Too filled with more apologies, more explanations.
She stumbles, trying to find the right words to say. But Aiden fills the gap.
"I also wanted to tell you, I understand. Why you— why you'd rather things stay this way. And I don't fault you at all for it, and I'm happy with what we are right now. And I won't ask for it to be different, if you don't want it to be."
"Thank you." It's a whisper. "For understanding."
Aiden smiles wistfully. "Of course. Always, for you, Elise."
"I'll miss you," Elise murmurs into Aiden's shoulder. The cars are packed up, they're all ready to go. But not quite, as they hold onto this last hug.
"I'll miss you too." Aiden's hand is on her back, brushing against her hair, and she remembers the number of other times they've held each other like this—too few—and wonders if she's made a mistake. But, no, she mustn't. She's not going back. Not now.
"I'm sorry we didn't… work out," Elise whispers. "But it's probably better this way."
Aiden doesn't reply, just breathes in the scent of her.
They've embraced for too long, and they aren't alone, so they step apart hopefully before anyone notices. Considering the chaos of Ashtons and Aaronsons and dogs clambering into cars and running back to the house to check that no one has forgotten anything one more time, it's likely nobody noticed. But better safe than sorry.
"We'll keep in touch, right?" It's not really a question, but Elise wants to hear the confirmation.
"Of course." He smiles, albeit wistfully.
"Well, I guess this is goodbye, then?" Her voice is hoarse.
"I guess so."
As they drive away, Elise spends a long time staring out the car window, silent. Rosy feels she has an inkling of what's going on, but she doesn't bring it up and lets Elise alone.
In his car with Alec, Aiden quietly whistles a melancholic, lonesome melody as he watches the hills roll by.