154Chapter 52

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is an YAOI/MALE+MALE story. The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary Sue/Gary Stue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames. I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.



Hand Signing

A/N: The plants used in this story were picked solely on their medicinal properties as stated by Wikipedia. No, this does not mean that you should mix these plants as Tsunade does or else you might end up...like the first plant test. We wouldn't want that, now would we? Also, Hayate lived through the whole pre-invaision since his coughing was healed earlier on in the story. That small...major change saved Gekko-sama's life :)


Deep within the hospital's basement lab, Tsunade worked diligently with a variety of medicinal plants in order to find the perfect working balance for the newly named Moon's Life plant Jiraiya had retrieved from Rai no Kuni's highest mountain peak. Steady hands added the powdered Astragalus propinquus (Astragalus) plant to the other colorful piles of ground up plants. Tsunade took note of the powdered Uncaria tomentosa (Cat's claw vine) thorns and the Echinacea purpurea (purple coneflower). She sprinkled the three powders into a mortar and mixed them with a pestle along with the crushed antlers she retrieved from the Nara clan's personal inventory. She then carefully added the juices of Sambucus nigra (elderberry), Allium sativum (garlic), and Nelumbo nucifera (lotus).

Once the moist paste was completed, Tsunade opened the stasis scroll and unsealed the Moon's Life plant. She was taken aback by how the petals seemed to glow a faint gold color along the edges of its snow white hue. The center emitted the most of the golden glow. Taking a single blossom form the vine, Tsunade began to crush it in a separate mortar before sealing the rest of the plant back into the stasis scroll. She then added a small amount of the medicinal paste she created just moments ago. As soon as the ingredients combined, she moved her green chakra coated right hand over the paste and extracted the liquid. Inside of the corked test tube, Tsunade examined the seemingly glowing pale amber liquid.

"Now to test it," Tsunade murmured and sat there for a moment wondering who she could test the remedy on.

Spotting a wilted plant one of the lab workers left behind during their haste to leave the floor on Tsunade's order, the blonde Sannin stepped over to the potted plant. Using a sterile pipet to gather a small amount of the amber liquid, Tsunade squeezed a single drop onto the wilted plant. For a moment, nothing happened.

"Come on. Do something," Tsunade whispered desperately.

The plant shifted before its stem and leaves began to turn a healthy shade of green and lift upwards towards the florescent lights. The dried up buds began to bloom. No sooner did Tsunade grin did the plant twitch and lose all of its healthy color. Green turned brown with gray splotches and the buds shriveled up and fell off. Tsunade watched in stunned silence as the plant withered away. Eyeing the amber liquid with caution, Tsunade labeled the vile with a warning label and put it in the biohazard container.

"Kuso (damn)!" Tsunade cussed, hitting her open palm with her fist. "I used the blossom, just as the rumor…no, they never mentioned using the actual blossom."

Biting her bottom lip, Tsunade began the process of unsealing the Moon's Life plant and scanning the vines with her teal eyes. The flowers were beautiful, the obvious ingredient of any medical antidote.




Eyes widening, Tsunade picked up a pair of clippers and removed some of the spiny thorns that surrounded the delicate petals. Moving quickly, she began to grind the thorns before adding them to some of the medicinal paste from before. This time when she extracted the liquid, it was not a pale amber color, but a clear violet hue. In her haste in placing the liquid in a sterile test tube, a drop of the violet liquid landed on her hand. She felt the tingle work its way into her skin a through the veins of her hand. Ignoring the possible side-effects, Tsunade rushed to test the violet liquid on another wilted plant. Unlike before, this plant remained alive and healthy.

"Did I do it?" Tsunade questioned herself as she collapsed back onto the desk chair, staring at the violet liquid.

Pleased, she began making more batches of the violet liquid.


Night had fallen over Konoha and the streets were alight in the restaurant district. Kurenai stumbled out of the bar with an armful of a drunken Asuma, she being his only support of balance. An hour after the group of four had arrived at the bar, Genma, Anko, Iruka, Gai, Yugao and a recovered Hayate joined them. Anko being who she is and Gai never one to back out of a challenge, the two instilled a game of drinking. Being the most responsible of the group, Yugao and Hayate backed out of the contest three drinks in and were now sporting a passed out, red-faced Gai in between them with every intention of dropping him on his doorstep.

Iruka decided not to drink altogether, opting for tea and was now fighting off a smashed Anko who flirted with the Academy instructor with every chance she got. For one who could hold his alcohol intake, Genma strutted out of the bar with a dopey grin on his face and his trademark senbon clenched in his teeth. Kakashi's arm was draped over Yami's shoulders, and the ravenette's arm was hooked securely around the silver haired man's waist. Both were comfortably buzzed.

"An—Anko-chan, please stop. We're in public," Iruka cried out with embarrassment, jumping when Anko playfully pinched his rear and she laughed.

The poor brunette male was done for and everyone knew it for Anko had Iruka locked in her sights. Parting ways with everyone outside of the bar, Kakashi and Yami made their way down the lit up street towards the Uchiha compound. Right outside the main house Yami shared with Sasuke and Itachi, Kakashi maneuvered Yami to where his back was pressed up against the front door. Kakashi's mask-covered lips brushed over Yami's bandaged wrapped ones, igniting a warmed in the pit of his stomach.

Settling his hands on Kakashi's sides, Yami's fingers tightened on the navy material of Kakashi's long sleeve shirt and pulled the silver haired man closer. Pressing a knee in between Yami's legs, Kakashi reached up and tugged the bandages of Yami's face loose. Within seconds, their bear lips were engaged in a heated battle of teeth and tongue. One of Kakashi's hands splayed over Yami's lower back while his other hand got lost in the shorter black locks of Yami's hair. A shift of Kakashi's knee had Yami gasp as the sensations Kakashi caused coursed through Yami.

A muffled giggle had the two jonin freeze where they stood, their lips still molded together. Dark eyes clouded by lust glanced in the direction the giggle had resonated from and the two jonin were met with the sight of three blushing female genin. Turning their heads, as their faces were hidden by one another's, Yami and Kakashi fixed their chosen mask/bandages over their face before Kakashi stepped back. Standing up straight from his position of leaning against the door, Yami turned to a flustered Ino, a blushing Sakura, and a partially fainted but still conscious Hinata.

"Girls…what are you doing here?" Yami asked, having to clear his throat when hearing how hoarse it had become.

Grinning, Ino decided to answer.

"Sasuke-kun said that we could stay over for a sleepover. The guys are inside already. We went out to grab some food," Ino explained, motioning to the bags the three girls were carrying.

"A sleepover?" Kakashi wondered out loud.

Sakura nodded; her smile and blush fading slightly.

"Yeah…Naruto, he um…he told the others," Sakura voiced, peering up at her two senseis with a tentative look.

"We're sorry…for," Ino grinned cheekily up at the two jonin. "Sorry for interrupting."

"Uh huh," Kakashi said, knowing the blonde had gained the perfect gossiping topic Konoha will ever hear about. "Sure you are."

"Don't worry, Kakashi-sensei. Yami-sensei. You're not-so-secret-romance is safe with us," Sakura stated, smiling.

Yami and Kakashi sweat dropped at the pinkette's words.

"It's ob—obvious how much you two car—care about each other," Hinata whispered, her face still a scarlet hue.

Kakashi coughed into his fist, hiding his embarrassment at being caught in such an act with Yami by the three girls.

"I'll take my lea—"

Yami cut Kakashi off by grabbing the silver haired man by his ear when he went to slink away.

"Ow, Ya—Yami!" Kakashi stuttered in shock, his arms flailing about much in the same fashion as their blonde haired genin would when Sakura commits the same act against him.

Blushing, Yami glared at the ground, keeping a firm hold on Kakashi's ear.

"Don't even think about leaving me here to fend for myself, you Sunīku (sneak)," Yami muttered, tilting his head to meet Kakashi's wide eye with a pair of narrowed ones.

More giggles erupted from the girls.

"Neh, Sakura, doesn't Yami-sensei remind you of someone?" Ino asked in a stage whisper.

Sakura flushed and shoved her hip into Ino's, causing the blonde to lean dangerously to the side.

"Shut it, Ino," Sakura hissed quietly.

"Its…its cute," Hinata said, moving her foot in a circular motion to keep from meeting anyone's eyes.

A hand landed on the girl's short dark blue locks and gave an affectionate pat. Wide lavender orbs shot up to stare widely up at Yami whose smile reflected in his dark eyes.

"Thank you, Hina-chan," Yami thanked the girl while Kakashi rubbed at his sore ear. "Kakashi."

Yami's flat tone of saying his name had Kakashi pause in his haste of leaving.

"Girls, keep an eye on the boys and don't let things get out of hand. Sakura," Yami said, catching the emerald gaze. "Would you mind letting Sasuke and Itachi know that I will be staying out tonight?"

His words had the girls go confused and Kakashi flushing all over again. The silver haired man felt his heart speed up at the notion Yami was making. The pinkette nodded as the other two made their way to the front door.

"Sure, Yami-sensei," Sakura voiced, still a little confused.

Why would Yami-sensei come all the way home, but turn around and go back in town? Walking into the house and leaving the two jonin alone, Sakura whispered her question to Hinata and Ino. Triple blushes covered the girls' faces when their thoughts finally connected the dots.


A few minutes later after smelling the arrival of food, the boys discovered three passed out girls with nose bleeds. After a freak out to where Itachi had to calm the boys and explained that the three girls were alive and okay, the girls woke up and shared knowing looks. Opting to keeping their knowledge a secret…also it was fun knowing something about two senseis that the boys did not. They also got a kick out of freaking the boys out when a perverted giggle would escape them occasionally during the sleepover.