Chapter 27

Natsu's POV

Oh Mavis I'm all fired up! I've been following Luce around like a puppy and everyone in the guild has noticed. Now that they all knew we were together I would occasionally hear them laughing about how dumb they were not to have noticed before it was literally shoved in their faces. 

They watched as Luce started putting up barriers behind the guild and she even gave them a dark blue tint so anyone could see them and super tall poles at all four corners and she put another flat barrier at the top, connecting all the pieces together. Then I summoned Aries so that Luce could conserve some of her magic and she put what looked like ropes made from her pink wool around all of the poles. 

Then up on top of the top barrier high in the sky Luce used something like chalk to draw lines all along the border. The thing was though that instead of it being white it looked more like our celestial wings, like stardust. When she was done I can't help attacking her and swinging her around in my arms. 

"This is going to be so great!" I shout, the whole guild was watching and frankly they kept looking at each other like we were crazy. So I summoned Griffin and whispered what I wanted and he did it. He made bright orange stadium seats level with the platform so they could all watch the match tomorrow.

Lucy's POV

Natsu is almost too cute with how excited he is over all of this. It's only a match after all and it's not like we haven't had some practice matches in the park before. Just this time it will be a real match like the grand magic games had been. 

The old me would be terrified of the idea of actually fighting Natsu. Now though after all the training over the years not even including all the time we spent together in a barrier I am excited. I wonder which one of us will win? 

Wendy had been gushing about how amazing the fight was going to be. We kept telling our guild mates that even she hasn't seen us go all out in over a year and back then it was amazing. She did not tell anyone about our interrupted fight from a few months ago. The one she had gotten hurt trying to referee. Of course we didn't tell her that we hadn't started to seriously fight yet at that point. We were still in the warm up part of the fight when that  had happened. Honestly that might have actually scared her if she knew that. 

We finally went home to rest planning to have our match before lunch tomorrow. I looked over to see Natsu practically bouncing with excitement after I made sure all the kids were asleep. 

"Do you need me to put you to sleep?" I asked him giggling teasingly. Instead of answering though he jumped up creating a barrier before picking me up bridal style and jumping into it. 

Natsu's POV

It was time for us to get ready for the day. We had spent so much time in a barrier last night that I should have been able to forget about our match entirely but nope. So much for that idea. We got the kids together and ready for the day and if it was possible they seemed to be more excited than I was. They finally get to see which one of us is stronger, Mom or Dad. Of course I already know that it is Luce because let's be honest she could easily kick my ass if we only used her magic. Forget about the fact that she has learned mine and Wendy's too. Well for all I know she could have learned more. She is always studying something.

We take the kids to the guild hall and before I can even kick the door open Melody and Tidus run inside screaming that it was finally time!

"Mommy is going to kick Daddy's butt!" Melody tried to taunt her brother. 

Instead of defending me he just nodded all sage like and added, "The real question is how much stronger is Mommy?" 

"Hey! Luce!" I looked at her as if she was the one who put them up to it.

"I mean I can't argue with them, can you?" She giggled bouncing Nashie in her arms. I just huffed and Luke decided it was play time and he squished my cheeks together making me blow a raspberry much to all four of our kids delight. 

"What? Natsu actually admits someone is stronger than him?" I hear Gray whisper to someone. 

"Just how strong are they now?" I hear Erza whisper back. 

"Hey I know why don't we let the S class mages join us?" Luce practically yells out like the idea just caught her attention. 

I can't help laughing, I'm laughing so hard I let Wendy take Luke from me so I didn't have to worry about either him getting hurt or Luce hurting me. I feel as if my sides are splitting open. Luce just pouts until I can get back up again wiping the tears out of my eyes when I can finally stand again. "Ha! Good one Luce, tell you what we can let one of them fight the loser after lunch." I start laughing again at the thought of one of them being able to stand against me let alone Luce. "I wouldn't mind fighting Erza or Gildarts. It would be a great way to wind down after fighting you." 

"You're just saying that because you want to fight more," she pouted.

"Awe don't be like that," I try to cheer her up.

"Geeze you didn't need to be that mean about it. It was only an idea," Luce pouts some more. Thankfully Melody and Tidus just shrugged the whole thing off and started running around the guild playing while I had my laughing fit. They didn't notice the black aura of straight up evil coming off of Erza from the whole thing. 

Lucy's POV

Well Erza is mad now. I could see her slowly walking up behind Natsu who was still wiping tears out of his eyes from laughing so hard. Honestly it was downright comical, but they ARE still our friends. So we should try to include them in the fun. Right? I huff a little still pouting, we could have gone easy on them so we wouldn't hurt their pride. That isn't too much to ask for right?

Nashi decided now was a great time to coo and try and get our attention, "Ma... Da..." Her big toothy grin was just adorable as she blew a raspberry unable to finish either words. 

"That's right Nashi, I'm Mama!" I grin giving her kisses and making her giggle before Natsu comes in cooing at her too. 

"Dada!" Natsu grinned giving her more kisses and he takes Luke back from Wendy and we try to get him to talk too but he just gurgles as he giggles at the attention and affection we showered on them. 

I see Erza now standing behind Natsu but her earlier anger seemed to vanish as she watched us with our babies. 

"Nashi, Luke," came Melody's excited screams from across the guild hall. I guess they heard her because both her and Tidus came running over asking us to put them down. 

I can't help laughing a little before putting Nashi on the floor next to Melody and watching as her older sister got down on her hands and knees to help encourage the baby. It's not long before Natsu gives Luke a small kiss and does the same with him with Tidus and now I can't help smiling as we watched all four of our babies crawling. The two six month olds wobbling as they gurgled and giggled over finally succeeding and the nearly five and six year olds celebrating with them. 

I lean against Natsu's shoulder as I watch them giggling and laughing as I snuggled into his arms while he wrapped his arms around me enjoying the show too. I don't know how long we just stood there watching when Natsu suddenly kissed my forehead and whispered in my ear. "I already want more," he chuckled before adding. "I'm fucking crazy arn't I?"

I can't help laughing and nodding in response leaning in to kiss his cheek before adding, "That's okay I'm just as crazy." He tightened his grip around me and I could smell the change in his scent. Great, now we are both horny and wanting more babies. I nip at his ear before whispering that he had to wait until we got home. Making him pout. 

"What are you two whispering?" Erza asked, making me jolt a little. I forgot she was so close from when Natsu pissed her off. 

"Don't ask them that!" Gajeel grumbled a bright shade of red and I looked around to see Laxus was just as red. I look at Wendy just to see her sighing as if she has heard it all a million times before, but I guess that in a way she has. How many times has she snuck up on Natsu and I when we were about to lock ourselves in either our bedroom or jump into a barrier? I lost count a long time ago. 

"Why?" Erza responded by taking in both his and Laxus' reactions before looking at us. 

"Do us a favor and just don't," Laxus grunted, still looking away trying no to let anyone see his red face, failing miserably. They should know by now that Erza doesn't take orders from anyone but Master. 

"What were you whispering about?" She ignored the men, turning her attention back to Natsu and I. 

I gave Natsu a look and he grinned before I walked over to Erza and whispered in her ear, "We were just talking about wanting more babies and when we could go about making them." I see her ear turn a bright shade or red surpassing her hair before I let out a small moan when Natsu pulled me back into his arms snuggling into my neck as he cuddled. I can only imagine how we looked to her after I said that and she was practically glowing red and when I glanced around I saw Gajeel and Laxus a matching shade of red. 

I hear someone coughing behind us to see Master pointedly ignoring the scene altogether. After all the dragon slayers did ask her not to but she did it anyway. "So you two are going to have a sparring match today?" He asked as if we had only just mentioned it rather than having spent the last 24 hours setting up for it. 

Natsu started laughing again before he answered, "Nope, we are going to have a real match. After all, who knows when we will be able to relax and do it again?" He grinned at me after saying that. It's currently mid October and the cool breeze outside felt amazing. 

"Let's make some extra rules like primary magic only?" I suggested. 

Natsu snorted, "Like that's actually going to help me out any." I just smile back at him anyway before he finally pouts.

"Fine, I will only use primary magic then," I sigh as if he were arguing. 

"I might not get knocked out in the first two minutes then," He groaned before laughing again and pulling me into another hug to snuggle. Great now that we both know we are ready for more babies it will be like we can't stop the cuddles. Our match will be interesting for sure. 

"If anything now that you have me distracted you might actually win," I try to accuse him. He only snorted again as if that could ever actually happen and we both ended up laughing before I looked down to see that both Nashi and Luke had managed to scoot/crawl about a meter away with Melody and Tidus' help. I can't help the sigh that escapes me as I relax in Natsu's arms as I watch them. 

"I guess we should summon someone to watch over the kids during our match. Everyone else will probably be too distracted to actually  take care of them," I smile apologetically to Wendy who just shrugged her shoulders. Good to know she isn't taking it personally. 

"How  about Aquarius and Loke?" Natsu asked. I can't help the 'Are you fucking serious' look that I give him making him laugh nervously. If he is going to pretend he does understand I'll just be blunt and call him out on it in front of everyone.

"My two strongest Zodiac spirits? Are you serious?" I groan waiting for him to take it back but he doesn't. 

"Well it's not like you don't have other strong Zodiac Spirits and besides that you have the Sin spirits and the King and Queen..." He trailed off seeing the look on my face. "Come on Luce, at least give me a fighting chance?" He groaned laying his head on my shoulder in defeat. 

"How many handicaps do you want?" I asked sarcastically but he popped up excited at the thought. 

"Besides only using your primary magic; Don't summon the King or Queen and none of the Sin spirits unless you count taking care of our babies. Also if you could just cut your magic in half that would be great!" He laughed knowing he was being ridiculous and I finally realized he is joking. 

So now we are both laughing and after about a minute we stop and I finally ask him, "For real what kind of handicaps do you want?"

"If you could just not call the King and Queen I think I might have a fighting chance at not losing in the first few seconds," he answered making us both laugh again. This time WE ended up sitting on the floor watching our babies ignoring the weird looks our guild mates gave us. 

Suddenly I feel a sharp cold chill crawl up my spine and Natsu and I both jump up. "Melody Tidus take the babies to the infirmary!" I barked at them and they carefully picked them up with Wendy's help guiding them to the infirmary and when Wendy shut the door behind them I threw a barrier against the whole wall preventing not only the door from opening but from anyone breaking the wall either. 

A foggy chill started creeping under the front doors of the guild and the door just starts to rot away from the center until a hole roughly the size of a man appears and a tall man just walks in. Thankfully I had the instincts to throw up a barrier to both sides of the front door forcing everyone back and even knocking a few people off of their feet.