154Chapter 40

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is going to be an YAOI/MALE+MALE story.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary/Gary Sue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames.

A/N: I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.



Hand Signing


While the ANBU team was helping Kurenai, Gai and Asuma, Yami lowered Kakashi into a sitting position on solid ground. Unwrapping his arms from the silver haired male, Yami went to go after the two rogue shinobi. A fingerless glove-clad hand gripped his forearm tightly, preventing him from moving away.

"You can't face those two alone," Kakashi voiced, trying to catch his breath.

Yami placed a hand over the one holding him in place. His face was uncovered, so Kakashi could see the frown marring Yami's lips. The silver haired man found that he did not like seeing that expression.

I am going after our genin before Itachi and Kisame get to them first. Yami signed before gently prying Kakashi's hand off of his arm.

"You're exhausted," Kakashi stated, finally able to get his breathing under control.

Yami nodded, not denying Kakashi's words.

As long as I am able to move, I will protect my team. Yami signed, charcoal orbs expressing the seriousness of his words.

Yami performed a shunshin before Kakashi could speak up.


Two blurs, one red and the other black, raced through the trees as fast as they could in a desperate attempt to reach their third teammate and the Sannin the blonde was traveling with. They remembered the way to Tanzaku Gai and that was the only advantage they had in trying to get to the paradise town.

"Sasuke-kun—huff, huff—do you think they'll be alright?" Sakura questioned her raven haired teammate/crush, her breath coming out in pants from the exertion of keeping up.


A grunt was all she received. Spotting the sweat marring Sasuke's face, she realized that he was saving his energy, focusing on making it to Naruto. The two came upon a small village that they had passed through once before with Kakashi. Sakura spotted a mop of bright blonde hair and immediately pointed it out to Sasuke. Making haste, the two practically barreled into their third teammate who had been looking around for the perverted Gama Sennin (Toad Sage).

"Ack! What the—" Cerulean blues caught sight of pink and black locks of hair. "Teme? Sakura-chan? What are you two doing here? Did you decide to join me and Ero-Sennin (pervy sage) in looking for Tsunade-ba-chan (Granny Tsunade)?" Naruto asked, face lighting up at the thought of his teammates joining him.

Sakura shook her head while she and Sasuke got off of the blonde.

"Dobe, where is Jiraiya-san?" Sasuke questioned, giving the crowded streets a glance.

Naruto shrugged.

"I lost sight of him a few minutes ago. He had this weird…almost creepy look on his face and giggled before vanishing on me," Naruto stated, scratching the back of his head in confusion.

Sasuke had to fight back the urge to face-palm.

"That sicko is flirting with women when he is supposed to be searching to Tsunade-sama. Wait until I find that pervert,"Sakura fumed, her cheeks tinting red.

Suddenly, Sasuke grabbed hold of Naruto's arm and roughly tugged the blonde into a nearby store. Sakura had covered the blonde's mouth when he was about to shout at the ravenette.

"Shh, Naruto," Sakura scolded. "There are some people looking for you. They attacked Yami-sensei and Kakashi-sensei along with three other jonin including Gai-sensei."

Naruto froze in their grip, cerulean orbs wide with fear. The blonde unconsciously covered his stomach, his fingers clenching the material of his jacket. His heartbeat was pounding in his ears and he found himself being lead to a back corner behind some clothes racks. He was then pushed down onto the floor, hands forcing his head forwards to his knees.

"Take slow, deep breaths, Naruto," Sakura ordered softely, rubbing soothing circles on the blonde's back.

Emerald orbs met obsidian. She bit her bottom lip.

"Thei….ter me," Naruto whispered so low that the two could hardly make out what he was saying.

"Speak up, Dobe," Sasuke demanded quietly, his eyes wandering towards the store front every second or so.

Naruto leaned back, his hands still grasping at his stomach. He was still pale, but at least his breathing was under control.

"There's something that…that I haven't told you guys yet. Something…," Naruto trailed off, averting his gaze as he fought over the decision of actually telling the two or not. "Yami-sensei and Kakashi-sensei already know…Hokage-oji-san told me they did. They know and they don't treat me any differently because of it."

Sasuke's brows furrowed at the blonde's words. Yami and Kakashi knew something about Naruto, but he and Sakura were apparently in the dark about it.

"You can tell us, Naruto. We're friends, aren't we? You can trust us," Sakura voiced, but Sasuke caught the concern in her tone.

It seemed that Naruto did to, because doubt flashed in his moist darkening blue eyes. Doing the only thing he could think of, something Yami would do, Sasuke placed a hand on the blonde's head and gave his head a hesitant pat. Blue eyes widened in surprise at Sasuke's actions and Sasuke's frown seemed to show something to Naruto.

"The day after I got my hitai-ate from Iruka-sensei, Hokage-oji-san asked to talk with me. He told me the reason why the villagers seem to hate me and why the whispers of 'demon' center around me. The Yondaime (Fourth Hokage) never killed the Kyubi no Kitsune (Nine-tailed Fox). Instead, he sealed it inside a newborn baby and since then it has been an S-Class secrete," Naruto told them.

The blonde lifted his shirt up and concentrated a small amount of chakra around his stomach. The black markings appeared, contrasting greatly against Naruto's lightly tanned skin. Two pairs of eyes widened along with the sound of startled and surprised gasps. Naruto kept his head down, unable to see the loss of friendship taking over between him and his teammates. They would hate him now, just like all of the villagers. Two different reactions followed, both surprising the blonde immensely. Sasuke reflexively added chakra to his fist as he punched the floor beside him and the blonde. The cracking of the tiles echoed throughout the store, gaining attention from everyone inside. Sakura had tears streaming down her face, her balled up fist trying to wipe the dampness away as a sob escaped her.

"That's ter—rible. Why would anyone—hiccup—do that? You had no ch—choice in the matter," She continued to cry.

"Those bastards," Sasuke cursed, squeezing his eyes shut at the thought of what Naruto had to be experiencing.

It was a lot more complex than what Yami had explained to him. That time Yami had addressed Sasuke about Naruto being treated differently…he had definitely known why, but had lied. With such information being S-class, Sasuke knew that if Yami had told him everything…Yami would either have been arrested and convicted of treason or have been killed on the spot. Was Naruto's burden the reason Team Seven had two senseis instead of the regular one? Standing up, Sasuke held a hand out to the blonde. Sakura scrambled to her feet and mirrored Sasuke. Tears finally fell from Naruto's eyes as he quickly grabbed hold of his teammate's hands.

"We'll protect you, Naruto. That's a lifetime guarantee," Sasuke and Sakura promised together, leading the blonde out of the store to begin their search for Jiraiya.

Two figures landed in front of the three genin, all three freezing while two simultaneously pushed the third behind them slightly.

"That's not much of a promise, seeing as you'll be dying today," The taller of the two, a blue man sporting a razor-sharp grin, spoke as he pulled a giant bundled sword from his back.

The genin tensed; the swing of the sword too fast for them to react in time. A black serrated blade clashed against the larger sword, stopping its progression with some difficulty. The new appearance had the three genin cry out in relief.

"Stay away from my k—ids," Yami growled hoarsely, the sneer on his face visible for all as his Sharingan spun wildly.

A/N: Thank you,






,for commenting! I really enjoy receiving your comments of how much you are all enjoying my story. Thank you so very much! I love you all and I hope that I continue to make your love for this story grow.
