Chapter 19

Once Casey got into the tub, she snuggled my chest. In the past week we had been together, I learned a lot about the world in the past 7 years.

There was a huge war between Allure and Waus. For the most part, Allure was winning until Waus said that they had me. They also said that if they didn't surrender, they would torture me until they did. Eventually, my father have up his will to fight and was than killed along with the rest of my family. My sister was used as a play thing for the prince. That was the only reason she is still alive.

I had also learned that this city was viewed as a criminal den and their had been many adventures try and fine it than take it. But, they were lucky enough to have developed the hologram tech before. There was also rumors going around that one person was able to find it and got away but nothing has happened so everyone assume it was just a rumor.


Back in the bath:

Casey was snugging my chest and I could feel her small, warm body leaning on mine. It felt nice to have someone who could be obsessed with me body, heard and soul.

I hugged her with the warm water heating us up. I could feel her smooth skin on me. It was like having a vampire blanket. I rubbed her head and she slowly got out of the snuggle ball she was in. Than she was just laying on me.

"Hubby, are you mad at me for locking you up for so long?" She asked.

I looked at her with a smile. "I am not. I was killing your people and you had the right reason but it was how I was able to grow and feel and be alive. You must now realize that we need blood to live so we need to drink from people. And most are unwilling, so you must force it. I also wanted to have a little fun with the Dracula story." I said to her.

"Ok ... you have a good point." Casey said. "Can I have it again? It just felt so good last time."

I made a devilish grin and my member stood up between her legs. She could feel it touching her.

"You know, you really have changed sense my family locked you up. You seem older, and stronger, and taller." she said as she held it in her hand, going up and down. The tip just hit the roof of the water.

"Well that is what happens when a child evolves into a true vampire. There would also be some other changes but I don't know what they are." I told Casey.

Than she got up an her knees and faced me. I could see her in all her glory. She leaned in and kissed me. I pulled her head closer and threaded my tongue into her mouth and did circles around hers.

She than moved forward some more and pulled my head into her breasts. I sucked on it when massaging her other. My tongue flipped her nip like a light switch and each time I did, she let out a little moan.

When I was doing this, she began sitting down with my member positioned right under her cherry. I could feel it slip in and about 3/4ths of it made it in before I hit a wall.

I was still using her breasts and she moved up and down. She lasted 2 minutes before her juices started flowing.

"That was something. You have no idea how much I love it." She said as she tried to get out.

I let her get out but my member was still standing. I jumped out before she was able to get a towel and caught her.

"You didn't think you could leave with out me, sis you?" Than I put it in between her legs. She looked down and saw I was still has hard as a rock. She than angled it up and in. This time, I took control and shoved it all the way through. I broke past her wall and she screamed.

"OH MY GOD. It's ... so ... big. Faster. I ... need ... more!!!" Was all she could manage in between my shoves. After hearing that, I went faster. She was pushed up against a wall and I would not stop, but kept going faster and faster.

"Yes ... yes ... YES!!" She said than I felt her squeeze my member. When she did than, it blew up inside her. Than I pulled it out. Eight goop came out and she fell to her knees.

"You alright?" I asked Casey.

She nodded and motioned for me to pick her up. I did and we walked out of the bathroom and onto the bed. I put her on the bed.

"Give me one sec."

I than went to a phone in the living room. I called William and asked him to send up a few good looking girls.

"Of course sir"

"And make them human or something I can drink from." I said.

I also looked into the guest room where my sister was staying but all I found was a note that said she would be with my brother Keven.

I went back to the bedroom. Casey had gotten up and could now lake feebly around. I than spotted her and led her to the living room where there was a balcony right out side. It had a little throne on it. I sat in it and had Casey on my lap.

5 minutes later, my elevator dinged and out came 6 girls. They had all seen the other noble male rooms but were amazed when they arrived at the top floor.

I turned around in the chair looking like a super villain. The all saw me and their jaws dropped.

I must look that good.