Nothing is true (Volume 3 Chapter 7)

◇◇ ??? POV◇◇

I have reached the Knights academy of the Linval


The target of assassination is Alvon von Artemis

Should I sneak to his room but I need to first find his room from reception. My client wants his death to look like an accident.

Should I poison the whole cafeteria but it is possible being a son of a Count may prepare his own food.

Those nobles always like to show off their wealth and love to prove they are different from the masses.

I love to kill arrogant noble like that and there is a

rumour of him being quite handsome.

Should I have a taste of him before killing him?

????- "Nee why are you licking your lips?"

???- "Don't worry Nina we will soon meet your sister at the female dorm, Why don't you go there

your sister must be waiting for you"

Nina-"Ok I will go"

She looks very happy to meet her sister. Well so do I it has been some time after I have met her again I didn't know she would join the Magicia Academy.

Was this her pursuit of power. She even said that she has found her partner must be a noble brat but I still wish her happiness no one can bully The witch of Hima at the least.

I hope they safe and their love prosper.

Why didn't I think of this before to celebrate my friend ' success there has to be a celebration and who don't like fireworks and the burning of this dorm.

Can there be anything more beautiful than that?

I should waste no more time and get started I have to meet my friend, I have much to talk I also need to ask her about her special one oh I can't wait.

But work is first

??-"Hey you what are you doing here, no outsiders are allowed after sunset you have to come with me old lady"

Did that brat just now called me an old lady.

Hey who is an old lady I am just 27 I need to inform this ignorant boy of his misconduct

???-"You are rude boy I am young not some lady"

??-"Someone in their thirty's is an old lady for me"

???-"You sure don't hold your life dear"

??-"I am the student president of the middle school division of Knight Academy. An old lady can't scare me ha ha ha ha"

???-".... I am..... Not some...OLD LADY"

??-"Old lady do you need some medical attention"

???-" [Explosion] "


The boy wanted to say something but well he can't speak after being blown to pieces.

My surprised attacked failed but the plan will remain the same.

I will set the dorm on fire and even if the target escapes I can kill him the next time he can't hide from me or now can he and more than that I still have to give my gift to my friend and her sweetheart.

Burn magnificently for my friend

???-"O crucible which melts my soul, scream forth from the depths of the abyss and engulf my enemies in a crimson wave!

Pierce trough,

[Greater Explosion] "

the whole dormitory was blown to pieces but a demon was standing inside the crimson flames while holding something.

◇◇ End of ??? POV◇◇

I was about to jump from the window when I felt the increase in temperature I activated my

[Flame Aura] to shield Sasa and me.

The whole building exploded at the next moment

Thank God that the girls weren't in this dormitory

I don't about Sasa's bother but if this explosion can kill him than I doubt that any other student can survive it.

What old lady is standing in front of me. She looks scared from the explosion

it must be too much for an old lady.

I should check if she is fine or not

Valor-"You alright, Old lady?"

???-" Who is OLD LADY"

Valor-"Obviously you, do you see anyone else?"

She was scared at first but was now angry, is this the mood shift of old people.

Will I be like her when I become old. do monster even age like humans?. It's a mystery that will uncover with time but first I have to send Sasa to safety I can't always keep standing in flames my

Mana Points are not infinite.

Though [Flame Aura ] consumes less Mana Points but it still shaves them away at a decent rate and I am still receiving continuous damage but my [Hyper Regenration] is recovering at the same rate so I am not affected but can't say the same for Sasa.

I came out of the fire. placed Sasa beside a tree and then turned towards the women who was glaring daggers at me.

The world is surely strange people get angry for being asked their well-being looks I need to apologise to that old lady as I bowed to ask forgiveness a gust of wind passed above my head just brushing my hair.

All the trees behind me were sliced into two.

Thank God I bowed if not my head would be in the place of those trees.

She is not an old lady but she is a dangerous old lady. I immediately unsheathed my sword and took a defensive posture.

If I played any more my head will be rolling on the ground. The old dangerous lady was giving out a killing aura. I had to keep my guard up or I would end up dead.

???-"Tch, He dodged"

Did she just clicked her tongue as I was thinking that she appeared behind me

???-"You think too much boy that will kill you"

Valor-"You talk too much [Super Sonic] "

I immediately used my fasted spell to create distance between us but she appeared behind me once again.

???-"You are fast boy "

if I am fast then how in the world are you able to catch up to me. I dashed again but she was behind me once again.

How fast is this old dangerous lady moving?

I am pretty sure I am moving faster than sound... What should I die let's change my approach.

I grabbed her hand.

???- "Do you want to touch this sexy lady"

Valor-"Yes, You are in for a ride"

I activated my [Super Sonic] again and crashed into the line with her.

How is my Kamikaze attack some trees are nothing against me when my stats are boosted by ten times.

For those of you thinking where did the vortex

disappear to it is still there and the old lady is in front of it.

You say I am heartless. Well, you are right I have already given my heart to the girls.

I will crush anything that stands between me and my objective.

The old lady was smashed to a pulp but that body of disappeared after some time.

Valor-"What the..