154Chapter 12

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is going to be an YAOI/MALE+MALE story.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary/Gary Sue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames.

A/N: I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.



Hand Signing


Struggling to balance on the water's surface, Sasuke watched as Naruto managed to get where his feet were only partially sunken while Sakura was already walking like she was on solid ground.

"Next time, I want to be able to watch the entire spar, not just the ending." Naruto voiced, his grin wavering slightly as he tilted back and forth.

"Hn." Sasuke agreed, working on finishing the exercise to see what new thing his cousin and Kakashi-sensei would teach him.

"Wah! Sasuke-kun, Naruto, look!" Sakura giggled.

The two male genin looked over at their female teammate and watched as she used chakra to skate on top of the water.

"Sakura-chan, that's amazing! Teach me!" Naruto said loudly and lost his balance.

The blonde made a huge splash which drenched Sasuke who was standing next to him. Sasuke crossed his arms, but looked impressed for a split second before his mask of indifference appeared again.


Glancing over the edge of his book, Kakashi stared discretely at the raven haired jonin across from him who was reading a book of his own.

'Tales of the Utterly Gutsy Shinobi…where did he find that?' Kakashi wondered before going back to studying Yami. 'What bothered you so much that you would come close to destroying part of the compound's training area?'

Yami could feel Kakashi staring at him, but ignoring it in favor of not wanting to face reality just yet. He could hear Sakura's giggles and Naruto's loud voice with the occasional 'hn' from Sasuke. The carefree sounds from the genin helped Yami's blood cool down to a low simmer. He needed to talk with the Hokage on matters of his clan's massacre, but he was unsure of who to actually trust and if the Hokage knew all of the details pertaining of that night. Yami looked up to see the whisper of a smile on Sasuke's lips, before being hidden by a smirk.

"Always a dobe." Sasuke voiced, getting the expected rise out of the blonde knucklehead.

"He's opening up to the others, even if he doesn't know it yet." Kakashi spoke lightly about Sasuke.

Yami nodded, his eyes going back to reading. Kakashi's shoulders drooped a little. Moving his gaze away from Yami and back to his book, he spotted the tiny black spider moving across his page in a repeating pattern.

'Noon?' Kakashi thought, glancing back at Yami when the spider vanished.

Yami stayed still, not giving anything away, so Kakashi went back to reading until lunch time.


You three go pick up something to eat. We'll continue training when you get back. Yami told them when noon came around.

"You're not coming?" Sasuke asked his older cousin, eyeing him closely.

I am going to grab a few things for when you get back. It will determine what you three will be learning next. Yami signed and it seemed to win Sasuke over.

"A jutsu?" Naruto asked, already jumping up and down in excitement which earned him a slap to the back of his head by Sakura telling him to calm down.

"Maybe." Kakashi told them and they left in a hurry to eat and get back.

Kakashi followed Yami inside the main house of the Uchiha clan, lifting a brow when the ravenette activated a privacy seal.

"Is this about what was bothering you early this morning?" Kakashi asked above a whisper, afraid of Yami withdrawing from him asking questions.

Taking a seat on one of the tatami mats around a low rectangular table, Yami waited for Kakashi to do the same on the other side, facing him.


Kakashi broke off when his eye met Yami's Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. He did not have the chance to tense up before he was pulled into the world of Tsukuyomi.

"Only a second will pass in reality for every seventy-two hours spent inside my Tsukuyomi." Yami spoke out loud, his Genjutsu world allowing him to speak as if his voice box was never damaged.

"Y-Yami." Kakashi was stunned at the smooth tone of the other's voice.

Yami's glowing red and black eyes met Kakashi's single black orb.

"I trust you with my life, Kakashi, you know this right?" Yami asked.

"As do I with you, Yami." Kakashi said honestly and just a serious.

"Tell me everything you know about the Uchiha Massacre."

It was not a question and Kakashi knew that if he wanted to get out of this world, he had to be upfront with this man.

"Uchiha Itachi massacred the clan, stating that he was only testing his power. He left Sasuke alive, sparing him only with the order of defeating him one day; to grow up with nothing but hatred and obtaining power." Kakashi kept his eye trained on Yami who stood ramrod straight, his eyes narrowed dangerously at what Kakashi said.

"Itachi was tricked by Shimura Danzo with a fake order from the Hokage. When Itachi appeared to report his completed mission, Hokage-sama was shocked and explained that he had given no such order to Itachi. My cousin then begged for Hokage-sama to protect his precious little ototo from becoming Danzo's tool. He fled the village and became a missing nin in an effort to collect information for Konoha."

Kakashi could not believe his ears.

"If what you're saying—"

"It is."

"We have to take this to the Hokage." Kakashi voiced, stepping closer to Yami.

The ravenette raised a brow.

"We?" Yami repeated calmly.

"You're not alone in this, Yami. Itachi was a friend of mine before he left the village. I couldn't believe what he did, but I never questioned it either. I owe it—"

"I did not tell you this for your pity. I simply needed to tell someone I trust with this matter." Yami snapped.

Kakashi grabbed him by his forearms.

"And I am not giving you my pity." Kakashi voiced, his tone hard. "You can trust me to be there for you, Yami. Going to the Hokage with this, is not some easy feat you can do alone. You need proof."

"I have more than enough proof, but I cannot risk revealing it until the last moment." Yami told him.

"When?" Kakashi asked, slowly releasing his grip on Yami's arms.

"After the Chunin Exams." Yami said with finality.

"Very well." Kakashi agreed.