Samurai (Prologue)

◇◇Asuka POV◇◇

Valor had collapsed after fighting the wright king

and was currently resting they plan to go to the human kingdom of Linval but Clara with Lester and Alex will go to the Monster nation as they can't go to the Linval kingdom till they are not sub lord but I didn't know them in the first place. I only met Valor and Sam when they were escaping from the spiders.

I am Ito Asuka the second daughter of a family which served the shoguns as samurai for generations. Even though I was a girl I was raised as a boy to become a samurai. my family which served as samurai didn't have a male heir so the second child which was me was raised to become a samurai to continue the family legacy.

◇◇Flashback◇◇(Author -Not far back just some thousand years ago.)

???- "Asuka Onisan will you show me your katana?"

Asuka- "Settle down Ryo I will show it to you but don't get hurt the blade of a samurai is sharp"

I have come to visit my uncle and their son Ryo is currently admiringly katana

Uncle-" Ryo be sure to become a splendid man like Asuka."

Well, me being a woman is a secret but calling me a splendid man hurts my feeling. I am a lady even though I dress as a man.

Aunt-" Asuka will be the perfect husband for Aru"

A girl with black hair and fair skin showed a faint smile listening to that.

That woman was no stranger but my very own fiance. She was engaged to me when we were kids and still see me as her husband. Of course, she doesn't know that I am a girl.

I feel pretty guilt knowing that she is being deceived for marrying a splendid man when I am a girl.

The family left me and Aru alone to spend some quality time together.

A well-dressed girl was sitting in front of me in seiza style on the wooden floor.

Aru-"We will be married in the next spring will the cherry blossom be as beautiful as today"

Yes, next spring we will be a married couple. We won't have normal marital life as other couples as we are both girls.

Aru-"I will make sure our child will be a brave samurai-like you"

It won't be possible a child between us cannot happen was what I wanted to say but I kept quiet the successor of mine would be a child of some branch family inheriting my name but I won't be our child. My father told me that Aru will be told about my truth after she comes as a bride in my household.

"Intruders all guards to their position"

Intruders in Tsushima islands were a rare sight.

I immediately went to the shore at Komoda beach near Sasuura, on the northwestern tip of the southern island.

I saw a fleet of ships near the coast and many armed were preparing to land on the beach, they were

Samurai -"Mongols"

A fellow samurai said with fear in his eyes. The islands were under the rule of Sō clan.

Hearing our report the deputy governor Sō Sukekuni to organize a hasty defence. On that day, the shrine to Hachiman caught fire, which would have been an omen of bad luck, but Sukekuni interpreted it as an omen of warning.

With eighty mounted samurai and their retinue, Sukekuni confronted an invasion force

The invasion forces were 8000 warriors embarked on 900 ships.

The lord tried to negotiate with the Mongols but they laughed at our proposal treating the negotiations as an act of cowardice.

Mongol soldier -" We will consider your proposal after we sleep with your women"

A Mongolian soldier shouted something in his language which caused the surrounding soldiers to laugh .the Lord asked our scholar to translate his words.

The scholar was hesitant at first but after being questioned again translated his words.

Hearing the scholar words the eyes of the samurai turned red.

One of the samurai Sukesada couldn't contain his anger and charged at the Mongolian soldier.

Sukesada-"You insolent fellow, DIE"

Sukesada unsheathed his katana and split the soldier in half. The soldier was perfectly bisected and all of that happened in an instant. The Mongols were dumbfounded but soon gave the order of charging. The Lord told the archer to fire and the samurai to retreat while holding the line.

Sukesada alone cut down 25 soldiers in individual combat. His experiences were above all of us he was the strongest Samurai of the island.

The archers also killed many soldiers, we were able to hold the beach till the nightfall.

It was looking like we would be able to win, there was a hope against this large force we just have to show them that the fight would yield more loss than profit only 37 samurai had remained but we had slain hundreds of them.

The lord decided to do a cavalry charge to fend the intruders off but as they were doing that a ball lighted by fire was thrown at them.

The night sky was filled with light so bright that you could not look at it directly an ear-deafening sound soon followed.

Sukesada leading the cavalry was blown to pieces, among the thirty that participated in the charge only five remained. The Mongols without wasting any time fired arrows at us one of the arrows struck the lord he shouted retreat before his head was on the spear of the Mongol commander. The remaining Samurai were holding the line while one of them said to me.

Samurai-"Go back and inform the lord's daughter and others about our failure."

Asuka-"I will stay back and fight with you"

Samurai-"Don't be a fool and go you are the youngest here you must protect the lady and the others to prepare for the defence of the town.

I took my horse and started to gallop back to the town I could hear the sound of more of those balls which explode but I had to reach the town and inform them as it was the chance that my fellow samurai created by their own lives.