Post Town( Volume 2 Chapter 7)

The proof of me being a king huh so the first one to defeat the elected will be given the king or queen position. so if Rachel was a man instead of woman then would I have the Queen rank, not a king was this position gender restricted. There were many unknown but more than finding answers to that unknown the more important things were what will do from now and how things will turn out in the future.

Valor-("So how are you planning to develop your domain in the strongest human city")

Rachel-("I have the backing of the strongest person in the kingdom")

Christina-("Do you know the king?")

Rachel-("I know the headmistress of the Royal Academy ")

Valor- (" Royal Academy?")

I knew there was a Knight Academy and Magicia Academy but I never heard about Royal Academy did it only took Royalty as students.

Rachel-("The students who show promise from the first year of Knight & Magicia Academy are promoted to the Royal Academy ")

Valor-("Don't knight specialize in sword and mages in magic how can they study together ")

Rachel-("The Linval kingdom wants to create the squads of a magic swordsman so they established the Royal Academy to nourish the next generation of Magic Swordsman of the more popular name they go by Magic Knights to increase the military power of the Linval kingdom.")

Christina-(" They don't want to be at the whims of the holy army ")

It was understandable for the king to do so you can't be a real king if you don't hild the real power. If the holy army could easily defeat the royal army then who would believe in the authority of the Royal army and Royal army.

So there would be a direct competition between the holy knights and magic knights .If I am aiming to become a dragon knight why not aim for the magic knight division. If I am gonna graduate why not aim for the best Academy there is .

The Post Town was in sight but Rushal stopped the carriage. When we asked his reasons, He just nodded his head and said

Rushal -("There are bandits near the gate and there are a lot of them ")

Valour- ("Won't the guards deal with them")

Christina-("The guards are already dead")

Why was everyone except me was able too to see so much? Was my vision poor but I didn't use glasses in my previous life....everyone else has good vision let's stick with that.

Rushal-("Should we help them or wait for the bandits to pass on")

Christina-( " They won't pass at such number they will surely lay the town to ruin by plunder and murder, we must aid the people of town we need to restock our supplies here and if the news of such an event reaches capital I don't think anyone would be given entry in the capital for some time")

What Christina said was completely right as if we don't restock our food here we would be not able to reach the capital. Horses can't move without water and food and the same was true with us, We can't continue to remain two-day journey without our supplies.

Rushal-("How will we engage them ")

Rachel-("Should I suck them dry")

Well she meant what she said of attacking them by sucking all the blood in their body but I believe a girl should not say those lines it feels a little wrong.

Rushal-(" You will expose your secret of being a vampire")

Well, she can be a perfect shield as she won't take any damage and can single-handedly drive them to exhaustion and defeat all of them.

But I would not pick that method, I am a man and I would not hide behind a woman's back and fight my battles. There may be some saying that kings always command from the rear and some chunni trying to evade fighting by saying cool lines like

(A king don't fight with everyone) but even if I become a king I will fight my battle by myself and I won't hide behind women by giving some cool excuse.

I formulated a plan I will be the decoy who will gather the attention of the bandits and while the bandits are focusing on me. Christina and Rachel will use their magic to cast Area of Effect spells and wipe out the ranger attackers and mages so that I can focus on burning all of them by using my Phoenix drive.

We proceeded with the strategy and I charged at them while shouting. The archer and mage tried to snipe me but I effortlessly dodged all of them after using sprint which increases my already fast speed.

The bandits were dumbfounded by my increase in speed and just simply watched me till I slashed the neck if the first bandit

("Engage in combat, Sword user protect the mages"

One of the bandit who looked like the leader shouted while raising his giant Axe.

His attack might pack j quite a punch if it made a direct hit but that would happen if it did me.

He was pretty slow so I simply thursted my sword in his stomach to stop his attack.

The bandit leader screamed as a stream of blood flowed from his wound I was ready to accept a counter from him but to my surprise, he simply called down and departed to the afterlife

Valor-("That was anticlimactic ")

I murmured unknowingly he was too weak for a leader of a bandit group of this magnitude was he just too weak or did I became too strong, was this the effect of becoming a king.

As I was wondering all that the Aoe attack of my teammates and began wiping out the all the mages and archer except a purple hair girl who looked like a mage but she didn't receive any damage from the combined attack of Christina and Rachel.

Was she just lucky or someone devilishly strong.

well, I would get that answer by fighting her anyways. I didn't notice at that time but I was smiling while thinking of fighting her.