Monster Nation (Volume 2 chapter 3) (Side story)

◇◇ Lester POV◇◇

After Sam departed early in the morning. We also decided to inform Valor of our departure. We couldn't accompany him to the Linval kingdom as though he had become a sub lord we were still evaluated as a monster. We could disguise as someone from the races but only Clara had the transformation skill we would be sooner or later be identified as a monster and would be subjugated and even if Christina and Valor try to help as they would be also labelled as someone dangerous and would be pursued. The Linval kingdom only recognises the intelligent being capable of conversing in human language as the member of races and high-rank monster capable of intelligence are called sub lords are discriminated together with the demon kins

who are known to be the offspring of demonic being and humans.

What is demonic being you ask?

I also asked the very same question and Christina further explained that different from the everyday monsters demonic beings were in the league of their own they are very strong no less than a rank B monster or a Platinum class adventure who were capable of destroying an entire small nation.

Clara-("Aren't they just strong monster why call them demonic beings?")

Clara's question was valid but Christina breathed a sigh and said that is so because demonic beings are not monster of this world.


Alex was right to be surprised if they weren't from this world then were they like us, did they also came from the earth and become monsters like us.

Christina-("I don't if they came from Earth but you are the first otherworlders who are monster at least from what I know.")

So there was a possibility that they were like us and someone was in the same situation were also living on this planet.

Christina-("But unlike your group, they were monsters that never existed in this world they named themselves as Count Dracula and Werewolf ")

They are soooooo from our earth but do Vampires or Werewolves does not exist here.

Lester-(" are there no vampire and werewolves not in this world")

Christina-("They didn't exist in the continent until 1000 years ago they tried to conquer the continent several times but were defeated by the heroes, the previous great war happened just 50 years ago")

They appeared 1000 years ago so were they the descendants of those guys who materialized on this world 1000 years ago or they lived long like the legends and being near immortal were still alive somewhere in this world.if they were alive for 1000 years they must know of something that how can we become humans again or return back to Earth or at the very least how to become strong.

Lester-("Where can we find these demonic beings")

Christina-("Most of them live in hiding but some of their descendants have established nations for monsters the closest one being in the south which can be reached after walking for 16 days is the Principality of Castlevania ruled by the Count Dracula, Arnold Valhein")

Well, we must go there to find the answers to our questions. After discussing the matter among ourselves we unanimously decided to go to the monster nation the part that will go to the Monster nation was me, Alex and Clara. We also wanted Sam to come with us but he refused us.

Sam("I want strength and I could only achieve that by going to the country of dragons because I am a dragon")

Though only the first part qualifies as a reason Sam after making up his mind will listen to no one he called that behaviour of his something called maverick.

Trying to pursue him further would be useless so We diverged toward different paths. Sam was the first to fly away after talking with Valor. We travelled together with Christina and Valor till our paths separated and now we were going in the opposite direction but our goal was the same. After continuing for some time Clara assumed herself as the leader of the party by herself.

Was it her seniority or battle strength, I don't know but we easily accepted her as leaders.

On our way we encountered many monsters that attacked us we defeated most of them and while we were engaged in combat with a group of five goblins. They stopped attacking us after Alex told them to do so and started regarding Alex as their leader.

They started clinging to his legs while some were even screaming his name. The funniest thing was his face when one the gobilns supposedly female were giving him advances.

Lester -("Alex you are still popular, once a ikeman. always a ikeman")

Alex-("I don't know your otaku terms but I will take that a insult")

Alex made a troubled face while I was laughing my ass off. The scene of a reaper laughing would give a heart attack to many but Clara was looking at us with serious eyes.

Clara-("So are we taking these guys with us")

Alex-("They don't look like leaving me anytime soon")

Lester -("Why don't you take one of them as your wife")

Alex -("Haha very funny do you know that undead monster are weak against fire magic")

His eyes were dead and with a conny smile, he summoned a fireball which was floating above his head.

Damn, I teased him too much.

Lester-("We are civilized people let's settle this peacefully")

Ignoring our little fight Clara shouted loaded

Clara-("Listen little goblins if Alex is your leader then I am his leader so of course, I am also your leader")

The goblins looked at each other and started to laugh at Clara words.

Clara picked the strongest looking goblin and wrapped him in her tail and hanged him upside down.

The goblin's eyes filled with fear but respect soon took its place and then they bowed to Clara like a yakuza group bowing to their boss.

We could just clapped at this spectacle

Lester -("You just lost your position and wife to someone else, how do you feel right now")

Alex -("I feel like punching you ")

Alex charged at me I dodged that and ran ahead while saying

Lester -(" The last one to reach the checkpost will

be a rotten egg")

Alex-(" I was always faster than you")

Clara-( "I am surrounded by kids")

she said while sighing her soldiers

The checkpost were now visible the monster nation was now in front of our eyes.