I lead Team 7 through the trees. I zoned out until I heard Sasuke start asking me stupid questions.

"Are there really enemies left?" Sasuke asked.

"Yes, no doubt about it." I answered truthfully; Sasuke seemed genuinely surprised by that. "Just think about it. Do you know the smartest fighting tactic in a large area like this jungle?" I questioned. I got no answer. 'Geez do I have to spell it out for them.'

"The goal to this test is the tower right? So when there is only 1 day left. The easiest place to get the scroll is…Near the tower." I finished. 'If they don't get it after my explanation then there a lost cause'

"OH! I see an Ambush" Sakura yelled. 'Finally, but did you have to shriek it' "so basically we, GO after a team that has assembled both the Heaven and Earth scrolls and is heading for the Tower!" Sakura finished while yelling again. 'I wouldn't be surprised if half the forest heard that.'

"You're one third correct." I told them, I noticed there questioning stares. "I mean that you guys aren't the only ones thinking that. There should be others in your situation already waiting as the tower with traps set." I told them. Then Naruto stared yelling so I ignored him.

"Kabuto-san what's the remaining one-third?" Sakura asked

"People I call "Collectors" that appear in this time in the test. Even though the tower is right in front of their eyes, the difficulty of the Forest of Death increases. That special situation gives birth to them, basically those who collect extra scrolls in case they run into a strong enemy and need a gift to ensure their escape. Or those that try to receive a favor and information by delivering an extra scroll to a team from their own village. "I explained. "You should realize without me telling, these ones are strong and confident in their abilities, the worst possible enemies." I finished.

"I see, I finally understand why you appeared in front of us." Sasuke said smugly. I looked at him. "You're scared too" Sasuke declared with a smirk. 'hmph, Not in your life'

"Exactly" I said with a forced smile.

-Few minutes later-

I noticed the tower in the distance. "Now we can finally see the tower. We must be careful from here on out." I suggested to Team 7.

"ALRIGHT! LETS GO!" Naruto screamed, but everyone's danger sense went off. Naruto quickly threw a Kunai to his left, effectively hitting and killing a giant centipede. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Naruto-kun, I'd like to avoid unnecessary actions and noises from here on. Moving through the forest like an elephant, will only tip off out enemies and they do not have a fun welcome party planned for us. From this point on, let's move as slowly and safely as time allows." I told them and they agreed.

-Few hours-

'We have been walking in a genjutsu for a while now and Team 7 has yet to realize it. Man these kids are idiots.' Were my thoughts as we continued to trek through the forest.

"How long have we been walking? We aren't getting closer to the Tower at all." Sakura asked.

"It seems right in front of us. This is weird." Naruto said.

"Seems like we've already arrived at our welcoming party, See look right there." I commented. As I pointed towards a tree were the Centipede was killed. Team 7 started to freak out.

"Genjutsu?" Sasuke questioned.

"Looks like it, we have totally fallen into a trap. Seems like they took advantage of our worries and made us walk around in circles." I informed them.

"They are watching us" Sasuke said.

"They probably plan to tire us out and use that opportunity to get us." I theorized.

"Then it's going as they planned" Sasuke stated.

"So they should be ready to attack" I stated as well, and Sasuke agreed. Then hundreds of illusionary clones melded from the shadows. "A lot of them, and are these clones?" I asked to keep up my façade.

I watched as Naruto slam into one of the clones. Only for it to regenerate itself, that surprised Team 7 but me not so much. Sasuke activated his two tomed Sharingan and helped Naruto fight the clones. I watched as Sasuke freeze in pain 'most likely because of the cursed seal' as a Rain-nin threw a kunai him, so I had to tackle him down to prevent him from getting killed.

I picked up the kunai knife and inspected it, 'there's no doubt about it it's real, it isn't an illusion. So the rain-nin are hiding in there illusion and blending there attacks together ingenious. '

"Give us your scroll" the rain nin demanded. Team 7 started arguing on whether the clones were illusions or real.

"They are illusions" Sasuke said with his sharigan active. "This is enemy genjutsu."

"But, Kabuto-sans injury is real" Sakura stated, 'oh now you care about my injury, you were inspecting Sasuke minutes ago, but not my injures you bitch.' I ranted in my mind.

"No…Sasuke-kun is correct. The enemy is most likely hiding somewhere and matching their attacks with the movements of the fake shinobis. So that it will seem like the illusions are attacking." I informed team 7, Then Naruto started yelling again declaring he was going to kick their asses.

"But this confuses us to where the kunais are coming from and prevents us from accurately locating the enemy. Which was exactly what they planned to do, their type prefer these kinds of attacks and are weak at taijutsu and close range fighting. The real enemy won't reveal themselves until we can no longer move. All we can do is dodge their attacks at least for now." I told them. Then they jumped into action.

"There's no end to this!" Sakura yelled.

"Then I'll do this" I watched as Naruto form a cross hand sign.

"Stop Naruto-kun! Don't waste your chakra! Attacking them is pointless" I yelled to Naruto, only for him to ignore me.

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu(Shadow Clone Technique)" Naruto yelled as a few hundred clones of himself appeared, then he started to tear abart the Rain's illusionary clones but eventually Naruto lost.

The Rain shinobi came out of the forest and started to taunt us, or in the real case Naruto's henged clones to look like us.

"Naruto you've used to much chakra, I'll take over from here." Sasuke said. Only to be ignored, when Naruto rushed at the Rain shinobi head butted them in the gut. 'Man that was weird.'

"I'm damn sick of letting you always stealing the juicy parts." Naruto declared. 'I'm I the only one who could hear the innuendo.' But what I noticed was that Naruto was still standing and I was slightly impressed. 'even with the Kyuubi's chakra cut off he can still stand. Wow what chakra stamina. A major technique combining many Shadow clones and transforming into 3 people all that and he still can move, and this is the 5th day. It this kid masters his chakra use he'll become a monster. Maybe Hmm" I zoned out in thought.

I watched as the Rain shinobi form illusionary clones again. Sasuke and Naruto argued again. Then Naruto charged head on again and tried to dispel the clones.

"Naruto-kun Stop" I yelled to him. Sakura yelled to Sasuke to stop using his sharingan which distracted Naruto, I had to tackle him out the way from the Rain shinobi's attack and got hurt again. 'God damn it I do not get paid enough for this.' I internally ranted.

As I was getting up the Rain shinobi came out from under ground and hit me knocking my glasses of in the processes. 'No I'm officially pissed' I glared hatefully at the Rain shinobi releasing a high amount of Killing intent freezing everyone. With the Rain shinobi frozen Naruto used the distraction to attack them.

"Phew…Thanks Naruto-kun you saved me." I forced out. 'Watch your backs Rain Shinobi, because when I find you you'll wish you never existed' I internally threatened for nearly breaking the glasses my mother gave to me. I forced myself to calm down.

I looked to see Sasuke's curse mark spreading across his shoulder, faking ignorance I asked "What is that thing? An injury? It's a horrible Mark." I questioned Sasuke.

"It's nothing" Sasuke forced out while gripping his shoulder. I looked too Naruto to see him cheering to Sakura that he found the scroll.

-About A half an hour later-

When Team 7 and myself arrived at the tower I heard a rustle in the bushes. I turned to the sound only for it to be my team.

"Oh. You guys…" I said dismissively.

"You're Late Kabuto" Misumi chided.

"We ran into some trouble sorry" I replied casually.

"But! But! Thanks to you we got the scrolls!" Naruto yelled.

"No, it was all because of you guys, you were great at the end Naruto-kun" I said while turning around, blocking Team 7's view of me as I pulled out a Vile of crimson liquid form my Ninja pouch and inspected it for a split second . 'Yes Naruto you were great at the end. You may have limitless potential but no drive to achieve it, while I on the other hand won't pass up on such an opportunity.' I thought as a dark smirk formed onto my face, and I sealed Naruto's blood into my left wrist.

I turned back to Team 7 and saw them staring in my team's direction before I joined back. "We are going to go through this door. Good luck to both of us!" I announced to them.

As I walked through the door I heard Orochimaru ask me. "How was the Harvest?"

"Yes, it was above expectations, I've written down all of his data from the second test. You want this right." I said as I held up Sasuke's Ninja info card that I updated throughout the exams while I was tailing him.

"So how was it?" Orochimaru demanded.

"Hehe, so you're that interested, Orochimaru-Sama. " I stated as I handed Orochimaru the card.

"I want to know your opinion, as our spy." Orochimaru asked me. 'Hmph, you don't want my opinion.'

"That's unnecessary, since everything will be decided by you." I told Orochimaru.

"Heh, I like that intelligence of yours, good work" was the last thing Orochimaru said before he disappeared in a body flicker. I walked out of the area and looked for Anko, Gaia or Karin to talk to.

-Few hours later-

I looked around the area and found the genin that passed. Which consisted of Team 7, Team 10, Team Guy and Team 8 from the hidden leaf, the genin from the sound, and the Sand siblings. I noticed that Karin wasn't here that must mean her team was disqualified. 'Well that sucks.'

"Hokage-Sama will now explain the Third test, listen carefully" I heard Anko's voice from her microphone. "Now Hokage-sama please." Anko told the Hokage.

"For the coming third test…But before I explain that, there is something I'd like you to know. It concerns the true reason for the Exam." The Hokage said seriously. "To promote friendship among the countries".."To raise the level of Shinobi" I don't want you to be confused about the true meaning, This Exam is a Replacement for war among the allied countries." I listened as the Hokage explained the true reason even if I already knew it. I heard some of the genin complain in the background.

"If you go back in time, the current allies were enemies who fought over who would rule. In order to prevent wasteful fighting, this stage is where these countries chose for battle. That is the origins of the chuunin selection Exam." The Hokage finished. I heard Naruto yell about what that had to do with anything and the Hokage answered.

"It is a fact that this Exam decides which shinobis have what it takes to become a chuunin. But on the other hand, this Exam has another side. Where Each Country's shinobis risks their own life to protect their land's prestige, watching this third exam will be leaders and influential individuals. From many countries that make up the clients of the shinobi and the leaders of the countries will also be there to watch each of your battles." The Hokage explained. "If the strength of a country is clear, that country will receive more clients and conversely, is seen as weak, they will lose clients." The Hokage finished. 'How the hell did he say all of that in one breath?'

I watched as The Hokage took his pipe out of his mouth and take a breath. "And this will signal to potential enemy countries that "Our Village has this much power." So it will send a political message to the outsiders." The Hokage said.

"Yeah but why! Why do we have to risk our lives in battle?! I heard Kiba yell.

"The strength of the country is the strength of the village, the strength of the village is the strength of the shinobi, and a shinobi's true strength is born only through life-risking battle. "The Hokage replied. 'How long is this going to take?'

"This exam is a place to see each county's strength, and to show off your own strength. It only has meaning because lives are at risk. And that's why those that have come before you have fought in the chuunin exam for this dream that is meaningful." The Hokage continued. 'Honestly I starting to get a little pissed at how long this speech is.'

"But then why, do you say stuff about it being for "friendship"? Tenten asked.

"I said it in the beginning, I don't want you to confuse the purpose of this. By losing life and establishin balance. Before we begin the third test I will tell you one more thing," 'OH COME ON!' "This is not just a test. This is a life-risking battle, with your dreams and your country's prestige on the line" The Hokage finished. 'Oh thank god it's over'

"I don't care what it is, Just hurry up and tell us what this life risking battle entails" Gaia demanded.

"Yes, I'd like to now explain the third test." The Hokage said 'No, please no he talks so fucking slowly' I internally begged.

"I apologize Hokage-sama. From here on as the referee, will you please allow me?" A sickly looking jonin asked.

"By all means" the Hokage said.

"Before the third test there's something I'd like to do. It's a preliminary for the third test to decide who gets to participate in the main event." The jonin stated. This got many protests and questions.

"Because the first and second test may have been too easy this year, we have a bit too many people remaining. According to the Chuunin Exam rules we must have a preliminary and reduce the number of participants for the third test. As the Hokage-sama indicated earlier, there will be many guests at the third test. So the fights could take too long, we are limited in time, So anyway those who are not feeling well, those who feel like quitting after these explanations please come forward now, Since we will be starting the Preliminary immediately." The jonin instructed. 'Finally I don't want to hear anymore speeches god damn.'

"umm..I going to quit" I announced as I raised my hand.

"You're Yakushi Kabuto-kun from the Leaf right?" the jonin questioned I nodded in response. "You may leave now. Does anyone else want to retire? I forgot to tell you that from now on it will be individual battling. You may raise your hand based on your own judgment." the sickly jonin explained.

I noticed Gaia glancing at me and I shot her a reassuring smile. "Kabuto-san! Why are you quitting? Why" Naruto yelled out a question.

"I'm sorry Naruto-kun. But my body is all beat up. Actually I haven't been able to hear out of my left ear from the time when I got attacked by the sound nins before the first test." I told Naruto. As I turned and walked away.'

'Naruto…Sasuke… I would have like to play with you a little longer but any more and the old blood will start boiling' I thought as I pushed up my glasses causing a glare. 'I am a spy after all; I can't reveal my true face here.' I glanced at the Orochimaru disguised as a sound Jonin. 'Perfect, if you will be watching them my job of gathering information is done.

"Don't take selfish actions. Have you forgotten Orochimau-sama's orders?" Misumi demanded in a whisper.

"I'll let you guys handle it, especially you Yoroi-san with your ability there should be no problems" I told him with a condescending smirk. "I know you are frustrated that I have surpassed you, this is your chance to show your true strength." I finished and turned to continue walking. 'I'll save the fun for some other time Sasuke and you to Naruto.' Were my thoughts as I left the area.

-few minutes later-

When my Found my way out of the tower. I checked my surroundings, and when I noticed no one following me I created a crystal clone. I order it to watch the area and when Sasuke leaves tail him and then to dispel.

I went through the Boar hand sign "Jinton: Hirenkyaku(Swift Release: Flying Screen Step)" And flashed out of the forest. 'The difference between Shadowless flight and Flying Screen Step is the combat effectiveness; 'Flying Screen Step' enhances my speed to the point it were people can only see a flash but in its place enhance my strength and awareness is lowered drastically, While 'Shadowless flight' enhances both my awareness and my strength by dividing my max speed but that makes me far more combat effective.'

I quickly phased into existence outside of the Forest. I turned towards the village's location and flashed towards it. I appeared on top of a building and sensed around for any followers just in case. Sensing none I jumped to the ground and deactivated my Flying Screen Step.

I walked casually towards the Hokage tower, with all my wounds healed I didn't stand out. With the Hokage and most of the jonin at the Chuunin exams I can move freely and sabotage the ANBU headquarters. 'with most of the ANBU out watching either the borders or the Hokage I can sabotage there headquarters and steal there unprotected jutsu, maybe I can steal and replace the Scroll Of Sealing as well' I schemed.

With those ideas I headed towards the ANBU Headquarters only to sense 12 signatures inside the building. 'Hmm there should be at least maybe 15 to 20 ANBU guarding this place.' With that thought I Went through the boar hand sign and "Jinton: Mueishō(Swift Release: Shadowless Flight)" I whispered as I faded from the area.

I appeared inside a room of the building that housed several ANBU Operatives before they knew I was even there I was gone. 'I was moving impossible fast for them to even sense my presence, and the only anyone could see me would be for them to have a fully matured sharingan, and there are only three people who have or can achieve it.' I quickly Appeared and disappeared around the Building, Placing the enhanced Explosive seals in the areas that would be most effective like Support Beams, Weapons cache, Living areas, structural weak spots, and under there basement. With everything set I quickly left the ANBU headquarters.

Appearing on top of the building across from the ANBU Headquarters I took one last glance at it before I sped off towards the Hokage tower.

-Few minutes later-

I stepped through the entrance of the Hokage tower and sensed a few Chuunin level nin around the area. 'I can't kill yet, because if anyone is noticed missing they might tighten the security of the Village.' I passed a few Chuunin they didn't gave me a second glance. 'There probably assuming I'm on their side, their probably thinking an enemy would never just walk in the front door so naïve,'

Passing a few more Chuunin I quickened my pace toward the Hokage's office. I noticed that there were no guards around the door. I bit my thumb and went through the Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram hand signs and put my hand on the floor. "Kuchiyose no Jutsu(Summoning Technique)" I whispered as I summoned several small Black and green tinted snakes.

§Go under the door, Ssscope out the area and make ssssure there are no trapsss § I hissed out an order. The snakes nodded and slithered under the door.

After about a few minutes of waiting the snakes came back. §The room was empty, though there were sssome ssecurity and alerting ssssealss but we took care of them§ the largest of the small snakes informed me. I nodded and thanked them for their help before I dismissed them.

I started to lock pick the door, when I picked the lock I slowly opened the door and entered the Hokage's Office. I checked the hallway one more time before closing the door.

While looking around the office I quickly checked through the desk. I found papers, seals, hidden compartments for Kunai and a porn book. I sighed at not finding a lead in the desk. I hurried my way towards the Bookshelves to my left, when I pulled on a book the Bookshelves moved revealing a secret room full of several scrolls. But in the center of the room was the scroll of Sealing.

'From what Orochimaru told me is that the Scroll of sealing can only be opened by the Hokage or a relative of the Hokage, he was lucky that he was able to copy the Edo Tensei(Impure World Reincarnation) before the new system was installed.' I looked toward my left wrist seal containing Naruto's blood. 'I could use the blood to open it, but I have a very big plan for this. Hmm but when it's done I'm sure 'it' could open it.' I Thought.

Horse → Ram "Suishō Bunshin no Jutsu(Jade Crystal Clone Technique)" I whispered as two Clones formed form a Crystal mirror.

"Look through all the scrolls, if there is anything interesting copy it then put it back as if we were never here." I ordered the two clones; they nodded and went to work. While I sealed the Scroll of sealing in my right wrist seal, I Opened an empty scroll and wrote a several seals inside of it A Chakra storage seal to seal some of my chakra, a holographic Genjutsu to project the image of the real Scroll of Sealing, and a Senjutsu collecting seal. 'Using my chakra sealed into the scroll to activate the Genjustu seal, the Senjutsu collecting seal collects the residual Nature Chakra to enhance the Genjutsu. So simple yet so complex, I'm such a genius.' The whole process of creating the seals took about half an hour.

I checked on my Clones only to see that they haven't written down any jutsus.

"How come there aren't any Jutsu's written copied" I asked my clone

"There all Fire based Jutsu's and that is our worst element" My clone answered.

'Hmm, it is called fire country for a reason most Shinoni born within Fire country usually have a Fire affinity.' I thought to myself.

"Fine then, were leaving dispel." I ordered. 'I already have what I need.'

I did a quick Tiger hand sign "Meisaigakure no Jutsu(Hiding with Camouflage Technique)" I whispered as I became transparent, when I was fully invisible I Jumped out of the Hokage's window. I landed on a nearby Building causing a small crater to form under my feet. I jumped into a nearby ally and dropped the camouflage.

-An hour later-

I felt the clone that was supposed to tail Sasuke dispel. I felt the influx of memories rush my mind, 'Hmm so Kakashi used the Fūja Hōin(Evil Sealing Method) on Sasuke rendering him unconscious and sent him to the hospital.' I thought as I sorted through the memories. 'and he is being guarded by a few ANBU no problem.' I thought as I headed towards the hospital.

-A half an hour later-

I walked towards Sasuke's comatose body with Several ANBU dead around me. 'It was surprisingly easy to kill them.' Were my thoughts as I approached an unconscious Sasuke.

I looked at Sasuke and I sighed. "There's such a thing as being to out-standing. We stood out too much. We were both unfortunate to catch the eye of Otochimaru-sama." I said as I thought back to when he found me.

'To think that even at this young age, he has a demon living in his heart and for it to be used against him. Eventually with that Juinjutsu this child will also...Will kill you sasuke, maybe you really' my thoughts were interrupted by Kakashi arrival, who I quickly threw a scalpel at.

"You, You're no Ordinary genin are you?" Kakashi demanded. "Noticing my presence and immediately attacking with your weapon, you're quite the guy."

"No, not really" was my reply.

"What did you want with Sasuke? Depending on what you intend. I'll have to capture you and have you interrogated" Kakashi threatened.

"Can that be done? By the likes of you?" I taunted.

"You want to try me?" Kakashi challenged dangerously. I didn't reply.

"Who the hell are you?" Kakashi demanded. "You weren't the son of a Leaf ninja doctor. Wasn't your name Kabuto a bottom-feeding no-good ninja?" I ignored his attempt at questioning me.

"Next time, you better prepare at least ten." I said sadistically. Referring to the now dead, ANBU that were supposed to guard Sasuke.

"Just shut up and answer the questions" Kakashi demanded again. 'How in the hell am I supposed to answer questions if you told me to shut up idiot.'

"What if I say "No"?" was my reply.

"I'm the one doing the questioning so just answer the question." Kakashi chided. "Are you connected to Orochimaru" Kakashi asked 'is he stupid?'

I smirked. "If you capture me here, you might not be able to prove my connections with Orochimaru. I won't talk no matter what sort of torture or illusions you try on me, and I don't really like to fight. If you let me swim away, it's something you'll eventually find out. So won't you let me go this time?" I asked still smirking.

"You're a very spoiled brat aren't you?" Kakashi asked me in a disappointed voice. He quickly pulled out a kunai knife at the same time as me. "Hey don't mess with an adult."

"I guess you're not going to just let me go then." I said as I adjusted my kunai, bringing it near Sasuke's neck.

"You know the Laws of the Village, don't you? What happens to spies?" Kakashi taunted.

"Please stop acting so superior, I'm at the advantage right now" I said as I held the Kunai closer to Sasuke's throat. But before I could reach Sasuke, Kakashi Tackled me down and stabbed me. Disconnecting the Shikon no Jutsu(Dead Soul Technique) I had with one of the Dead ANBU. I quit playing dead as one of the ANBU, I noticed two Kakashis. "Kage Bunshin" I whispered. Before i jumped out the window, I took off the ANBU mask revealing my face to Kakashi before I disappeared into the trees bellow. As soon as I touched the ground I did a Boar handsign "Jinton: Hirenkyaku(Swift Release: Flying Screen Step)" I muttered and I phased out of existence .

-A few hours later-

After hours of evasion, I felt Gaia's chakra signature alone so I went to see her. When I found her she was sitting in the middle of a park by herself. Sensing no other chakra signatures I strolled towards Gaia and sat next to her.

"So did you pass?" I asked her. She glared at me slightly at the audacity of my suggesting that she might have lost, I held up my hands in surrender.

"Now that you passed the second test, I'll help you train." I told Gaia. She nodded slowly.

"In a few days after you get your strength back I start you're training Okay?" I asked her. She nodded and rested her head against my shoulder, I gave her a pill and she took it without hesitance. After she swallowed the pull she rested her head on my shoulder again and fell asleep. 'While Gaia can't sleep in fear of Shukaku devouring her soul while she's dreaming, I created a drug that gives her a Dreamless sleep, but allows her to get her full a R.E.M cycle sleep, improving her health in several places.'While she was asleep I went over a few of my notes and ideas to pass the time. After two hours in her R.E.M sleep she woke up. 'While I created the drug it still only last a few hours, I still have to fix that.' I thought as I put my notes away.

"How was your rest?" I asked her.

"It was good." she answered smiling slightly. "Thanks for making it so I could sleep." She said with genuine happiness.

"No problem, I will always help my friends" I answered truthfully 'Though my only true friends are Gaia, Guren and Anko. My friendship and trust is still taken very highly. probably as high as my respect for Orochimaru.'

"How were the preliminaries, where they to your tastes?" I asked Gaia.

"No, they were unbelievably slow and I didn't get enough blood to satisfy Mother." Gaia said though she sounded a bit miffed about that.

"Did you fight anyone worthwhile?" I questioned.

I watched as she looked down slightly 'hmm maybe she's embarrassed; guess I'll drop it for now. 'I felt several Leaf shinobi approaching the area. 'They are either searching for me or checking on Gaia to make sure she isn't killing anybody.' I quickly informed Gaia about the problem, she gave me a quick hug before I disappeared into the tree lines.

-Later That night-

I went to meet up with the Sand-Jonin to inform him of my status and to update him on our plans. 'This should be fun' When I met up with him I noticed him stare off into the distance. 'What is he looking at?' I questioned myself; I looked to where he was staring at. It was Gaia staring at the full moon, 'I remember Gaia saying that the Shukaku gets far more bloodthirsty during the full moon so it's hard for her to control herself.' I then noticed the Sound genin that attacked me in during the first test walking up to her, I couldn't hear what they were saying but it apparently pissed Gaia off.

She went into her partially transformed Shukaku state, and decimated the Sound genin. 'Serves the asshole right'

I watched as Gaia turn back into her normal self, I turned to Baki. "Wow, so that's her true Identity" I said as I hid the fact that I knew of her Jinchūriki status.

"But is that alright, he was a sound nin?" Baki questioned concerning the now dead Sound genin. 'I honestly don't care if he was sound, and besides it made Gaia happy.' I thought.

"Its fine, he was no longer useful." I told him.

"I thought he was supposed to measure the strength of that Sasuke kid." Baki replied.

"No, there's no need for that anymore, actually I was already given the orders to abduct Sasuke, but I failed haha…" I forced a smiled and laughed sheepishly.

"WHAT?" Baki Asked surprised.

"Yeah they discovered I'm a spy for the sound too." I continued happily.

"Then, if they find out that you're meeting with me here, our plans to crush the Leaf, everything will be ruined." Baki said all most hysterically. 'Ha the only way for someone to follow me with my speed would be if I let them, just like the jonin that is spying on us now.'

"I had heard you were Orochimaru's Right-hand man, you're uncovered by the Leaf and then show up to meet me like this, and this isn't what I was expecting." Baki stated in disbelief.

I gave him a dangerous smirk and glared at him from the corner of my eyes. "Well to be accurate, they didn't uncover my identity. I uncovered it myself." I corrected. "I wanted to see how the Leaf would react with that information, taking Sasuke after that won't be a problem." I continued confidently.

"If it appears you are failing then we will withdraw, you came to us with this plan in the first place." Baki set down his ultimatum. "The Sand will stay in the back-ground until the very end, this is Kazekage-Sama's will." Baki finished.

I pulled unsealed a scroll and handed it to Baki. "Here are our plans, Also It's about time they know about this plan, so please inform them." I told Baki, referring to the Sand siblings. 'Even though I informed Gaia already we still want to keep the illusion that we barely know each other for now.'

"Yeah" was Baki's reply.

"I'll excuse myself then." I stated. "Oh one more thing, I'll clean up here. I'll test what kind of guys they have moving around." I said referring to the eavesdropper.

"No I'll do it. As a partner, of the Sand should do something too plus it's only one rat no problem." Baki declared before disappearing in a Body flicker. When he was gone I headed towards Gaia's location to help her deal with Shukaku.

-Few weeks later-

'During the few weeks building up to the invasion I did several things. One thing I did was find Karin; when I discovered that she was still inside the Village walls i looked for her. When I found her she was still in her Kusa-nin Disguise and that her assignment to spy on the Grass Village was almost over. But with her team failing the Chuunin Exams second test she had to follow her team back to The Village Hidden in the Grass. So Before Karin left I gave her a Few training Scrolls I wrote myself, they included Some Chakra Control Exercises, Low level medical techniques, and a mapping of the human anatomy. After I gave them to Karin she hugged me and thanked my profusely before she left. '

'Then I went to start training Gaia. I had a hard time deciding on what to train her in first. But I started by Giving her some Chakra Paper to discover her Nature Affinity, It turned out she has a Wind affinity a very common element in Wind country. I didn't have months to help her master her affinity but I did get her started on the Leaf cutting excises. Gaia was able to cut the leaf in half after a week, completely blowing my month and a half record out of water and she was able to repeat that action several times. After Gaia got a solid grip on her wind element I applied the Gogyō Fūin(Five Elements Seal) On her.

With her Chakra disrupted I had her retrain herself in Chakra control and had her try to control her sand. It was amusing to see her try and run up the tree only to fall, and then glare at the tree in bloody murder. I quickly healed her bruises and cuts which she was thankful for. Gaia's training with her sand was another matter entirely; she was only able to move about a handful of sand before she lost focus. I was trying to improve her sand control by transitioning her control of the sand from a subconscious level to instinctual level. That's what we did every morning.

While during the afternoon I taught her, myself made Taijutsu style though I was adamant on teaching her my specific style sense it revolved around my usage of my Chakura no Mesu(Chakra Scalpel ) and my knowledge of the human anatomy. Gaia stated that she didn't need to master the style she just need it as a fall back plan in case someone could get passed her sand. After some more good points and an adorable pout I relented and taught her some of my Taijutsu Katas.

After I unsealed the Five elements seal I'd say Gaia's Chakra control improved tremendously. She was able to suppress about half of her chakra, and recall her sand far faster than before. Though she wasn't on the level of instinctively controlling her sand, her control improved immensely.

Even though Gaia was on a higher level than the other genin in the Exam she knew that she was supposed to get injured by Sasuke for the Invasion to start. So for the last week of training I tried to improve her pain tolerance, knowing that Gaia's sand protected her most of her life she has rarely experienced pain. So we sparred, I landed heave hits on her though not hard enough to leave her permanently injured, but it still hurt me when I hurt Gaia.

After three weeks' worth of training, I allowed Gaia to have a week free to rest before the Exam started.

During Gaia's break, I met up with Anko she did her usual routine of flirting and innuendos. Though she did inform me that Kakashi informed the Hokage of my spy status. Luckily I kept the ANBU uniform I stole off of the dead ANBU, so I will be able to activate the Nehan Shōja no Jutsu(Temple of Nirvana Technique) genjutsu inside the Chuunin Exam Stadium for the Invasion.

-Day before Final test-

I'm currently preparing the Genjutsu inside the Stadium the day before the Final test. 'So all I have to do is wait for Orochimaru to give me the signal to start the invasion. I'll activate the genjustu, trigger the bombs and monitor Gaia because if I'm right Orochimaru will most likely lose against the Hokage sense Kimimaro is out of commission and will probably abandon the Sand Village leaving them to the Leafs mercy. I already have a plan just in case that happens.'

'Sense Sasuke will be the one fighting Gaia he will be the one to injure her, thus starting the invasion. When Gaia retreats do to her injuries Sasuke's pride won't allow him to leave the fight unfinished and will probably follow her. Seeing Sasuke leave Kakashi will most likely send some genin to follow Sasuke. When they get far enough from the Village I'll knock out the genin and implant false memories of them defeating Gaia in her Shukaku state. Then give the impression that Gaia has turned a new leaf thus allowing her and her siblings to leave. Ingenious really using there nativity against them. 'I schemed with a dark smirk. 'I'll have Gaia position herself as the new Kazekage, with Gaia's status as the Kazekage's daughter and being the strongest of her siblings, and with her having her "life changing" experience she'll get the position for sure. With Gaia as the Kazekage she'll request a treaty with the Leaf. Then the Leaf will protect the Sand.' I finished that thought as I completed planting the Genjustu seals.