Chapter 21

When I woke up the next day, the girls were till their except they seemed to have multiplied. I saw 2 new girls and than Casey. I felt good to just sit there in the warmth but I knew I had to inform Nora that we are going to go to war is 7 months.

I slipped out of by bundle of women and went it get dressed.

I went down to the floor where William was at.

"Hay William, do you know where Nora is at? I have something important I need to talk to her about." I asked.

"Right now I think she is in the cafeteria." William said.

"Thanks a lot!" I said than rushed down to the level of the cafeteria.

When I got there, I was instantly look at. All the people on that floor instantly looked my way and were amazed. I made a cutting motion strait down the hall and everyone moved aside for me to walk.

It walked past them and to Nora. She was sitting in a second story for vampires. I sat down bed to her.

"I have something I need go discuss with you." I said.

"What is it?" she asked.

"I am going to war with the empire of Waus in 7 months. I don't care if you want to help or not, I just need you to tell the people that we might get some visitors soon." I told her.

"WHAT?!?! You decided to go to war with the ENTIRE county of Waus and told me NOW?!?!" She screeched. Every one turned to look at us hearing what she said.

"Ok, first off, I just got back yesterday. Secondly, they did kill my family and take my lands away. I want to take attests some of it back." I said.

She looked at me in amazement. "Well than, I guess you want some weapons and maybe a small army, yes?"

"I will be going around and making my win army out of the people that I turn. The weapons would be nice though." I told her.

"Well than, I guess I should show you to the underground rooms" she got up and we went to another elevator.

When we entered the elevator, it started to go down. After a little bit, we stoped. We asked out and my eyes almost popped out. In front of me I saw a tank that looked more advanced than anything I have ever dreamed of.

It was hovering over the ground and had 2 cannons on ether side of the hatch. It just looked amazing.

"This will do nicely."


A month after that, we started recruiting for our army. We told the people, "If you want to bring back the Kingdom of Allure, join our army."

In total, we gathered about 60 million people. There were mostly humans, almost all of the vampires and a fair amount of other beings.

We had also evolved our weapons. Now we had semi automatic weapons along with artillery.

At the 6 month mark, we trained our army and they functioned perfectly. I could give them any order and they would do it. I loved that part of an army.


In the last month before we were going to war, I had an idea.

"What if we were to use the sea? We could make a navy and also attack them from the sea. It would also allow us to almost directly attack their capital and once we took that, we could assack on 2 fronts. One group could go down from the capital and group could go up and the last could cut off any support to the Southern part to get supplies or orders."

"That would work. The only problem is how big are we going to build a navy on one month?" Nora said.

"We would need the help of all the people in the city. With them, we would be able to make a fleet 100 strong." Said Dave, Noras husband.

"Ok. Let's try it. Even if we are only able to and 10 boats, we will put our best men on it and take their capital. The only problem is holding the city's we take." I said and sent Dave to go set up the idea.

"We could take it city bu city and leave a small amount of people there. We could also leave the ghouls that we make there and have them occupy the city's." Nora said.

"We will need at least 5 vampires per attack force for then. That should not be too much to spear. We could also use some of the child vampires as they could greatly use the bloom and experience." I said

"I will get in organizing the formation and numbers." Nora said.

"Well than, let's get to work everyone."