Chapter 29

Natsu's POV

Luce and I show Sting and Rogue the stands by the the arena that we made and we all go up and we watched as they got comfortable in the area we had set up just for the kids and the slayers that would be watching them; Wendy, Sting and Rogue as they sat down with our little angels as Luce called for Griffon and had him make another stand on the opposite side and a good distance away with many layers of barriers between it and the arena and a few more between the other stands and the arena, just in case. When she closed his gate is when the blue man arrived and got settled in his seat far away from everyone else. 

"Luce, I'm all fired up! I can't contain it!" I tell her trying to pat out my flames that kept erupting from me. 

"Well we need to use a barrier and regain a little of our magic before the match anyway so calm down while I make the announcement," she responded laughing as she did. 

"ATTENTION FAIRY TAIL AND GUEST! THE FIGHT WILL START IN APPROXIMATELY ONE HOUR! PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE READY WHEN THE TIME COMES, AS A REMINDER NO ONE IS TO GO TO THE OTHER STAND FOR THEIR OWN SAFETY. BE PREPARED THE MATCH CAN START AS EARLY AS ONLY A HALF AN HOUR!" She used Pan's star dress so that she could use the microphone so that everyone could hear her easily. Then she made a barrier with time sped up so we could have a month to ourselves after we woke up to recoup before the match. 

Lucy's POV 

It was only a little over a half hour before we returned but we were well rested and ready to go. We both used Celestial Wings to fly over to the platform that was our arena. 

I used Pan's star dress again; "ARE YOU READY FOR THIS? THE FIGHT WILL START IN EXACTLY ONE MINUTE PLEASE FIND YOUR SEATS!" I announced before releasing the magic and saw our friends quickly reach their seats and I could hear Wendy doing a countdown. 

"10, 9, 8..." I look over at Natsu and we both use our most powerful forms from before. Natsu is using his Fire Dragon King Force and I am using my Celestial Emperor Star Dress on top of my own Fire Dragon Force. This is going to be great! "3, 2, 1!" Wendy screamed the one and I used Eclipse to block out the sun and then Dragon's Arena to coat the battle field. 

"Are you ready?" I asked him looking back at him. 

"I'm all fired up!" He answered and then there was a sonic boom just as we crashed into each other, his dragon's iron fist attack blocked by my celestial star blades. 

We were flung away from each other and I used celestial wings on top of my dragon force wings to have better control of my flight pattern. I was able to gain control first and I dived in using fire dragon's iron fist attack myself only to be deflected at the last second. I couldn't help grinning to myself as I cast celestial arena to change the flames to a field of stars instead as Natsu tried to fling himself at me. 

It was almost too much to ask for as we relentlessly attacked each other using all sorts of attacks; from fire dragon slayer, air dragon slayer, I even used some light and shadow dragon slayer moves on him much to his absolute fury! He used Lust and Envy's duel star dress coming at me with wickedly sinful glee practically glowing in his eyes. His claws missing me by mere centimeters as I used an air dragon slayer roar to knock him slightly off balance and used Aries' star dress to make a cloud like fog of her wool making his movements even more of a struggle before releasing it and using celestial emperor's star dress and changed the battlefield again. 

We were fighting for several minutes, much longer than the 10 minute timer we were given in the rules. We couldn't help it the longer we fought the more turned on we got and the more intense the fight got. It was almost like we couldn't stop, we sure as hell didn't want to stop either. I could just barely bring myself to notice our friends staring in disbelief as they watched us from the safety of their seats. I decided now was a good time to use the duel sins star dress and Natsu does the same as we crash into each other again as the thunderous echoes of sonic booms seemed to rock not only the air but the very ground itself as it struggled to keep up with us. The air whistled as we sliced through it, our movements almost too fast for us to even see ourselves yet we were still not there yet. The climax, the heat of battle was still not clouding our eyes as we launched ourselves at each other, sometimes laughing hysterically as we would end up flinging ourselves back again and again. We are so close I could feel the fire in me growing unbearably hot as we released a fire dragon slayer's roar at each other at the same time using it to change the field yet again. Before the fire was even out of the way we launched ourselves at each other again; Natsu using Cancer's swords and me using fire dragon's iron fist attack. He released the magic at the last second and we met head on with the same attack. We were deadlocked struggling against each other when the fire finally cleared and we were smiling at each other almost giddy with the relief of finally setting ourselves free of our own control. The only thing keeping us grounded to reality at all was the fact that every 30 seconds one of us was changing the battlefield. 

Natsu's POV

I could see it, I could feel it. The lust of battle was starting to cloud Luce's eyes and I could feel it inside me as well as I was just starting to feel the drain of our fight drag on me. How long have we been fighting, half an hour? Or has it already been a couple hours. I risk glancing at the blue guy's seat and he is still there so I guess it's been closer to half an hour than two or three hours. 

I was covered in bruises and shallow cuts and my breathing was becoming ragged as I started to feel exhaustion taking over my body. I can't stop not yet, I can't stop before I let Luce feel it. The fire of the fight burned through her veins. I could see she was close and I would be lying if I said I wasn't riding that fire like my life depended on it. In a way I guess it did because if I falter I could very easily die from a too well placed attack from my mate but she has enough control to stop herself in time. But I don't want her to have too. 

Then she put on the duel sins star dress again making my own lust and envy burn inside me. I matched her and used the same move and as we collided I grabbed her, pulled her into a kiss before smiling and dropping out of the sky. She felt the heat of the battle and lost herself in it even if it was only for a minute it was enough for her and I couldn't hold on any longer. I closed my eyes not feeling myself ever hit the ground before sleep stole over me. 

Lucy's POV

It took a second for me to realize that Natsu had passed out while he was falling before I called for Aries' star dress to cushion his fall using her wool before diving down to try and catch him still. I didn't make it in time but I didn't expect to as I flew to his landing spot to check on his sleeping form, I placed a small kiss on his forehead gently combing his hair from his face. He will probably sleep for several days so I create a barrier and carry him, careful to tuck him into the bed before returning to the battle arena. 

"NATSU IS UNABLE TO CONTINUE, I AM THE WINNER!" I announced using Pan's star dress before releasing all the magic leaving only the barriers as I looked over at the blue man's seat to find no one there No one and what looked like ashes fading into nothingness. I shattered the barrier that had once supported him to prevent anyone from ever touching the seat he once occupied before flying over to my babies breaking the barriers in my way as I went. 

"Mommy!" Melody and Tidus jumped at me making me wince as they hit a bruise rib in their excitement to give me hugs. 

"You are the coolest Mommy ever and Daddy is the coolest to be able to stand for so long!" Tidus cheered jumping up and down as he did. 

"Make sure to tell your daddy that, it will make him super happy," I kissed him on the head as he ran after Melody and they started playing with their fire and started alternating between ice and electricity as well. 

"Cool, when did you learn to do that?" Rose and Jade asked them rushing over to join them. I laugh at their playfulness. 

I look at the three adult dragon slayers who all seemed just as shocked as the rest of Fairy Tail. "Natsu is asleep and I'm going to need to join him soon. We are probably going to be out for a while, maybe longer than a couple of hours. Can you three watch over the kids? I don't know if I have enough magic left to summon any spirits right now." I hiss as Tidus accidentally knocked into me running past, hitting my bruised ribs again. 

"Uh, of course!" Sting seemed to snap out of it first. "We would be happy too! can we stay at your place if it gets late?" He asked, almost forgetting about the time. 

"Yeah, take good care of our babies. It's probably a good thing that Happy and Carla are still gone so Wendy will be with you too. She knows where everything is so make yourselves at home." I smile before slowly flying back to the barrier and gingerly climbing in and falling onto the bed. I could barely bring myself to climb under the covers and curl up in Natsu's arms before passing out. 

Natsu's POV

I have no idea how long we have been asleep, I look up at the barrier doorway and see the kids playing in the guild hall with the dragon slayers chasing them around. I would have thought we would have slept a lot longer considering the sheer amount of magic that we used.

I looked back at Luce and pulled her close when I saw her frowning in her sleep. Somehow I managed to pull away from her to try and find a more comfortable way of holding her. Once I did she was smiling in her sleep again as I kissed her forehead and cuddled her before sleep stole over me again.


The next time I woke up to Luce playing with my hair, I twitched my nose in amusement smiling up at her sweet face. "I love you," I croaked as if my body had long forgotten how to talk. 

The air rang with her sweet laughter which in turn filled my heart as I made love to her. I have no idea how long we have been gone and I have no idea how long I pleasured her. Hell I don't know how many times I filled her again and again trying so desperately to make up for however long we had been asleep. I couldn't fight the pull of lust that her body ignited in me. Not even including the love that pulled my lips to hers again and again. 

Lucy's POV

When I finally woke up after our passion finally knocked us out again, I looked at the barrier doorway to see our kids wearing different clothes and playing at the guild. Maybe they spilled something on themselves from dinner? It was possible after all. I tried to stretch only to feel Natsu's boner pressed against my entrance as he held me in his sleep.

I stretched just enough to feel him wince and pull me closer again making him enter me. I could hear as we both hissed in need as he woke up thrusting into me again. When he came shortly after, I pulled away and straddled him smiling down at him letting him know that we were nowhere close to done. 

Natsu's POV

Fuck, I need her. I need her more than air to breathe. We stopped once or twice to eat, as odd as that was we did still have a little food in the barrier in case we came in hungry but time doesn't age us here so we rarely ever needed to eat while we were here. So how long have we been here? 

"Luce!" I can't help moaning feeling her sweet lips suck on my painfully hard cock. She didn't stop until I came but that didn't stop me from flipping her over and thrusting into her sweet hot folds after she finally let me go. Time was lost to me, I couldn't see anything that wasn't her. My sweet, loving mate as she drove me to insanity and back again. 

Lucy's POV

Finally the fever like single mindedness was gone! I could actually bring myself to get up and look around. We needed to get back home but we also needed a shower. Am I hungry? How? Time doesn't pass us like on Earthland. We shouldn't be able to get hungry while we are here. The first few times we ate I just assumed that it was because of our fight but I know I was full after the last time. How long would we have had to be here to actually grow hungry again? 

Natsu and I make our way to the shower cleaning up before he had me against the wall thrusting in again like we hadn't had sex in weeks if not months at a time even though we literally just did before getting out of bed. I couldn't keep my hands away from him as I tried to pull him closer screaming my release before pushing him onto the floor of the shower and riding him like my life depended on it. 

Natsu's POV

When we finally cleaned up after only Mavis knew how long we were in the shower we got dressed and made our way to the doorway finally ready to jump out and hold our babies again. I need to feel them in my arms again. It was overpowering to say the least as we both jumped through holding hands. 

They were just running at us playing some game or another when they came to a full stop before running at us jumping into our arms. Sweet Melody was in my arms and Tidus was in Lucy's as they gave us hugs and kisses as if we were going to disappear on them again. 

"Take it easy, we are here," I laugh as I enjoyed each of their attention. They decided now was a good time to switch and throw themselves. So that I was knocked back by both Melody jumping off of me and Tidus jumping into my arms. How did they manage that without hitting each other, I have no idea. 

"You're finally home!" They screeched as we were again attacked with hugs and kisses. 

"Hahahahahahaha," I couldn't keep myself from laughing at his ticklish kisses and apparently neither could Luce because we were both laughing and they wouldn't stop until we finally sat down right there on the floor of the guild. 

"Mavis, how long were we gone? You have never acted like this even when we would be gone for a whole day on a mission," I laughed pulling Luce and Melody closer so that we could have a family hug, minus the babies of course. "Where are the babies? Nashi and Tidus need to get their hugs and kisses too!" I proclaim as they attacked us with more hugs and kisses latching on to prevent us from wiggling out of their arms as they found a way to hug onto us both. 

"You've been gone FOREVER!" They cried as they held on tight.

"Seriously, how long were we gone? Overnight?" I asked as I returned their affection snuggling into them as I did. 

"Uh, well about that?" I look up to see Sting standing there holding Nashi and behind him Rogue is holding Luke. I stand up and Luce and I let the older kids hang off of us as we reach for the babies who were reaching out to us. I almost didn't hear what he said next, "You've been gone for two weeks."

Lucy's POV

"WHAT!" Natsu and I practically screamed, snatching our babies out of their arms as they cried into our arms, snuggling into us. The babies had never been more than an hour or two without us before and normally it was while they were asleep. We cooed and shushed them as their little hands held on tightly to us. All four of our babies clinging onto us for dear life as we tried to snuggle them tears leaving burning trails down our faces as we tried to soothe them. 

"My sweet babies!" I cried as Natsu summoned a spirit demanding to know exactly how long we were in the barrier. 

"Your majesty, you have spent the last 10,000 years in the barrier." I can barely see him bow through my tears. Natsu and I caught on fire not even caring what would get singed in the process, his gate was closed as he hurried out of the way as we snuggled our babies in our arms. 

"I'm so sorry!" I cried pulling my babies into my arms. I am probably overreacting, Natsu and I both for that matter. It was only two weeks. It's not like we spent months or even years away from them but still. 

It wasn't long before Nashi and Luke let us know that they were hungry which made us laugh as we finally got up to find a cozy booth to get comfortable in while I nursed my babies for the first time in what felt like forever. I couldn't help the tears that streamed down my face as they latched on hungrily while Natsu held Melody and Tidus as he whispered his reassurances that we would never do that again as he wiped their tears away and they clung to him sniffling as they calmed down. 

"I feel like we need to hide for some reason?" I hear Rogue whisper to Sting. 

Natsu and I snapped our heads towards them and they seemed to shrink as we just glared at them. They stayed exactly where they were and when Nashi and Luke were done and burped before they clung to their father with Melody and Tidus I stood up facing our 'friends'. 

"Why the hell didn't anyone try to wake us up?" I snarled and I could hear my babies whimper as they tried to hold back their tears sniffling as they did. 

"We tried, the only ones who could get in though were Gray and Juvia and well..." Sting trailed off. 

"Well what?" I snapped looking around for the two in question, but not finding either of them. "Where are they?" 

"Well apparently you two really like your sleep, when they finally dragged themselves back the only thing they would say was that it was like you two were possessed. They ended up requiring a lot of medical treatment. They are still in the infirmary." 

I felt the blood drain from my face as they talked. The only time that could have been was while we were... "How long ago was that?" I asked, almost whispering. 

"Well it was on the second or third day," Rogue answered quietly. 

I summoned Yuri and Lee, "Explain!" I demanded making both of them flinch back as I glared at them. 

"Well you know just as well as we do that you have to spend half your time there sleeping, uh," Yuri glanced at our babies before clearing her throat and continuing, "doing other things after you wake up again. So we decided to try and find a way to cut the time you would be away from your sweet babies in half by, uh, helping." 

Lee looked nervously around himself as he saw our crying babies clinging to Natsu, "We couldn't stand the thought of them crying from you being gone for too long. We had to or you would still be asleep even now!" His vibrant red eyes were wide as he and Yuri stepped back. 

"What exactly did you 'have to do' explain," my voice was low as I felt myself shaking as rage filled me. Expecting the worse. 

"Nothing bad! The rest of the sin keys as well as the King and Queen just used our magic to try and funnel it into you so that you would wake up sooner. None of us knew what it would do to you two!" Yuri answered this time. 

"What did it do to us?" I growled still trying to control my emotions when I felt Melody and Tidus tackle my legs trying to climb up me making me take a breath and finally calm down a little as my babies hugged me and I gave them kisses. Much calmer now I look up at my spirits and ask again, "What did it do to us?" I remind myself that it was an accident and pick up my babies as they gave me sweet kisses before cuddling into my arms. 

"I'm sure you remember the price for using the sin keys before the Queen and King could give you their keys? Well It was kind of like that only you had to deal with all of them at once. You two felt the price of all seven deadly sins at once. Something we never thought was possible and you survived! But..." Lee stopped, unable to finish. 

"But you two were practically demons, far worse than any we have ever met. You were terrifying as you attacked each other, you weren't even using any magic, it was strictly brute strength and..." Yuri stopped looking at the kids again before going on, "And then your friends showed up. We all did what we could to get them out of the way but they kept trying to go to you."

"We think they thought you were actually going to hurt each other and they just wouldn't listen to anything we tried to tell them. Not even the queen as she healed them, flying them back to the doorway. We ended up trying to just throw them out the doorway but it was too late." Lee flinched back again at what I'm sure was horror on my face. 

Yuri gulped before adding, "We still don't know how they got the first cut. It was too late once you two smelled their blood." I could feel myself starting to hyperventilate as I turned away and started running towards the infirmary still holding Melody and Tidus in my arms. Melody opened the door once we reached it and we rushed in. 

I find them still laying in the cots wrapped in bandages as they seemed to breathe peacefully as they slept. I hear Natsu sigh behind me and I look to see him still holding Nashi and Luke as we stand there relieved that our friends were still in one piece. I see my spirits outside the door and take a step towards them. They flinched but otherwise stayed where they were. I set Melody and Tidus down by their father before wrapping my arms around both of my spirits and I cried. 

"I'm so sorry," I sobbed as the reason for all of their flinching finally made sense in my mind. We attacked them and from the way they were reacting we had hurt them pretty bad. I hear Natsu apologise as well as he held our babies. It only took a split second for them to hug me back, I could feel the relief washing over them as we stood there. The rest of the guild forgotten as they remained silent throughout the whole ordeal.

When I finally pulled away again I looked at them sadly and asked, "How many of you were hurt?"

"Everyone is fine now once we go back to the celestial realm we tend to heal quickly especially if we are not summoned for a span of time," Yuri tried to reassure me but I just shook my head and waited for the answer. 

"All of the Zodiac and the Sins. The Queen forbade the silver key spirits from coming at all. So they did not see most of it." Lee answered when Yuri just stared at me. I gasped and sobbed some more and fell to my knees when he added, "It was like we were at war." 

It's not long before I feel my baby's arms around me as Natsu and the kids sit on the floor next to me holding onto me tight. Yuri, Lee can the Queen and King come here now? I can summon them if they are willing." He asked softly. I couldn't look up as my tears kept streaming down my face, my sobs racking through my body as I wept over what I did to my friends. The fact that I actually hurt them. 

"Of course they are ready to answer whenever you are ready to see them." Yuri answered. 

"Good stay there," Natsu asked them, his voice gentle as he summoned all of my spirits from the smallest silver key all the way to the King and Queen.

The silver keys kneeled or bowed depending on how their body's allowed them to move. The Zodiac and Sin keys flinched before smiling lovingly at us before kneeling as well. The King and Queen stood seemingly confused until they saw Luce crying. They came forward and wrapped our family in their arms and wings hugging us as they tried to reassure Luce that it was all alright. I was able to release most of the magic immediately and Luce took over with the few exceptions of the ones I actually had contracts for. 

"What is up with all the noise? Can't you see we are trying to sleep here?" Came Gray's angry groggy voice. When I looked up to see him still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes Juvia behind him doing the same. Her eyes widened and she held a small blanket in front of Gray before I saw his pants seemingly fall down on their own. Well that is new at least my babies didn't see it.

"You're back?" Gray asked dumbfounded. 

"Yeah, you stripper. Put your clothes back on and give Luce a hug before she loses it!" Natsu growled at him. 

He just stared at him for a moment before looking down, "Just how?"