154Chapter 17

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is going to be an YAOI/MALE+MALE story.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary/Gary Sue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames.

A/N: I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.



Hand Signing


"Ah, what do we do?" Naruto asked, his fingers tangling in his hair with a threat of pulling out the blonde stands.

Sakura hit the blonde on top of his head.

"Calm down , Naruto-baka!" Sakura shouted right back at orange-clad boy. "Kakashi-sensei is only suffering from Chakra exhaustion." She said softly after finishing a diagnostic jutsu over their other sensei.

"My home is not far from here. They can rest there." Tazuna finally spoke up.

The bridge builder bent down and slung the unconscious silver haired man over his back before standing up straight. Naruto and Sasuke then moved to pick up Yami, each boy taking a side.

"Careful, Sasuke-kun." Sakura chided her crush without thinking about it when Sasuke accidentally bumped Yami's right arm.

It took the group thirty minutes to arrive at Tazuna's home. Sakura knocked on the front door, seeing as everyone else's hands were full of unconscious man. A young woman with long dark hair opened the door and gasped.

"Tou-san, you're back. What happened?" The woman asked, quickly moving aside for everyone to enter the house.

"Tsunami, can you get the guest room set up for these two? They protected me on the way here." Tazuna asked, referring to Yami and Kakashi.

She nodded and rushed up the stairs. With Sakura's help, Yami and Kakashi were placed on a couple of futons. Tsunami left the room and came back with a bowl of water and two clean wash clothes. Sakura thanked the woman and set about cleaning the blood off of Yami's face.

"His bandages are ruined." Sakura voiced to Sasuke and Naruto, them being the other two in the room with her and their senseis.

Tazuna and his daughter were downstairs, setting up for dinner.

"We should change them for Yami-sensei." Sakura stated, going to unwrap the blood soaked bandages.

Her fingers grazed the edge over Yami's nose when her wrist was caught in a tight grip, causing her to gasp.

"Ya-Yami-sensei, don't move your arm." Sakura hurriedly spoke, trying to carefully remove Yami's right hand which she would not put it pass it to being painful for the man.

Sasuke pressed down on Yami's left shoulder when he tried to sit up.

"Itoko, listen to Sakura. Stop moving." Sasuke huffed.

Sakura, Naruto, leave the room. Yami signed using his left hand.

"Um…okay, but don't you dare try to get up." Sakura said sternly, her green eyes serious as she dragged Naruto out of the room behind her.

Help me sit up. Yami signed.

"You heard what—"

Sasuke was cut off by the look in his cousin's eyes.

My bandages need changed. Yami argued back.

Huffing out a sigh, Sasuke carefully helped Yami sit up. He saw the pain in his cousin's charcoal eyes, but a sound never left him. Sasuke moved slowly while removing Yami's jonin vest and his hitai-ate. Untying Yami's sash, Sasuke set it aside along with the man's hanten. Sasuke stared at the bandages wrapped completely around Yami's torso up to the bridge of his nose. Before he could remove them, Yami signed to him.

Do not tell the others.

Sasuke nodded and began to unwrap Yami's torso. His eyes grew wider with every inch of bandage removed. Sasuke took in the jagged light pink scar that went from Yami's right ribcage up to his left cheek bone. Purpling bruises covered Yami's skin, most noticeable to Sasuke were the ones over his cousin's cracked ribs. A glowing green hand caught Sasuke's attention and he hesitated to stop Yami from using anymore chakra. Yami pressed his healing chakra over his right shoulder, healing the torn muscles. He then set his hands to his sides and began to mend the cracked bones. Sasuke looked up to see the pain in his cousin's eyes begin to fade. His eyes then traced back over the scar which did nothing to hinder Yami's handsome features.

"I'm sort of disappointed that you don't have bucked teeth or huge pouty lips." Sasuke said without really thinking about it.

Yami's eyebrow drew up, his eyes meeting Sasuke's. The boy almost looked sheepish.

"When we went to celebrate becoming genin, the dobe and I were betting on what you and Kakashi-sensei looked like." Sasuke explained and watched as Yami's lips curved up into a smirk at the revelation.

Sorry to disappoint. Yami teased, signing overly dramatic to get his joke across.

Sasuke's smirk was the perfect image of Yami's. The younger Uchiha took some clean white bandages out of the bag Sakura had left in the room and began to rewrap Yami's torso. Yami took over when Sasuke had trouble getting the bandages to cooperate around his shoulder blades. Finished securing the bandage over the bridge of his nose, Yami motioned for Sasuke to get Sakura. The pinkette entered the room, automatically about to open her mouth with a retort at seeing Yami sitting up.

"He healed his ribs and shoulder." Sasuke told her before she could speak.

"Are you going to heal your ankle too, Yami-sensei?" Sakura asked, kneeling down opposite of her crush.

No. Not enough chakra to fuse the bones back. You will have to do it.

Sakura's hands raised in front of her while shaking her head 'no'.

"B-but I can't! I haven't learned how to heal bones yet." Sakura argued.

You can learn now. Yami signed, grabbing her hand in his larger one.

With his other hand, he signed to her.

Close your eyes and focus like you would during a diagnostic jutsu. Picture the breaks mending back together. I know you memorized the human skeletal system. You can do this.

Sakura's face flushed scarlet from Yami's words. Her green orbs meet Yami's charcoal ones and saw the complete trust in her. Not able to say no after that, the pinkette moved to kneel beside Yami's broken ankle and began to do what she was told. Thirty minutes later, Sakura had sweat on her brow and she was breathing heavily, but she had managed to heal the bone almost completely. She bit her bottom lip.

"I tried…my best…but there is still…a small…crack." Sakura said while trying to gain her breath back.

Yami's left hand landed gently on top of her pink head and he ran his fingers through her matted locks while giving her a closed eyed smile.

You did better than I did on my first try. I'm proud. Yami signed, still smiling.

Sasuke looked between his female teammate and his cousin. His gaze locked onto the pinkette and actually looked at her for the first time since he met her. She might not be just a fan girl after all. Maybe she was worth a second look. Pushing that thought to the back of his mind for later, Sasuke left the room to challenge his blonde rival to a spar.