A New Beginning (Volume 1 Chapter 1)

As soon as we heard the sound of the door, all of us looked back and saw the terrified face of Elene. Valor grabbed the shoulder of Elena and sent her back while his friends equipped themselves with chairs started to form a formation with Elena as the centre.

Elene shouted-("VAL")

Valor-("Guys get ready we just have to hold for a minute ")

As soon as those words left his mouth Valor screamed pain, his friends were dumbfounded when they saw blood coming out from Valor's back. When Valor turned back his head he saw Elene stabbing him with an expressionless face just saying

Elene-("I want to live")

Sam-("You backstabbing witch")

Sam rushed to aid his dying friend but the mob of people overwhelmed them, Only leaving Elene as the sole survivor.

I opened my eyes after hearing some murmurings sounds, I saw a ceiling which would be similar to a cave, as I was observing the ceiling when I thought about how my girlfriend betrayed me but what I was finding strange the most was that how I survived all that. Logically I should have died but here I am thinking about my betrayal and my supposed death. I was thinking that why she stabbed me, why were we summoned here and how I was still alive. As I was lost in my thoughts a voice waked me up from my deep thoughts

Sam-("Anyone kicked the bucket")

Valor-("Still alive but was all that a dream?")

Lester-(" I would hope if that was the case but it was too real ...the pain...the feeling of dying")

Alexander-("Does anyone feels a little strange or it is just me")

Valor-("Now you mentioned it my body feels light")

Lester-("Mine feels a little heavy")

Alex(" You were always heavy")

Lester-("What is strange with you then")

Alex-(" My hearing and other senses have increased considerably ")

Lester-(Oh then congratulations, dying makes you stronger, mind if I kill you again")


Valor -("Why are you silent")

Sam-("I don't feel my body")

Valor-("You don't feel what?")

Lester-("Whom are you taking to")

Vlaor-("Didn't you heard Sam")

Alex-("He is not speaking from the beginning ")

Sam-("I am taking via Telepathy ")

Valor-("Talk normally will ya, It's creepy when you are in my mind ")

Sam-("I can't open my mouth")

Valor-("Somebody put tape or something ")

I tried to get up to see Sam but as soon as raised my hand I saw a skeleton hand, I freaked out and alerted my friends

Valor-("There is a skeleton here")

Everyone got up and started shouting

Alex-("I have green hands")

Lestor(" my hands have turned to rock")

Sam("I don't have hands")

Sam spoke first and said


Name- Sam

Race- Dragon Egg

Grade- H+ Lvl 1/5

HP-12/12 MP-5/5 Intelligence-23

Attack-7 Defense- 80 Speed -6

Skils- Roll(F) , Telepathy(E),Presence Sense(G),Tackle(H)

Info- An egg of a dragon yet to be a hatch. It has a tough outer shell and is hard to break.

Sam-("I am an egg")

Valor-("How did you know that")

Sam-("Say status")


Name- Valor

Race- Skeleton

Grade- I Lvl 1/3

HP-8/8 MP-2/2 Inteligence-18

Attack -5 Defense-5 Speed-14

Skills- Tackle(H), Sprint(I) ,Slash(G),Appraisal(B)

Info- They are one of the weakest monsters on the continent of Alzar, they are generally the bodies of people who have strong resentment and don't want to pass to the afterlife, They can be defeated by a group of children.



Grade- H+ lvl 1/5

HP -17/17 MP-23/23. Intelligence- 34

Attack-21 Defense- 27 Speed-34

Skills- Slash(G),Stab(I),Fireball(E),Swordplay(H)

Info- They are green small humanoid creatures, They live in groups and are highly intelligent capable of using magic, Group of goblins have known to bring villages to ruin, group of adult men can defeat it.



Grade- F- lvl 1/10

HP - 54/54 MP-41/41 Intelligence- 18

Attack -55 Defense-48. Speed-36

Skills - Swordplay(H),Slash(F),Curse(E),Wind Gust(E)

Info- A monster usually found in the graveyard, ait has low intelligence but is highly capable in using curse magic, A adventurer party is recommended to kill it.

Valor-("Why are my stats trash")

Lester-("Because you are a monster that can be defeated by a group of children and your rank is (I) ")

Sam-("At least you have a body")

Alex-("But aren't you a dragon egg, is it not cool")

Sam- (" When you put it like that...hmm.....IT'S HELLA COOOOL, I'M A FREAKING DRAGON")

Lester-("Don't count your dragons before they have hatched")

Sam-("Shut up man I will be a Dragon God")

Lester-(" You gave wings to his fantasy, so now deal with it")

Valor-("Why do you think Elene betrayed me")

Sam-("Don't worry dude she didn't deserve you")

Lester- ("You will find your true love")

Alex-("Ya don't feel so sad)

I didn't know my friends were so good

Valor-("My dear friends..")

Sam-("How in the hell they both started going out in the first place")

Lester-("I knew from the beginning that Valor is going to betrayed")

Alex-("He can he get a gf with his face")

Valor-("My bastard friends")

Everyone started laughing due to my words then I said

Valor-("Its time for a new beginning, let's observe the area around us")

As soon as those words left my mouth we heard a loud sound of someone shouting


As I turned my head towards the voice I saw a Fireball of the size of a basketball heading towards me, I immediately grabbed Sam and shielded myself from the fireball by using Sam as a cover

[Sam learned Shield(E)]

We saw the message displayed on our status screen but it made Sam furious


Alex without wasting any time started chanting and used Fireball on the enemy which was followed by Lester using Wind Gust.

Silence fell in the area until Sam said

Sam-("The presence has disappeared ")

I was disappointed as I wanted to use my Appraisal skill on it as it was a rank B skill so I think it will definitely succeed, but anyway Sam is hella tough the Fireball had no effect on him, his HP is still full, As I was lost in my thoughts a deafening roar brought me back to reality.