It hurts...

It was as if something had fallen on my chest so I felt I was getting heavier.

I don't know but I seem to want to cry for no apparent reason.

They don't seem to care around. As long as their tongue reaches them they will not stop.

I just get hurt by what I see.

"GET READY, AAAHHHH!" I forgot I was in a fight.

I turned around quickly to meet the man behind me but it looked like I had done something wrong because a thick dos por dos greeted me and hit the top of my head hard.

I faced what I was facing earlier and I saw Sandro who was stopped in his tracks. They look at my spot. They were obviously surprised by what they saw.

Who would not be surprised to see if you see a person beaten by dos por dos and even met with a strong kick in the stomach.

"U-ugh!" I moaned in pain because of what had happened.

I didn't expect this!

I paid a strong uppercut to the person who kicked me so he fell asleep.

Even though my head and body ached so much, I faced the person who hit me two by two, I saw him smiling when I faced him.

He was about to hit me again when I immediately removed it and I hit him with the last blow he would have hit me.

It's just the last opponent and it's gone!


The mask covering my eyes was removed due to an unexpected event. A dagger was removed from the mask covering me.




Agasher could not believe it because of the incident even the Meduse Clan, because its mask was removed and his smooth and angelic face was obvious.

She quickly took Aegeus' mask and put it on again.

Even Sandro, Jean, and Bullet could not believe what had happened but because of the drunkenness of the three, they just thought that they did not see Agasher, as if they had just turned a blind eye.

They continue fighting until he finally knocks down all the opponents.

The people around her are in a state of shock because of what she did.

And a man slowly claps his hand and it looks like it turned into a wave so people around applauded one after another.

Meduse Clan couldn't believe what they saw, but suddenly they immediately forgot her face so they were sad.

Agasher's eyes remained calm and emotionless as she stared at the two person hugging each other.

She grabbed Rseyine hands and Aegeus mask then they started to walk towards the exit door.

Meduse Clan just bid their goodbyes to them even if they turn their backs, Scythe? Scythe is just calm in her seat while looking at the door where Agasher went.

She knew the reason why the woman had become more like that. And she's a happy bit worried 'bout her situation because it definitely got worse because of that dos por dos.


I can't explain what happened as long as I saw that I could almost see Agasher's face and how aggressive he was before!


"Agasher, are you okay?" worried I asked her, she faced me while wearing Aegeus mask.

"Do I look fcking okay, Rseyine? Do you think I'm okay with this situation? HA!" I can't understand why Agasher suddenly became like this, because before he was just calm but then .. Ahh I already know because maybe it's because of those who were beaten up? I hope he's okay because his head was hit by dos por dos earlier and then he was kicked? Oyemji!

"Go home first, I'll get them back inside." I suddenly became cold and stuck to my stand when I heard what he said. A-his voice! It's freezing! Am I at the north pole? Waaaah!

I was about to pass it when I suddenly crossed his wrist.

"No, please."

"'Don't go back inside," I begged her while trying to get away from that place.

He withdrew his hand to me and removed Aegeus' mask and her handkerchief from her face.

"W-what are you planning?" I stammered to her.

"They will come back to ask for payment. What else will I pay for the medicine? Tss."

Without looking back, it quickly ran into the paradise bar again.


✴ ✴


AGASHER is really back inside. No mask and no weapons he left all his belongings to Rseyine.

Even if no one covers his face, of course, he has no use if anyone knows her here, even his boss is a stupid plague in society.

"Hey!" she called the leader of the 13th street gang. They turned to his behavior.

"Why? You also want to be punished, Miss?" he asked proudly as if he really had the strength.

"You, do you want to be beaten more?" she smiled back at the leader of the 13th street gang Pugo Nando.

"Why!" no doubt it attacked Agasher again, but Agasher avoided his attack.

Nando's men followed and at the same time attacked the only Agasher who was fighting but of course, not all of his men were fighting, the others were complaining.

"Damn, boss! My face hurts!"

"You just fought there after all, are you also kind. Stupid."

Agasher just smiled because she heard complaints from Pugo's staff.

"Hey, quail river! Just give me the hospital room of my companion. Do you know Aegeus? The one who almost killed you earlier."

Pugo laughed out loud.

"Why? Did Aegeus got hurt? HO HO HO!"

"Hala tae, Santa is that yah?" Agasher teases Pugo.

"Aegeus' wealth but no hospital? Has she suffered? HO HO HO!" Pugo was also pissed back at him.

Also because of Scythe's annoyance, he stood up and gave Pugo a big hug so that's it. Sleep!

"Lots more sat-sat." Scythe knelt down and took something from Pugo's pants pocket.

When she got what she was taking she handed it to Agasher.

"A thousand okay? I only found packages, that's all." smiling Scythe said to Agasher who was looking at the thousand Scythe had presented to him.

"Oh what! Don't interfere with those shabu there! But I will kill this woman." Scythe and Agasher turned around at the same time when they heard that shout.

Agasher was surprised to see the man's arm wrapped around Jean's neck.

"You take care of that, Scythe. It smells good." Agasher tapped and Scythe shoulder who was just standing there staring at the man holding the woman.

Scythe was just shaken by the thought.

"Oh! Oh! Where are you going, supergirl? One more step, I'm going to kill this woman."

Agasher stopped and closed her eyes tightly when the man said that.

'Then kill her!' said in her mind.

"Goddamn it! How long will this drama end? I want to sleep, because I still have work tomorrow. F-ck!" she shrieked and quickly pulled out a kunai that had removed her mask earlier. Without hesitation and uncertainty, she threw it at the man holding Jean.

"BOOM! BULL'S-EYE!" the Meduse Clan shouted in amazement, and Scythe just smiled.

Jean burst into tears and let go of the man and ran to hug Sandro's arm who was now just looking at Agasher. Agasher also noticed this so he also looked at it.

Named 'Second highest eck-eck' but did not defend the princess? You are a big a**hole!' she scolded his boss while he just stared at it.

Sandro hugged Jean back while still smiling looking at Agasher.

It seems that Agasher was hurt because of what the man did, he immediately turned around and thanked Scythe and even said goodbye to the Meduse Clan but of course, he did not say that he was Uno and just pretended to be Aegeus' friend, which is true.

But what she doesn't know is why she feels this way when Sandro hugs Jean back especially the kiss they had earlier...

Oh, no.. is she in love with Sandro?