Chapter 4

Natsu's POV

I really screwed this up. I heard almost everything that they said, there were a couple times that I couldn't hear Luce but I heard most of it. She hates me, she has to now why else would she tell Yukino everything that happened? 

"If he knows what's good for him he will not be like that." Yukino threatened raising her voice while she glared daggers at me; Luce hates me. She never actually said it but the look on her face said so much about how she felt. Is there anyway I could be wrong? Mavis please let me be wrong. 

I decide now is a good time to leave, my head just had so many thoughts and none of them were good. I walk away towards the train station, I might as well just wait there for Luce. I deserve every bit of torture I get just for making her cry earlier. 

Someone bumped into me, felt like they were trying to pickpocket me. Jokes on them, Luce has all the reward money not me. Fuck it, I needed something to distract myself. I caught the kid easily enough and turned him into the guards. They gave me a decent reward for it too. But before I knew it I was back at the train station again. 

It wasn't long before Luce showed up the last train for Magnolia would be here at any time. She did not show up alone either, Happy had found Lector and Frosch as well as their slayers and had followed her there. I wonder where Happy has been this whole time? I just stay where I'm at until I see Happy frown at me. 

I smile at him and hold up three train tickets and he taps Luce on the shoulder pointing at me. For the first time all day I see Luce smile at me. I felt my heart lurch at the sight. Maybe just maybe she could forgive me. Maybe we could go back to the way things were. I smiled at her before hopping up to run over to them before I got clotheslined by Sting. When the hell did he get there?

"What the hell?" I groan as I pick myself back up from the ground. 

"So we heard you tried to mate with Blondie. When did you finally grow up?" Sting taunted me. 

"Wait, what did she tell you? How mad is she?" I look at them wanting to beg for mercy but I needed answers and I honestly don't give a flying fuck about what they thought of me. 

My question must have thrown him off a bit because he just stared at me. It was Rogue who finally answered. "Yukino told us that you gave Lucy a hickey in your sleep and that when you woke up you didn't know and you were upset." I groan and cover my face, how many people are going to find out?

"We were in a fight with some bandits yesterday and I thought she had gotten hurt; her neck was covered. I didn't know I had been... Well you know." I could feel myself heat up as I said it. 

"Rough. So does that mean you're not interested in Blondie?" Sting asked like a dumbass. 

I growled at him as I grabbed his vest, "Hands off." I could feel my flames flickering as I tried to put them out. 

Sting held up his hands in surrender before pointing at his own neck where I could see a small white and black swirling mark. I immediately put him down and looked at Rouge who showed his own matching one. I grinned and grabbed them both pulling them into a hug. Finding a life mate is amazing and something to always celebrate. 

"You two have to come to Fairy Tail soon so we can celebrate! Gajeel and Wendy will be so happy for you and even Laxus and Eric will have to join in." I practically yell in their ears. They started laughing and I joined in. They found their life mate who could be against that? 

We talked for a while longer before Luce and Happy joined us having been talking to Yukino at the entrance. Our train was just pulling in when I called out "Again congrats, I'll see you when we have that party, next weekend?" 

"You got it!" Sting yelled back as Rouge just waved. 

"Party?" Lucy asked me looking at me weird. 

"They found their life mates. Nothing short of a party will do. Gajeel and Wendy are going to be so excited." I couldn't help my happiness as I practically floated onto the train. 

"Life mate?" Lucy asked. 

"Dragons and dragon slayers only mate once, Lushie. Once they find their life mate they will be together forever." Happy sang as he flew landing on my shoulder. "Right Natsu?" He turned to me grinning. 

"That's right little buddy! There is nothing better than finding your mate! We will have to make it a big party, talk to Gramps and have Mira help us set everything up. Then maybe we can have a fight. Ha!" I felt as if I were filled with bubbles as I walked, even the fact that I was on the train couldn't bring me down, at least not while it wasn't moving yet. 

We found a car to take a seat in and I plopped down still grinning from ear to ear. For a moment I forgot altogether that we were on a train until it lurched forward and I felt my stomach jump into my throat. I hate transportation.

Lucy's POV

Life mate huh? I can't think of a time Natsu was so happy he didn't get sick before the train moved. It's one thing if he didn't know he was on something about to move but this was different. He knew he was getting on a train and yet he was smiling and acting as if he was the happiest guy in the world. Then the train started moving and he was back to his normal motion sick self. 

I finally took pity on him and let him lay his head in my lap like usual, for some reason he can fall asleep really easily when I do that. Like clockwork his breathing softened and his muscles relaxed, he even wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close. I ran my fingers through his hair for a minute before looking up at Happy. 

I could see him gulp before I opened my mouth. "Happy, tell me everything." I glared at him as if I could rip his wings off and feed them to him. 

"Lushie?" he shuddered, planting himself as far away as he could. I just continued to glare at him until he gave in. "There is only one thing more important to a dragon than finding their life mate and that is having a baby. Whether they adopt the baby or conceive it doesn't matter to them. What else do you want to know?" he asked a little too quietly. 

"How do they find a life mate or know when they do?" I ask him.

I see him hesitate before he looks me straight in the eye and asks, "How do you know when you found the one to marry? The only real difference is that a dragon's feelings do not change so easily."

He kind of took me by surprise with that. When all things are said and done "I guess Natsu will have an easier time of dating than I ever will," I sigh out loud. I didn't even realise I said anything out loud until Happy responded. 

"Lushie, if the one he wants to be his life mate rejects him he doesn't get a second chance. He will live a lonely life. I don't really think that can be called dating..." Happy trailed off sadly. 

I was shocked I could feel my eyes go big and my jaw drop, "Has Natsu?" I couldn't finish and Happy looked away from me. I pulled Natsu closer very gently. I looked down at his peaceful face and whispered, "I will always love you, even if you don't feel the same." I refused to look at Happy knowing full well that he heard me, but thankfully he remained silent, at least for now. 

I leaned back and closed my eyes. We still had a while before we would arrive back in Magnolia so I decided it was time to take a short nap. Happy was awake anyway and from the looks of him he won't be sleeping anytime soon. 

Natsu's POV

The lurching of the train woke me up which was weird normally once I fall asleep I will stay asleep until we arrive. I lift my head up looking around to see Happy flying in circles and Luce sleeping her own arms almost pulling me closer. I sigh in relief, at least she doesn't seem to hate me. 

I nuzzle into her lap thankful for her warm embrace and she smelled so good. I know she normally smells nice but today she just smells amazing the kind of amazing I could just lose myself in. 

"Natsu! You're awake! Guess what!" Happy looked like he was about to burst with each word that popped out of his mouth. 

"Hmm, what?" I sigh nuzzling into Lucy some more. I don't want to forget this feeling and chances are she would still be mad at me when we get back to Magnolia. 

"Lucy llllooovvves you." he purred into my ear careful not to wake her. 

I can't help sighing at his words. He is always saying that and normally Lucy is shutting him down, violently might I add. "Buddy I think that it is about time I admit she really doesn't no matter how much I want her to."

"NO! Natsu I heard her say it she said, 'I will always love you, even if you don't feel the same.' I swear she did!" He insisted. The possibility that what he was saying could be true was almost too much to ask for. 

"Happy I think you should go on a mission with Wendy and Carla when we get back." I smile at him before trying to snuggle back into Lucy's lap. If there was even a small chance that she felt the same way I did I had to take it. Didn't I?

Thankfully it wasn't long before we arrived in Magnolia and my motion sickness just wouldn't subside even after getting off the train, just great. I was practically crawling on the ground when I hurled, thankfully into a nearby waist bin. For the second time today Luce took pity on me and helped me to her apartment where I practically crashed on her bed falling fast asleep. 

I woke up a few times to Lucy running her fingers through my hair, once I even saw Wendy who was shaking her head and telling her something but I couldn't make out what.

Lucy's POV

Somethings not right with Natsu even after we got off the train he could barely walk and after he threw up in a trash can I helped him back to my apartment. He was out cold before his head hit the pillow. 

I ran to the guild to get Wendy and she rushed right over. She barely looked at him before frowning. She shook her head after she did check him though, "I'm sorry Miss Lucy but there is nothing I can do for this. All dragons go through this at some point." 

"So you know what it is? Is there anything I can do to help it?" I wanted to ask her but I just kept trembling so I couldn't get it out quite right. 

She smiled at me before answering, "You're actually doing a great job, so long as he is with you it will be easier on him." then she smiled a bit wickedly before adding, "You should try to be with him as much as possible. Even in the bath, maybe wear a swimsuit so that he can stay close? I'm sure Happy would go get his swimming trunks for you?" She looked at Happy. 

"Aye sir!" he yelled before flying through the open window. 

"Will that really help him?" I asked her, my face now beat red as I tried to hide my face. Ever since she turned 15 she has been a bit of a handful. 

"Yes actually, but it has to be you. He has already deemed you safe whether he meant to or not. He needs you." She said sternly. 

It was kind of nice knowing that Natsu needed me. That I could take care of him and not worry about what anyone else said or thought. 

"I'll make sure you get food deliveries so that you don't have to leave anymore than you have to and just so you know the more time he spends in water the better off he will be. Or really the more skin contact with you the better," she held up a hand halting my protest. "I'm serious here he needs you and his dragon senses will be in hyperdrive for the next few days. He will cling to you as if you are his only life line and in a way you are."

I want to protest but the look she is giving me tells me exactly what I need to know; she is dead serious. I wonder why he chose me? Did he mean to? Wendy gave me a couple more instructions before leaving saying she would make a food delivery later today and I lent her a copy of my house key so she could get in if I was busy. 

Natsu must be really bad if Wendy is being so stern. Sure she has gotten to where she teases us, particularly in Team Natsu, a lot but she is still sweet little Wendy. 

She said skin on skin contact... I look at Natsu and let out a deep breath before walking over to him. I took his vest off and changed into a cute pink bikini I had hoped to wear on our trip. Oh well, when I was done I laid down next to him, the moment I was there his breathing deepened becoming more even and his face relaxed where it was scrunched up almost like he was in pain. 

"What on Earthland is happening to you Natsu?" I ask him almost silently. 

"Lllluuuuuucccceee," I hear him groan before whimpering. I pulled him closer just to feel him relax again. 

"Luce," I felt him sigh against my neck. I relaxed holding onto him under the covers, maybe it's a good thing we skipped the trip. I was planning the beach but it has been getting colder lately anyway. We could wait until it got warm out again. 

I was almost asleep myself when I heard Happy fly in and drop off some things for Natsu, he must have gotten more than just the trunks. "Thanks, Happy," I yawned, causing Natsu to snuggle in closer. 

He gave me a thumbs up before leaving closing the window behind him. Good I think to myself. I close my eyes feeling Natsu's heat radiate off of him. He really feels amazing, I think as I doze off now in his arms.