HE or She( Volume 1 chapter 7)

Sam crashed into the forest but some trees acted as a cushion so the impact on the ground was minimal. Asuka had already jumped when we were about to fall and was currently sitting on a tree.

Valor-("Are you okay Sam?")

Sam-(" I am fine but my body feel cold and heavy")

I got off from Sam and saw that one of his wings was frozen, that explains why he was feeling cold and heavy and we fell down because he can't fly with only one wing but the bigger question was why was his wing frozen. The weather was not chilly enough as the two suns were still high in the sky and we were not even flying that high where our body will start to freeze. As I was thinking possible reasons for this happening, Asuka simply stated

Asuka-(" A blue light from the forest froze his wing")

Valor- (" And why didn't you alerted us about it before")

Asuka- ("This humble one tried to but both of you were lost in thought")

I simply stared at Sam and said nothing. He retorted

Sam- (" I didn't take flying lessons you know, I had to concentrate ")

Sam was using his Firebreath to melt his frozen wing, while he was busy doing that, I used appraisal on Asuka because I wanted to know her stats as well as the reason for her good English

Name- Asuka

Race-Small Poison Taratect

Grade- G Lvl 8/10

HP-48/48 MP- 25/25 Intelligence-26

Attack -42 Defense-21 Speed-44

Skills-Poison fang(E), Bite(H),Web(I),Poison Web(G),Acid Spray(F),Blessing of Babel(B)

The rank B skill caught my attention. it was related to Babel. What I knew about Babel was that it was the name of a tower built by humans to reach God. But the Gods were able to stop its a construction by making it impossible for the fellow human to understand each other. So was this rank B skill gives her some super strong power which makes her like some god. If it was so why didn't she used it before, did she even not checked her status, I don't think in this day and age of anyone who had not played online games or at had not heard about it.

As I was unable to control my curiosity I simply used appraisal on her skill

[ Blessing of Bable- This skill allows the user to understand any kind of language. The barrier of language is broken around 100 metres of the user, This skill is always active and does not have any consumption. ]

So it was not an Attack skill but rather a support skill and it is always active without any consumption no wonder it is rank B. it had the effective area of 100 metres and could understand any language so could we had talked to those spiders, were the spider even using a language.

Sam-("The Ice has melted but I think we should make our camp here as the thing that can freeze me can do it again if we were to fly now")

Making our camp here will be the correct choice.

The blue light that hit Sam was most likely an Attack spell like the fireball. If we were to fly the attacker could spot us and freeze us again or he could even freeze us wholly without even giving us a chance to resist. It would be game over if would have fallen from such heights. even more than that we still don't know that could we even live after being frozen alive. A human would surely die but we were monsters but it didn't mean we were invincible and the attacker would not even try to freeze us if the coldness didn't affect us but were the attackers wanting to restrict us rather than to kill us. You might think I am just imagining things and you may be right but they did not use fire-type magic which is clearly more effective in killing.

Sam-("Stop daydreaming and go get us some wood and Asuka can you find some food")

Asuka nodded and after giving us a slight bow left to the forest. I was a little confused about Asuka who was breathing heavily after hearing Sam orders and licked her lips while bowing.

Is she going to eat us, can someone even eat skeleton so my brother Sam was going to be eaten. I simply stared at Sam and was imagining what will happen to him in the future.

Sam- ("Get going, will you")

Valor- (" I am a skeleton I don't need to eat")

Sam-("But you bones still need water, RIGHT")

Valour- ("But how getting firewood, will get us water?")

Sam-("Oh it will because I am going to get us water")

saying that Sam also went inside the forest, I was wondering how will he even bring back the water, Has he seen some river while flying or he had used his Presence skill to find a water source. Either way, I am not drinking the water that came out of his mouth. I went somewhat deep into the forest I collected some wood here and there and while doing so found the dead bodies of a group of armoured men wearing the same clothes as the soldiers which surrounded us wore when I first arrived at this monster world.

There equipment and weapons were way better than mine. I used appraisal on the armour

[ Full body light Wyvren armour (F) -It reduces

20 % physical damage and 5% increase resistance against all type of elements]

It was a pretty sweet piece of equipment so I took the red tunic and pants of the soldier after praying for his successful passing to the afterlife and wore the full body armour along with the helmet that covered my whole face. I picked up a shining silver shield and looked at my reflection. I looked quite cool if I were to say and anyone who sees will surely think me as a human as my whole skeleton body was covered by clothes and armour leaving only the foot. I put on some iron shoes to hide my foot and chose a strong sword which was grade D and was called the Sword of the Head royal knight. It had a pretty good buff of increasing mana by 10. Ten more seconds of Blade aura (press F for the royal head knight).

I was checking for coins and valuables from the bodies when I heard the footsteps of someone closing in. It was too light for Sam and too heavy for Asuka and more than that the things walked on two while Sam and Asuka walked on four. I turned my head to confront the intruder and readied my new sword but the intruder was way faster than me He placed his sword on my neck. I was bewildered not from his sword skills but from her beauty (Author - she is not a typing error "••") She had a divine face, golden hair no less beautiful than gold. emerald eyes one could get enchanted with she wore a green shirt and a red pant and had a feminine body and soft pink lips like the petals of flower but her chest was flat and even though she had long hairs I was confused whether the intruder was he or she but looking at the face I assumed it was a she or rather I wanted her to be a she

After starting sometime at her face my vision ent toward he long ears. It was that an of elf so as in the games the males were equally beautiful like females I turned my vision again to the chest to double-check the things but I was still unsure. A soothing but loud voice interrupted me, the elf with her cheeks being dyed red was saying something. I didn't understand, her voice though sweet ere not making any sense. Didn't all barriers of language were broken due to Asuka. Did I come too far from her?

I sheathed my sword in the scabbard and not giving any attention to the elves voice. I raised my hands and started to get up. I knew that now I would be taken prisoner or something but I was fine as Sam would surely notice my absence and I wanted to spend more time with the beauty. All of my thoughts disappeared when I saw the elf raising her sword to attack me.