154Chapter 60

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is an YAOI/MALE+MALE story. The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary Sue/Gary Stue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames. I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.



Hand Signing

A/N: Enjoy!


"Jirobo, deal with them. Kidomaru, Sakon, Ukon, let's hurry back to Otogakure (Village Hidden by Sound)," Kimimaro ordered, before he leaped into the trees.

Sakon and Ukon followed with Kidomaru bringing up the rear with a still unconscious Kabuto slung over his shoulder. Giving his full attention to his rock dome, Jirobo smirked as his captives' chakra began to drain from them and flow into his system. He almost tilted his head back and laugh, but the jarring vibrations against the walls of his dome had him stop and narrow his eyes.

"You can try all you want, but you'll only speed up your demise," Jirobo stated, his smirk reappearing.

Inside the dome, Kiba and Akamaru's spiraling bodies slammed multiple times into the dome's curved wall, creating small craters. The Inuzuka male stopped his and his partners' jutsu, kneeling on the ground while huffing for breath. The others watched as the craters began to recede as if the dome was healing itself. Dojutsus still activated, Sasuke was able to get a sense of the jutsu's inner workings while Neji witnessed the jutsu's effects on everyone's chakra.

"It's draining our chakra," Neji voiced, deactivating his Byakugan to conserve what was left of his chakra.

"The wall seems weaker the further away the user is. If its hit with enough force, we may have a way out of here," Sasuke stated, eyeing the far end of the dome nearest of Shikamaru and Choji.

"Choji, Sakura, you're up," Shikamaru said, moving out of the way.

Sakura moved to stand on the other side of the dome along with Choji, both needing the room to get a running start. Tugging her black fingerless gloves over her hands, she nodded at the Akimichi heir for him to go first.

"Nikudan Sensha (Human Boulder)!" Choji shouted, his body morphing into a large sphere that began rotating in rapid succession before speeding towards the weaker part of the wall.

Adding chakra to the bottom of her feet, Sakura used the extra boost to shoot after Choji with her right hand glowing blue.

"Shannaro!" Sakura yelled, drawing her fist back.

Her fist hit the wall in the exact spot Choji did, right after the Akimichi was out of the way. The dome shook and cracks erupted from the area around Sakura's fist before the dome began to crumple.

"Kiba!" Shikamaru shouted.

"Yeah!" Kiba answered, already getting into position for his jutsu. "Getsuga (Fang over fang)!"

Kiba slammed into the cracked wall, bursting forward and allowing the others to escape the chakra-sucking dome. Their escape surprised Jirobo, giving Sasuke, Naruto and Neji the opening they were hoping for.

"Raiton: Chidori (Lightning Style: A Thousand Chirping Birds)!"

"Futon: Rasengan (Wind Style: Rasengan)!"

"Jukenho: Hakke Rokujuyon Sho (Gentle Fist Style: Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms)!"

With whatever luck Jirobo seemed to possess or the others seemed to lack, Sasuke's and Naruto's attacks missed, each rocking the surrounding area as large craters were formed from the power. Neji pushed forward, using the debris cloud from Sasuke's and Naruto's attack to close in on Jirobo. The Hyuga landed thirty-five strikes before Jirobo caught the long haired brunette by his wrists. Byakugan activated eyes widened before Neji was tossed like a rag doll clear across the field. Choji quickly expanded his body and cushioned Neji's impact while Shikamaru caught Jirobo with his clan's signature shadow technique.

"Kagemane Jutsu (Shadow Imitation Technique) success," Shikamaru stated; relief evident in his voice.

"We have to hurry. They're getting away," Naruto spoke quickly, sending bright cerulean orbs at his group and back to the direction where their enemy fled.

"Leave this guy to me, Shikamaru. The rest of you have to stop them," Choji said, a look of determination set on his face.

Shikamaru's face dropped, frowning at his best friend's words.


"He's right, Shikamaru," Sakura spoke up, looking firm. "I'll stay behind and help him. We'll be sure to catch up."

It was Sakura's turn to get a frown aimed at her, this time from Sasuke and Naruto. She held her palm up, halting whatever the two were about to argue.

"We have a mission to retrieve Orochimaru's apprentice. We cannot let them get Kabuto back to Otogakure," Sakura stated, emerald orbs flashing.

Biting his cheek, Sasuke sent his pink haired teammate nod of understanding.

"Kiba, lead the way. Get a track on the enemy. Naruto, you're in the center with me. Sasuke, you and Neji bring up the rear in case they decide to set up another ambush," Shikamaru ordered, his jutsu still holding strong against Jirobo, who was surprisingly not resisting.

Neji and Kiba, with Akamaru in his jacket, leaped up to the trees and began their pursuit. Naruto followed at a slower pace to let Shikamaru and Sasuke catch up.

"Be sure to catch up with us, Choji, Sakura," Shikamaru told them, trying to smile, but it turned out to be more of a grimace.

"Don't worry, Shika, we'll be sure to catch up quickly," Choji said, encouraging his best friend to hurry up and leave.

Sakura stepped over to Choji's side, ready to help her temporary teammate take down their much larger opponent. Sasuke's obsidian orbs locked onto Sakura's emeralds, a frown still etched on his face.

"Sakura…" Sasuke started; his voice tight and his shoulders tense.

"I understand," Sakura answered, bracing herself at the moment Shikamaru and Sasuke vanished to catch up with Naruto and the others.

Choji and Sakura shared a glance, before moving into action.

"Nikudan Sensha!"

Choji's powerful force slammed into a motionless Jirobo, causing Sakura's eyes to widen as the dust cleared. Choji's spinning form began to slow, showing that Jirobo's smoking palms against Choji and halting the Akimichi's attack.

"What power," Sakura whispered with disbelief, before narrowing her eyes.

She charged as soon as Choji's form was sent flying into a tree behind her.


The wind rushed through Sasuke's raven locks as he and the others raced after the rest of the enemy group. He glanced behind him despite not being able to see Sakura's and Choji's fight. Turning his eyes back ahead, he caught Naruto's concerned look. They knew Sakura could handle herself, but they knew nothing about their enemies' abilities. Sasuke hoped that if Sakura and Choji could not defeat their opponent, that they would at least fall back and not get themselves killed. The prickling sensation of the hairs rising on the back of their necks caused an instant reaction out of the five males.

Leaping upwards off of the limb they had just landed on, all were caught mid-jump by the sudden spray of webbing. Naruto and Kiba were slammed into the trunk of a tree, the Inuzuka having the luck of landing upside down and barely catching Akamaru when the pup slipped from his hood. Shikamaru and Sasuke were forced backwards into another set of webbing, having no choice but to dangle in the air. Pushing chakra into the palms of his hands, Neji swiped at the webbing attaching to him and the webs fell to the ground in shreds.

"Neji, watch out!" Shikamaru shouted, having spotted the sunlight reflecting off of a metal object aimed at the Hyuga.

Neji effectively blocked the kunai before cutting the webbings from around the Nara heir and youngest Uchiha survivor. While Sasuke and Shikamaru landed safely on the ground, Neji struck at the webbing holding down Naruto and Kiba. Seeing as his Byakugan allowed him to see the chakra flowing through the webs and his gentle fist attacks could easily cut through the attack, Neji prepared himself for his own fight.

"I'll handle this guy. This is my fight now," Neji spoke calmly, his eyes locking onto his opponent.

"Good luck, Neji. Hurry up and finish this guy so you can catch up with Sakura and Choji," Shikamaru order.

"Yeah, kick his ass," Naruto said before taking to the trees again with Kiba, Akamaru, Shikamaru and Sasuke.

The further away the group got, the more spread out they became from one another as the enemy kept splitting away to give a now conscious Kabuto a chance to escape back to Otogakure. During Kiba and Akamaru's fight against Sakon and Ukon, the Inuzuka had fallen through a ravine crevice and Shikamaru had jumped after the genin and his ninken partner. Naruto and Sasuke went up against Kimimaro, the two working together to stall the bone user and medic.


Reaching his destination in the Land of Bears, Yami left the small village and headed back to Konoha. He was two days away from Konohagakure when something pulled at the seal tattoo on the inside of his right wrist. Pausing on a high tree limb, Yami eyed his strangely glowing seal tattoo. It was the seal he kept his Arachnid summoning scroll in. Unsealing the scroll, Yami unraveled it to see a blank space after his name pulse. Someone was summoning spiders and whoever it was, was doing it through force and it was hurting which ever arachnid species that had been summoned. Pitch orbs narrowed into dangerous slits before Yami resealed the contract and proceeded to summon Chisana.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Chisana,"

A small cloud of smoke dissipated from Yami's left palm to show the tiny gray body of Chisana.

'Chisana,' Yami spoke to the spider through their telepathic connection on account of the spider's tiny size. 'Someone has just forced a spider summon. Find them and summon me immediately.'

Chisana nodded before vanishing. It was seconds later that Yami felt the pull of being summoned. What he reappeared to caused his pitch orbs to widen. Hundreds of baby widows the size of a newborn lay slain across a ten foot radius. The mother arachnid's body was collapsed motionless not far away.

'Yami-sama! Over here!'

At Chisana's telepathy shout, Yami twisted around to see a severely wounded Neji Hyuga. He was at the boy's side in a blink, carefully but firmly pressing his sash to the profusely bleeding hole in the left side of the boy's chest; an area dangerously close to Neji's heart. With hands already glowing a healing green, Yami forced out his sensory field and began searching for whoever Neji was fighting. He felt the form of someone on the other side of the killed arachnid mother. Only when he felt that there was no life coming from the other form did Yami spread his sensory field further. On the edge of his maximum expantion of his sensory field, he felt three more forms….all three were not moving with one surely dead and another on the brink of death. Cursing under his breath, Yami ordered Chisana to fetch Iyasu to go see about the other three before the tiny spider was to report to Tsunade-sama.

A/N: Okay everyone! I chose not to give details to the fights, but there will be some minor details such as what I did with Sakura and Choji's "fight" with Jirobo and the beginning of Neji's. Call it a slight time skip for the story to pick back up after the fights are over. The results should be obvious, just different means. Shippuden is coming up soon so that may mean the ending of this story...so there will definitely be a larger time skip in the near future. I may or may not include snippets of moments that take place within that time skip.