Ordinary Beta

Ken was a Beta like the other 70% of the population. The other 30% was split half and half by alphas and omegas.

In this current intergalactic society, there were many planets and unexplored areas lurking with danger. Far in the old ages, the myth was that there were only men and women. Men who could not give birth and women who could. As technology advanced and more human experimentation taking place, a rare disease broke out destroying almost all of humankind.

Those who survived began to awaken abilities, but humans were not the only survivors. Animals and bugs were also populated survivors with awakened abilities. Humans not only had to combat these new evolved creatures but also dealt with the issue of reproduction.

Then was born the Beta sex. The goal of the Beta sex was so they could conceive and impregnate to increase the birth rate.

However, gradually a mutation occurred and some small parts of the population could not give birth, named alphas. The populace began to notice alphas have exceptional abilities and they slowly took on the protector role.

Then, some other small portion of the population could only conceive, or named omegas. They were also found to have a higher pregnancy rate than betas.

As of the modern day, Betas make up the largest population group, yet it was all alphas elites taking up the most important positions society.

Alphas were born to excel at everything. Valuable omegas were born to be protected. Where did that leave betas? Average height, average looks, average IQ, average abilities. Betas no longer have their need of existence. Why not just be all alphas and omegas?

Ken believed there was a reason for their existence. After all, they were a sex not dictated by hormones. Betas did not suffer from being in a rut or heat. They were weak to the scent of others, but they could become pregnant or impregnate others. It was, however, very rare to see AB or BO couples.

At least he has never met any. Hell, he did not even have any alpha or omega friends. Alphas attend an elitist school to train them intellectually and physically. Omegas easily suffered from the hormones of others and were protected, only attending all-omega schools.

In this world, at the age 17, every human would be able to awaken their abilities by receiving the Awakening Injection. The ranks were from rank F to rank SSS.

Ken's parents were both betas, both with rank B abilities. He also had an older alpha sister and an older omega brother. He was the youngest, as per his parents words, he only existed because they wanted to have an ABO children trio.

His dad said he had a good dream the last child would be a beta, but Ken did not believe any of it. He was probably an accident of their love making.

His alpha sister was twenty-four and an awakened rank A with fire attributes. His omega brother was twenty and also an awakened rank A with water attributes.

His parents were born in a medium-grade planet, where seeing even a rank B awakened was rare. Naturally on this planet, his parents were well known researchers and they lived comfortably.

His brother and sister with their Rank A abilities were taken to the imperial capital to study. Though it was a totally different planet, they could come back to visit by taking the spaceship during the holidays.

Today was his awakening day, and Ken imagined he wouldn't fall too far from the tree. Either A, B, or C was his guess. If it was any other, he would have to take a non-combatant career in the future. Maybe become a researcher just like his parents.

However, even as a researcher, there were many types of dangerous unknown materials which required careful handling by a high rank awakened. A low rank who dared to deal with such materials was asking for a quick death.

"Are you ready?" His dad, Kevin, asked.

Ken grabbed his wallet and replied, "Dad, I can go by myself." Many who just awakened would be feeble and lethargic for a few days, with the higher ranks recovering faster. So it was customary for a guardian to go along and bring the tester back.

"No can do. Remember your brother fainted when he had awakened? It was good I was there that time, but imagine... an awakened A rank omega with no guardian around him. Who knows where he would be at now. Probably pregnant with some bastard's child." His dad cursed, much unlike his usual calm demeanor.

Kevin hadn't seen his son in a few months. In the capital where alphas and omegas were concentrated, he worried constantly that his beautiful son would run off with some alpha without him knowing.

Ken rolled his eyes. With the technology today, the suppressants worked so well that stories of omega in heat losing control and alphas turning into animals only appeared on TV dramas.

However, he knew his dad missed his brother being here, so he didn't say anything except to head out.

While on autopilot driving to the Awakening Research Center, his dad said, "The doctor who is helping you is my longtime friend. Don't worry about getting a bad result. If anything, your mother and I are always here for you."

"Thanks, dad." Ken was truly grateful his parents are so understanding and kind.

When they reached the destination, the two took the elevator up to the 14th floor. Kevin went to the front desk and checked in for the appointment, "13:00, appointment with Dr. Lau, please."

The receptionist tapped away on her computer, and a moment confirmed, "Yes, for Mr Ken Vikas? That would be Room 1453."

The two proceeded to Room 1453, and a middle aged man greeted them, "Ah! Kevin, my old friend. This is your son?" Then he looked at Ken and pointed to a separate testing room, "Let's head over there."

Kevin shook his hand and shoved Ken to go over to the exam room, "I'll be right out here."

Ken went to the exam room and he was instructed to lay down on an exam pod. The middle aged man took out the Awakening Injection and said, "Once I inject this, you will be going through the awakening process in the protective pod for around an hour. I'll come for you later."

Ken nodded and said, "Thank you, Uncle." He closed his eyes and waited for the prick on his arm. He faintly heard the pod shut itself.

Although he could no longer hear any outside sounds, he felt his body began to warm up. A faint familiar green glow enclosed his body and as the minutes go by, he felt it becoming stronger.

Meanwhile, Kevin and the doctor chatted in the office about research and other topics. About an hour went by and the doctor went to check on the pod. He found the awakening hasn't end, and that all signs indicated normalcy. He had seen cases in where stronger awakenings took longer than the average time.

He went to Kevin and congratulated, "Your children have quite the gift. Ken is still not done so he will probably also be an A or B rank."

Kevin smiled proudly. His children were his pride.