Dominion(Volume 2 Chapter 5)

The charred and unconscious body of Rachel was lying in the river her silver hair and blood-red eyes returned to her original colour but the move was something a single move took almost all of my Mana Point I am still feeling fuzzy with such a huge loss of mana but I can't wait here for my recovery as I have to check on Christina and get some answers from the merchant Rushal. If Rachel needs an escort to go to the capital then one can as well say that demon lords loot you on the way. I just can't leave her in the river so I picked her up binding her hands and legs with nearby vines and tying her mouth with a piece of her torn clothes. You think I am into S&M play well I could be but this and that are two entirely different matter by tying her mouth I make sure she can't use her spell on me.

As I was running through the forest I saw that Rushal was gripping Christina shoulder and holding the sleeping Christina he had kept a knife on her narrow neck.

Rushal -("Leave milady alone or I will slit open

the throat of your friend")

Hey man, what happened to her being your daughter and weren't you a merchant. Did Merchant slit open someone throat when negotiations go awry? I could have easily overpowered him by myself but I didn't want to take a risk of a scar on the beautiful neck of Christina so I slowly kept the unconscious Rachel on the ground. Rushal diverted all of his attention to the unconscious lady being put the ground by me I immediately rushed towards him after seeing his guard down and thursted the sword handle on his stomach he released a scream before releasing Christina and falling to his knees, without wasting any more time I twisted his arm forcing him to drop his knife and forcing him to submission.

When I Was sure that he can't harm us anymore. It was now time for a QnA session with him.

Valor-("You won't still tell me that she is your daughter, right. ")

Rushal-(" The madam is no daughter of mine")


Is she a daughter of a noble, now I think about that she said something about being a descendant of some Count.

Rushal-("Madame is the granddaughter of Count Dracula, Arnold Valhein ")

Count Dracula the name reminds me about the Count Dracula of Transylvania back on earth. So was it possible for this Count Arnold to be a reincarnated of someone from Earth?

Valor-(" Was this Count a human from another world")

Rushal made a surprise face but regained his composure soon and told me

Rushal-("He did come from another world but he was always a vampire")

It means there are now two possibilities the first one being this Count being from some other world than Earth, the second being there were Vampire back on Earth

The first scenario seems more possible in any case. I can't imagine a monster like Vampire living with us back on Earth.

Valor-("So why do you want to send your mistress to the royal capital of a human nation")

He hesitated for a moment and then said

Rushal-( The Count decided that the one who succeeds him will be the one who wins reign over the other Dominions and become the Dominion lord who would reign over all the other Dominion")


Domino's is even in this world did the creator or some big shot of Domino was transferred to this world.

Rushal-( "The people who want to succeed him have been assigned an area, they have to develop their dominion and defeat other dominions into submission")

So he meant area when he said dominion, The count wants his successor to play tower defence with each other and the winner will be the next Count. The game looks simple at first but victory in tower defence is dangling on many various factors it depends on the skill of the individual player his dealing with other players, his priority of development but in real life, things become much more complex because real people are not machines that will follow your every command. They will question your logic and when reject your commands when they believe success is difficult to achieve or even desert you when they feel like their own life is in danger.

Valor-("So the royal capital is the domain assigned to your mistress")

Rushal-(" My mistress received a rather difficult domain as she is a half-vampire ")

The capital of the strongest nation would not be at the level of difficult well it would be at the level of near impossible

Rushal-(" She has to develop her domain and defeat other domains into submission and the one to defeat all the domain would be the next Count")

Valor-("Was she discriminated for being a Vampire")

Rushal-(" She was shunned for being the weakest among her siblings and for her refusal to drink human blood")

Well if she was among the weak one then how much power does her sibling have and how much power would the Count who leads them would posses.

Valor-("If she didn't drink human blood how is she able to live, Don't vampire need to drink blood in order to live?")

Rushal-(" My mistress is a kind soul she only drink blood from criminals and monsters")

Monsters so that elucidate the blood sucked monsters.

Valor-("Were the criminals that attacked you carriage earlier her food")

Rushal-("They would have been my mistress 's food but you killed many and handed the rest to the guards")

Having her food taken she sneaked out in the night for her nutrition.

While we were busy talking Christina had started to wake up she stretched her hands and saw a scene of Me holding Rushal to the ground and the naked body of Rachel lying near by.

Christina-("What are you doing Valor, were you cheating on me")

Christina 's eyes became dead and her voice was cold she was releasing a killing intent and was preparing her sword while walking toward me.