Chapter 17

"Who kill my parents"

The general stood up.

"I killed that pathetic King and his wife. What are you going to do about it?" He asked mockingly.

I than rushed him. He was not expecting this but quickly drew his sword. He did his best he reach me but to no avail. With my new vampire ability's, I was able to doge every strike. Than I got up close enough and used my hand to cut off his arm.

The table was amazed. For a person to have enough strength to cut of an arm with their bare hands. It was amazing.

"AAAAAHHHHHH" the general screamed.

"Do you remember how they died?" I asked him.

He couldn't stop screaming so I cut off his junk. Than I cut off his other arm. Than I looked at Casey and motioned for her to come over. She walked over and bit down into the generals neck. You could see the life drain from his eyes.

Than Casey stood up and kissed me with her bloody mouth. I licked it off her face and kissed her back.

"Now, I will take down your nation. Town by town, city by city until I reach this place. I will give you 2 months to ready tour selfs. I will have no mercy for your people." I said in a booming voice. The entire city could hear it. "I am Dracula and no man, woman or child will escape my rage of you caging me."

Than I walked away from the throne room with Casey and my sister I tow. "Also will be taking your daughter." And we left the castle. No one stoped us as we walked out of the capital.


We went back to the the village I had tried to create so long ago. When we reached there, I was amazed. I could see at least 50 feet walls that made a huge circle. Our small town that I was trying to create had become bigger than I ever thought possible.

"WHO GO'S THERE?" Yelled a voice. It sounded familiar.

"NORA?!?!" I yelled.


"ITS MAX!!!!" I yelled.

Than someone ran out of the front gate right at me. As they were coming into view, I could see Nora coming at me. She instantly jumped on me.

"Max, I missed you so much. Where have you been for the last 8 years?!?!" Nora asked. She also saw the changes in my body.

"The Waus's king captured me and kept me in their dungeon. I broke out with the help of this young lady when she was still human." I motioned to Casey. "She gave me blood and helped me got my sister and kill the man who killed the rest of my family." I told Nora.

"Well. Nice story. So sense you can't not be Max even though you are much, much, much more handsome, here is your old village. You could think of it as the last remaining HQ of the Allure kingdom. We went into your private room when William came back and told us what you told him. We utilized all of your inventions. The most useful was probably the holograms. Most of this forest is made out of those." Nora said as she walked up to a tree and waved her hand through it.

"Wow. You guys really did go all out in this city." I said.

"Ya. We also developed and mass produced the guns you had designed. We made a few modifications but they work almost the same. And other than that, we have our own military equipped with you guns. We have mines that go deep into the earth and tunnel out. We have our own farms and we expanded the river so we have what you call hydro power now."

"You really did use my ideas and took them to the next level didn't you." I was amazed that the people of my village turned into the the last strong hold.

"We have a population of over 500 million humans, around 300,000 vampires and 7.5 million ghouls as well as 13 million other species. We have also learned that humans and ghouls and reproduce and ghouls can reproduce with other ghouls but only vampires can reproduce with other vampires."

"Nice. So we will have a growing population. Do we still have a main hall or castle?" I asked.

"Yes we do. And we have kept an entire floor clean for you. Just wait until you see it though."

So Nora gave us a tour of the city. They had everything here. The city even expanded to contain a few mountains and a fair portion of the river. Most of the houses were made out of concrete and used the insulation idea o had been starting at the time. They had police and fire departments and hospitals all erupted with the things of their time.

"Now to show you the inner part of the city. This is where most of the vampires live. We have volunteer humans that walk around a let the vampires get a snack out of them. Most of the also have the vampires take it to the next step even though they can't have kids, some of them are only there for the fun." As she said this, and we walked into the inner part, you could see human walking around and vampires taking one and sucking on them, but made sure not to kill them.

"Even for the vampires, if you kill someone, you get in trouble. Deaths are not very common and most are accidental." Nora said.


After a little more walking, we came up on this grand palace. It looked to be almost 10x the size of the weight house.

"And here you have the manor. The most protected place in the entire city. It is also where your brother Keven is staying at the moment."