154Chapter 19

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is going to be an YAOI/MALE+MALE story.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary/Gary Sue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames.

A/N: I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.



Hand Signing


Halfway through helping Kakashi eat; both jonin heard Naruto's shout and his loud exit out of the house by the slamming of the front door. Kakashi sighed, but Yami waited until he heard two sets of footsteps leave after the blonde.

"They went after him." Kakashi voiced quietly, his eyes squeezing shut at the pride swelling in his chest.

He felt Yami nod in agreement. The brush of the bowl against his mouth had Kakashi part his lips without thinking. Through the pride he felt for his three genin, Kakashi felt his trust in Yami and knew that he owed the Sandaime for forcing him into retirement from ANBU and becoming a genin sensei. Because of his leader's actions, he was able to gain a family. Something Kakashi did not think he would ever have again since his father's death.


The next morning, Yami had recovered enough chakra to heal the hairline fracture of his left ankle that Sakura was not able to finish. Standing up, Yami tested his weight on his newly healed ankle and approved.

"She's going to be one hell of a medic nin if she keeps at the speed she's going." Kakashi spoke softly from where he lay on his appointed futon.

Yami nodded his agreement, his eyes showing his smile. A snore had Yami and Kakashi look to the other side of the room. The three genin were sound asleep, but not one seemed to have been able to stay still during the night. Naruto had one leg thrown over Sasuke's stomach while the blonde's head was tilted against the back of Sakura's knee. Sakura was on her stomach, smiling in her sleep, her face snuggled against the ravenette's hand. Sasuke twitched in his sleep, as if knowing that his personal space was being invaded, but he did not wake up.

It seems as though they have finally formed a bond between teammates. Yami signed to Kakashi, who chuckled then winced. Headache?

"Yeah, although it is more of an eyeache. I get them every time I over use the Sharingan." Kakashi stated.

Yami kneeled down beside Kakashi. This time when he brought a green chakra coated hand up to Kakashi's brow, the silver haired jonin did not stop him. Kakashi's single eye closed, feeling the gentle warmth of Yami's healing touch. He could feel his headache wane until it was completely gone. At the feeling of his chakra reserves filling up, Kakashi's eye snapped open to see Yami's brows furrowed in concentration.

"Yami." Kakashi said in a warning tone.

It was only just yesterday that Yami was low on chakra himself. Transferring chakra was a complex and delicate process. Yami stopped a second later.

I only gave you enough to get you out of bed without straining your muscles. Besides, you've seen the gist of my medical knowledge. Soon, Sakura will have to learn at the hospital. Yami signed.

Kakashi eyed Yami for any signs of physical exertion. Only when he saw none did he let it go.


It was a few hours past sunrise when the three genin finally roused from their slumber to see their jonin senseis smirking down at them. Sasuke jerked into a sitting position while Sakura cupped her flushed face. Naruto leaped to his feet and shouted while pointing at Sasuke.

"It's not what it—Teme did it!"

Sasuke huffed, crossing his arms with a glare.

"Whatever, Dobe. You're the one who moves around at night." Sasuke muttered.

Sakura looked between the blonde and her crush. She tilted her head up and smiled at Kakashi and Yami.

"How are you two feeling?" She asked, her cheeks still dusted pink that matched her hair.

Kakashi scratched the back of his neck in thought.

"There is nothing we can teach you with the limited time we have until Zabuza and his assistant make their appearance. You three can, however, work on your jutsus. Don't think that I forgot how you three performed them well enough in battle and that was a good combination technique you two did, Sasuke, Naruto, but with enough practice, you three will be able to speed up the seal completion." Kakashi told the three genin who listened intently.

And with practice, those seals can be lessened to a single seal to perform jutsu. Yami signed, giving a nod at the looks of disbelief and amazement.

"That's true. An example would be that Jonin and some of the higher level Chunin do not use hand seals during kawarimi (substitution) or shunshin." Kakashi explained, the group of five making their way downstairs for breakfast.

"Aa, it's good to see you up. I'm Tsunami. Thank you for bringing my father back home safe." Tsunami greeted and introduced herself when she spotted an up and about Kakashi.

Breakfast went by with only a minimum of altercations between the genin of Team Seven and Tsunami's son, Inari. While Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke left the house to train, Kakashi stayed behind to talk with Inari and Yami escorted Tazuna to the bridge as his guard.


It was four days later when Kakashi, Yami and Sakura walked with Tazuna to the unfinished bridge. Naruto and Sasuke, having exhausted themselves by doing an all out spar, were resting it up back at the house with Tsunami and Inari. Just before reaching the bridge, Yami sensed the lack of movement and tensed. It was through the light mist that they saw the motionless workers on site.

"Sakura, prepare yourself to defend Tazuna." Kakashi ordered, pushing his hitai-ate up to reveal his Sharingan.

Yami's own Sharigan appeared as he unsealed Kumo no Kosho from its assigned seal on Yami's left forearm. Sakura immediately put Tazuna and herself under her Meisaigakure jutsu (hiding with camouflage), bracing herself with a kunai tight in her grasp. A deep chuckle echoed through the thickening mist and Yami flickered out of sight. Sparks flew as Kumo no Kosho's blade locked up against Kubikiribocho, blocking the massive broadsword from cutting into Kakashi's back.

"I'm surprised that you are in enough shape to be moving as fast as you are. That female genin of yours, she wouldn't happen to be a medic nin, would she?" Zabuza asked, smirking.

The Kiri rogue leaped to the side, avoiding Kakashi's slash with a kunai, but was not able to dodge the silver haired jonin's surprise kick from the other side. Yami went to cut down the stunned man, but the buildup of chakra aiming towards Sakura had Yami alter his course. The ravenette landed in front of where a hidden Sakura and Tazuna were. Within seconds, Kumo no Kosho was seal away and Yami was flashing through hand seals.

'Katon: Doragon no Hinoiki (Fire Style: Dragon's Fire Breath)!'

A powerful blast of flames consumed the Hyoton jutsu that would have killed Sakura and Tazuna. The Hyoton user shunshin out of the flame's path only to be intercepted by the surprise attack of Team Seven's male genin.

"Go back-up Kakashi-sensei. The dobe and I will handle this one." Sasuke told Yami, not taking his eyes off of his and Naruto's opponent.

Leaving it to his young cousin and the blonde knucklehead, Yami went to help Kakashi take down Zabuza.