At Odds? (Prologue)

◇◇??? POV◇◇

??-" Those Holy knights took over our Garrison at the Woodgreen Kingdom."

???- " Does that pope think he is the king now"

??- " They were already strong, to begin with, and now they have the saint on top of that"

???- "Did the assassin fail?"

??- " It was never attempted in the first place"

???- " What nonsense are you spouting "

??- " The assassin failed at the first target"

???- " That Artemis's son?"

??-" I am afraid so "

???- " Wasn't the Assassin known as 'Black Death'

it can't even handle a kid "

??- " it drew too much attention while fighting"

???- " That Artemis kid?"

??- " No the student which cleared the course in six minutes"

Just six minutes is that even possible did he had some backing and if he was someone powerful why I didn't know about him till now.

Our information network may not be the best was still pretty capable

???-" What information we have about him?"

??- " Not much"

What we don't have any information about him our information network couldn't find anything about him

???- " Did he appear from thin air?"

??- " From what we know it looks like that"

As I was pondering about it I heard the sound of

Heavy footsteps.

The strongest knight of the Linval kingdom was kneeling in front of me with his followers.


He rouses from the ground and began his report

Strongest knight -"My lord, there has been an incident in the Knight's Academy "

I already know it but for the sake of appearances I have to act surprised

???-" What happened?"

Strongest knight-" The male dormitory of the Knight Academy has been blown"

??-"My goodness, What were the royal knights doing?"

Strongest knight-" You have my apologies I was careless"

???- " Don't blame each other find out who was behind it"

Strongest knight-"As you say my liege"

Well we are the one who ordered it but I don't think you will ever find it"

"Your Highness"

A guard came running in the chamber

??- " What insolence don't you know you are in the presence of the king"

King -" Stop, Let him speak"

Guard -" My king the holy saint demands your audience"

King - "At this time, Tell her to come tomorrow morning"

Guard - " But my king...."

??-Stop your insolent behaviour, Brad cut his head"

Brad, the strongest knight unsheathed his sword and was moving towards the guard.

I don't want the smell of blood to spill in my chamber.

King-"Stop Brad, Why aren't you obeying my order to tell her"

Guard -"Thanks for the mercy my king "

??-"State the reason don't waste our precious time"

He will only play with girls after this, of course, it is his precious time.

Guard- " She has blood in her eyes and has come leading a platoon of holy knights."

She is leading her man here at this time and blood in her eyes we were taking special care not to offend the Church. but I have to handle her with care.

King - "Allow only her to enter"

She can't do much without her holy knights and I also have Brad here with me who is known as the

'Iron Wall' she can't bypass him in this life.

After some time someone barged opened the metal door. Here she comes

King-" What does the Holy Saint needs from me at this hour"

( Author- For those of you who have forgotten, Elene, the ex-girlfriend of Valor is the Holy Saint)

Elene-" Justice"

What justice she seeks can someone having the strength and position like her even be wrong

king-" What injustice has been done to you"

Elene - "An assassination attempt on someone I hold dear"

Assassination on the heroes. I don't think any faction will do that right now when there are rumours of the demon king coming back to life.

??-"Who was targeted?"


King-" Who was the victim"

Elena - " A student of Knights Academy"

are she and Artemis kid an item?

Brad-" You meant the Dormitory incident, don't worry we are finding the attacker, we have taken statements from the witness and will soon solve the case"

Elene-" I have already found the conspirator "

Brad- " Would you mind telling the name"

Elene - " Minster of Commerce was behind it"

"what" "it can't be " " but why he would " "Doesn't Artemis's son also study in the knight's Academy"

I didn't know that my retainers we're capable of uncovering the plot.

They are not that big of a fool I thought them to be. Alright, I should now dispose of this incompetent minister he knows too much but is wasted in women and liquor. I won't get a better chance than this to dispose of him and I will earn the favour of the holy saint as a bonus on top of that.

Brad-" Do you have anything to verify your claim"

Minister- "Yes exactly my point "

Elene - " Will the document of the assassins contract with his signature suffice"

She throws the paper while saying so

Brad-" If this is true then surely the minister was behind the attack"

It's my turn to take the stage

king- " What plot is this Roderick how can you aim for someone's life in envy?"

Brad- "Allow me to take him in custody"

Roderick -" But you said...."

You want to take me down with you witness my royal magic [Authority] it can take over the control of someone's body reducing him to a mere puppet. I have sealed your mouth now how will you entertain me.

Oh, you want to kill that girl now but that was your most foolish action.

Elene -" [Judgement] "

Her sword turn golden and Roderick was cut in millions of pieces.

Not even his body part remains what left was a pool of blood.

Truly fearsome were the only thing that came to my mind after seeing the scene of Carnage and her skill [No Negative Status ] render my [Authority] useless. I have to prepare another trump card soon or I will end up like Roderich.

◇◇ End of King's POV◇◇

◇◇ Brad's POV◇◇

That move was magnificent I hate to admit it but in terms of raw power, she has already surpassed me.

We are now in a corridor walking towards the exit. Alvon von Artemis would be probably someone special to her

Brad-" If it would not be rude to ask, is Alvon rather close to you?"

Elene -" Who is this Alvon"


◇◇End of Brad's POV ◇◇