Overkill( Volume 3 Chapter 9) (Side Story)

◇◇ Sam POV◇◇

The little girl threw me in the air like I was light as

a feather.

I won't boast but I must several hundred kilos if not thousand some flowery young girl shouldn't be able to just toss me in the sky.

Even though I had wings I couldn't fly because I was in a state of shock and marvel on being thrown by a little girl.

Something just broke and it wasn't my heart but my pride I was most probably strongest in my group. I made fun of Valor now and then for being a skeleton which can be defeated by children but here I was being tossed in the sky by a little girl.

I crashed into the nearby trees and Asuka came running to the fallen me.

Asuka-"Danna, are you ok?"

The hell Danna means is what I want to ask but I have to be wary of that little girl now.

After tossing me she started crying again. The hell is with her but she is the one to attack first.

Now little girl to hell with protecting the loli here comes my attack.

I used my [Flame breath] on her but not even her frilly dress had a black spot.

Is my attack not working? Aren't my flames hot?

I used the same skill on the trees and they burn just fine.

Let's forget the long-range attacks and get close and personal here.

I didn't want to hit a little girl but it can't be helped

(Author-You can't hurt her but can burn her to ashes.)

I swayed tail to hit her like a whip. She should be in the air anytime now. I was looking towards the blue sky. Yes, the sky is clear today and the sum is also shining brightly what a good day to have a picnic. Wait I definitely felt stay tail hit something but she was not in the sky I looked down to find my tail now bend weirdly. I was not feeling any pain but I was literally not feeling my tail. Having a tail was a weird feeling because I was a human before my death but now I was feeling like a human I couldn't feel my tail.

The little girl grabbed my twisted tail....

....Shit shit shit is she going to do what I think she is going to do.

My nightmare came true when she twisted my tail straight..... Pain ran through my body and I unintentionally screamed and it was not you ordinary scream it was very loud.

Loud enough to get me a skill.

{ Sam learned [Roar of Fear}

Hey the name sounds dubious I have played many games but I never heard of skill like this.

Did my roar induce fear in my enemies, or I give this roar when I am in fair? I wanted to check this new skill out but damn it was still hurting.

How can a little girl reduce me to such a story state?

Sam-"All or Nothing"

I signalled Asuka to stay back and flapping my wings I rose to the sky.

Sam-"Little girl do you want to say something in your defence"

Well, no one can complain now that I don't try to reason.

My wings started to glow a silver light, the wind in the are picked up pace before two silver arcs like blades were fired from my glowing solver wings. Yes it was my strongest attack and it was not [Wing Blade] anymore but it combined with a new skill [Camouflage] and became [Silver Wind]

{ [Silver Wind] - It is a grade (A) skill which launches numerous blades at the enemy which is invisible to everyone. Every blades direction can be controlled and can't be countered until it reaches to the one-meter radius of the enemy as the silver blades travel in a different dimension }

I lost my [Wind Blade] skill but the new skill is in no way inferior it has greater power and is now more accurate and practical.

I won.

That was what I thought would be the case but my strongest attack was only able to tear her dress.

It was hopeless, I thought I was the only one who had combined two skills and was the strongest in my group but if I even can't defeat a little girl.

then what was my power for?

The little girl- "You tore my dress boy"


The little girl-" A hatchling as young as you can even touch me that's a miracle on its own."

A little girl is calling me a hatchling, talk about strange.

She was capable of reasoning and from her words, she looks pretty mature then they not be a kid and she was conversing meant she was capable of reason and me being alive meant she didn't want me dead, yet that is.

The little girl-"Looks like you roar invited some unwanted guest.

I felt the presence for a long time but was ignoring it. The thing now facing me was a zombie dragon and he was huge more than ten time my size he was all bones reminded me of Valor but unlike him, he looked strong.

Skeleton is real against fire leaving exception like Valor who set them on fire. It was a norm for the undead to be weak against fire and holy element.

Will [Flame breath] do? it is a fairly powerful skill but I never used it on such a large enemy.

I doubt that it will cover all of his body. I so miss Valor's [Appraisal] if I could no the enemy's stats fighting becomes easier but I think I need to tale Asuka and run now. if it is that big I can't think it can catch me if I fly under the trees.

Areil manoeuvrability is my strong point. I took Asuka from the ground and said

Sam-"Little girl do you want a lift?"

The little girl-" It's Big sis for you, rude boy"

Suit yourself, I skimmed between the tree. Some light has started to shine from behind.

Not betraying my curious nature, I turned back my head while keeping check I don't crash into something. I saw several golden rings of light above and below the zombie dragon.

The girl was shining brightly and when the shine faded there was now a woman with the godly figure and red hair standing in the place of the little girl.

You know I left the most important detail she was stark naked.


I muttered unknowingly. Asuka punched my head while pouting. Was she feeling jealous, how cute no no she is a spider I don't like spider.

steel up my heart.

Beautiful lady-" [Judgement]"

She only spoke one word and the rings of light tightened around the body if the Zombie dragon and pillar of light piercing the sky followed that.

The zombie dragon was no more and where it stood was now a large crater.

I gulped at this display of power it was certainly

Sam-" A overkill"