154Chapter 29

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is going to be an YAOI/MALE+MALE story.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary/Gary Sue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames.

A/N: I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.



Hand Signing


For the next three days, Sakura was worked to the brink of exhaustion from the knowledge of poisons and antidotes being shoved at her. Sasuke and Naruto, not able to help, would spar with each other until they passed out or grew tired of exchanging blows. Kakashi remained silent and stuck in his thoughts, only ever showing a hint of emotion when the male genin would make him eat something. Sasuke suspected that something was going on between Kakashi and Yami, but the only proof he had to go on was Kakashi's depressed state and his reaction of yelling at Sasuke back when they were at the hospital.

Sakura worked diligently in grinding the seeds and roots of a muskmallow plant, the root bark of a swet barbura plant, and the liquid from the root of a cassieflower plant, all of which Tsunade had her search for around Tanzaku Gai. After making a paste out of the crushed plants, she extracted the liquid using a technique Tsunade taught her and placed the liquid into a vile before corking it. The liquid was a murky green with a tinge of brown, just as Tsunade told her it would be. Biting her bottom lip, she rushed out of the lab/kitchen section of the hotel room. Sakura's flushed cheeks and sudden appearance caught everyone's attention. It was around noon, so everyone was in the room eating lunch.

"I did it! I did!" Sakura explained, excitement making her glow while she held up the vile for all to see. "I did it." She whispered, before succumbing to exhaustion.

Sasuke caught her before she could hit her head on the floor. Holding her to him, the ravenette handed the antidote to Kakashi.

"We should go now! Yami-sensei will be okay!" Naruto said loudly, jumping up from his seat on the floor.

Tsunade nodded.

"She should be fine if she remains asleep during the journey back to Konoha. Give her this when she wakes up. It will tell her how to administer the antidote." Tsunade said, handing a folded piece of paper to Kakashi. "Also, tell her that if she wishes to advance her medical knowledge then I'll make it so that she can join me for a long-term training trip after the Exams." Tsunade told them and noticed how Sasuke's arm tightened around the girl's waist. "Easy, Koibito (lover), it's not like I'll keep your precious Sakura-chan away from you forever." The woman teased, laughing at the newly sporting blush dusting the ravenette's cheeks.

"Ahaha! Teme, look at your face!" Naruto laughed loudly, clutching his stomach.

"Hn." Sasuke snapped, averting his eyes from everyone.


Halfway back to Konoha, a team of ANBU made themselves known to Team Seven.

"Hatake-san, by order of the Hokage, we are to get you back to Konoha immediately as your two weeks are up. Please do not fight us as we will shunshin the four of you back to the village hospital." ANBU Nezumi (rat) spoke up, his voice muffled slightly by his mask.

Kakashi's tensed shoulders relaxed slightly as he nodded. Two ANBU stepped over to Sasuke who had a sleeping Sakura on his back. Instead of separating the two like Sasuke thought they would, the two ANBU simply placed a hand on each of the genin's shoulders before the four vanished in a swirl of leaves. Naruto and Kakashi soon followed with their own ANBU excorts.


Not used to being shunshin around, the Sasuke had to be balanced before he and Sakura toppled over onto the floor. Naruto was not as lucky as he landed on his butt. Kakashi only needed a moment to get used to the feeling the sudden rush gave him from being shunshin by another person. Team Seven noticed that they were in the main lobby of the hospital on the first floor.

"Thank you, Nezumi-san, for bringing us the rest of the way. I will be sure to speak with Hokage-sama after Yami get's the antidote." Kakashi told the ANBU captain as the pinkette of the team was roused from her deep slumber.

Sasuke and Sakura were neck and neck in running up the stairs (on account that Sasuke was basically dragging the pinkette) to the fifth floor which held all of the intensive care patients. Naruto and Kakashi followed closely behind the two genin. Upon exiting the stairwell and onto the fifth floor, Team Seven was greeted with chaotic beeping sounds and medical staff rushing down a corridor leading towards the patient rooms.

"Yami." Voice full of concern, Kakashi pushed past his genin in an effort to get to Yami's room where the medics were flooding.

A medic at the door stopped Kakashi and his genin from entering. A single charcoal eye widened at the sight of a large arachnid that was about the size of a horse. The glassy black eyes stood out amongst the thick forest green hairs.

"For the last time, Humans, my presence is stabilizing Yami-sama's health." The unmistakable feminine voice spoke in frustration as one long leg brushed aside four medics and a nurse as if the arachnid was swatting away an annoying fly.

Kakashi forced his way past the stubborn medic blocking the doorway and the medic was successfully trampled on the ground by the rest of Team Seven.

"Maa, Arachnid-san, my team has brought an antidote for Yami. Would you mind?" Kakashi said politely, motioning for Sakura to move over to Yami's side.

With a grace only a spider could have, the large arachnid lowered from her looming position over her summoner and peered down at Kakashi with her many black orbs. A forest green leg lifted and Kakashi had to push down the instinct to grab a kunai. The leg went behind the silver haired jonin and nudged him closer.

"You must be the scarecrow Yami-sama has told the cluster about. I am Iyasu the Healer." The arachnid spoke and that is when Kakashi noticed the faint green glow of every individual hair on the spider's body.

Kakashi nodded, trying to keep his focus on the large summon in front of him, but he kept looking over at his female student who was working diligently on administering the antidote to Yami.

"During the last moments of our summoner's life, the one holding the title of Healer shall appear to give our summoner a fighting chance. I bought him a few more hours. It is now up to the pink one to save him." Iyasu said softly.

Kakashi's eye widened, his head whipping up to look at the arachnid, but she vanished in a poof of smoke before he could open his mouth to ask if he had heard right. Moving to stand behind the males of his team, Kakashi bit down on the inside of his cheek, drawing blood.

'Without Iyasu…' Kakashi's hands tightened at the thought that he would have been too late to save Yami.

"Tsunade-san told me that the antidote should begin to work immediately, that Yami-sensei will wake up within an hour of treatment." Sakura voiced, green eyes narrowed in concentration as she finished spreading the antidote using a method the blonde Sannin had showed her.

Well, it looked as though Team Seven would be bunking down in room 512, because Kakashi knew his genin were going to refuse to budge much like himself. Seeing that Yami was in the hands of a respectable Jonin and that the large arachnid was now gone, the medics filed out of the room to leave Yami's recovering in their hands.