Survivor(2) (Volume 5 Chapter 5)

I could hear a couple of voices coming from nearby group of trees. I picked up the goblin's knife from his body and went to a nearby bush to hide.

After waiting for some time I could see the figure

of three green humanoid objects walking towards the body of the dead goblin.


One of them shouted and the other two nodded and spread out, probably searching for the one who killed their brethren.

The one who looked liked the leader of the group

went to the forest again with the second goblin,

I took a breath of relief seeing the two figures disappearing into the dense forest.

The third goblin looked towards me

did he saw me?

Was I going to die?

Won't I be able to save my mother anymore?

No, I will survive this and go back to my mother

I have finally got the means to save her, I will definitely bring the flower back to the village even if this is the last thing I do.

I prepared my spear to strike the goblin, the goblin started to move towards the exact bush I was hiding did he found out my smell or the smell of goblin's blood on my spear.

Any of that didn't matter now as I had to make sure that I survive this and bring the ice glory back to the village.

I could sense the presence of the goblin getting closer to me looks like the day I spent training with the village adventurers weren't a waste.

The way of fighting and sensing enemies I learned over the years from those adventurers would be the things that will help me survive.

As I was thinking that I could see the shadow of what would appear to be a goblin head without wasting any time I pierced that shadow with my spear the spear pierces the head of the goblin but something is wrong. I didn't hear any scream from the monster.

I did aim at the throat of the goblin to prevent him calling for any help but I knew I am not some seasoned adventurer who can do that easily and for a fact, I knew that I have missed his throat so why was the goblin silent.

" Ge Ge Ge Ge"

the goblin with a spear in his head was laughing

No, it was the goblin standing just behind him that was laughing and the head I pierced was of the same goblin I had already killed.

???-" I was fooled."

The adventures did say that the goblins were intelligent but I didn't know they can play tricks like that.

I immediately retracted the pierced spear and pointed it towards the laughing goblin but I felt a sharp pain in my left leg.

I knew one should never lose eye contact with the enemy while fighting but when I looked at my left leg I saw a knife, a knife was penetrating deep in my left leg and some blood was splitting out from it.

I moved one of my hand towards the handle of that old knife.

"Ge Ge Ge Ge"

The goblin was laughing at my pitiful state, he started to move towards me thinking that I had lost all hope and was now coming to collect his prey but he didn't know something.

He didn't know that my father was a hunter and hunter don't hunt by weapons but hunter hunt by

???-" Traps."

As soon as the goblin stepped in the bush a bear claw trap caught his foot and before he could even scream in pain a spear was inside his open mouth and his eyes were already dead.

???-" I won "

I fell to the ground saying that I had killed the goblin and survived

Of course, there was no time to think about such things. After running a short distance I stopped again, and start to dig into the dirt with the knife. It's a good thing that the dirt and rotten leaves were soft and easy to cut through… I smear the dirt over my blood-covered legs to extinguish the smell of my blood and any possible bleeding. As that was hardly going to be enough, I lie in the dirt and begin to roll from left to right as well. Changing my body odour to that of the soil. With this, I should be able to fool their noses. My bloodied spear will also have to go. You've been very helpful, Thank you.

I change the direction I've been running in and now head for the plains. Surely, I would be safer if I went in the opposite direction of the denser forest. I prayed that I wouldn't encounter any new monsters on my way there as begin to run again

After running for quite a while, I slowed to a walk. My discarded spear was now replaced with a stick. With the knife, it was quite easy to cut things. But I couldn't work on sharpening it while I walked, so it would remain just a stick for now.


A little further on, the forest suddenly ended and I walked out onto the plains that spread out past the hill. Trying to stay cautious of anything behind me, I make for the hill. I was quite surprised to make it back here… Though, I looked completely different now than when I had left. Back then, I was clean and unarmed, now I had a stick and a knife and was covered in dirt. From what I could tell, looking at the position of the sun, it was evening. Only seven to eight hours had passed…

I was very exhausted after running so much so I decided to rest a little on a tree branch and spend the night there as I didn't want to move through the forest with a knife in my leg.

But I couldn't remove the knife as doing it unskillfully would mean certain death and smell of blood would definitely attract those goblins here, for now, I had to bear the pain and make sure I can return alive to the village with the ice glory so my mother would be healed.


I heard another sound but that sound was not of a goblin but the source of that sound was walking on four.