Survivor(4) ( Volume 5 Chapter 7)

◇◇Lady Knight's POV◇◇

I then stood up and swung my sword into the neck of the closest orc. It descended at an angle, cleanly cutting into the thick flesh. But, damn. It did not go all the way through. However, a bright torrent of blood sprayed from the wound and rained down on the trees. I could probably just leave it and it would die by itself. But you should never underestimate larger enemies. The trick was to deal a deathblow.

I use magic to create ice in the air. It is in the shape of a sword. Sharp, thin, hard. The finished sword swings towards the half-severed neck.

As I was following this with my eyes, a chill runs down my spine. I don't have time to see what is happening as I drive forward. A heavy sound and the pressure of wind shoots over my head. There was now a large club right where I had been squatting a second ago. That was close… The orc that should have been stuck to the ground by icicles was now looking straight at me. Its legs were covered in blood, but there was no ice. They must have broken…these guys were insanely strong.

Then I heard a snap. I turn my head just in time to see the other orc fall. Its head had fallen to its feet, the ice sword was stuck in the ground right next to it. So the magic attack was able to kill it after all. The snapping sound must have been the icicles that could no longer support the orc's weight. In other words, those icicles weren't strong enough against a force equal to their weight. I needed to make them stronger.

I pick up the ice sword that was in the ground. It was a little cold, but that wasn't a problem. You just needed to run a current of magic through it and the sensation was gone.

I look at the orc in front of me, holding the steel sword and the ice sword in each hand.

Now there was just one guy left.


The orc's club hit my stomach. The pain is immense but I have to endure the pain and get up. The only reason I am alive is due to my Mythril armour but even though the armour took the attack the attack had great strength and I could not neglect the shock completely so the internal bleeding is not something that I

can ignore.

I cast [Heal] on myself but the skill is just ( G)

Grade and isn't much effective and takes much time.

" Bu hi bu hi Buhiii "

The Orc is laughing looks like he is thinking that he has already won but if he thinks that

???-" [Flash] "

Then he is surely mistaken because the time when one thinks he has won

Lady knight-" He is the most vulnerable."

I charged at the blind Orc and thrust my steel sword in his belly but he just won't be dead form that.

Lady knight- " Oh spirits of wind that flutters in this space, heed my call and blow everything that stands in my way, [Tempest]."

A spiral of wind envelops the sword and the belly of the orc inflates and even before he could open his mouth he explodes with blood spilling everywhere like a balloon when overfilled with water.

What the blood is red but isn't it supposed to be blue. Orcs usually have blue blood but this one had red, was this orc a rare variant.

Lady knight-"No"

It was not the Orc's blood that was dripping from my armour it was my own.

I saw a figure of someone approaching me with a bow.

Oh, at least that kid was alive.

◇◇End of Lady Knight's POV◇◇

◇◇???'s POV◇◇

A bow it had been five years since I used once

my father used to teach me and after his demise

I stopped using it as it resurfaced my memories of him and honestly, that is something I don't want to remember again. The Lady knight was lying on the floor covered in leaves preparing for an ambush.

Her fighting style was honestly not that of a knight. I had the image of knights being flashy and noisy brimming with justice and chivalry.

Well her sword skills were surely that of a knight the orcs had started running towards the food.

Oh, the lady knight was capable of using such spell, grand magic spikes of ice were emerging from the ground and pierced the orc.

???-" I don't have time to admire her."

The basics of hunting are feeling, feeling the presence of the prey and archer don't mind what is in front of him the only thing he thinks of is how will his arrow Peirce the target.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes I can see the Orc.


One of my support skills which can increase the target's attack and speed and currently my arrow is boosted by it and the target is the orc who is caught in the spike and the arrows fly and

lands in the brain of the orc.

She had cut the head of the other orc we can definitely win now.

???-" BEHIND YOU."

I shouted but I was already too late she was hit by the club of the orc. She was alive but was wriggling in pain I quickly reached the ground but she had somehow defeated the last orc by blowing it away. when I reached her she looked towards me and fainted.

I had to reach the village fast as if I started now I would have reached in some hours.

The lady knight was bleeding and it would attract monster but I didn't have time to treat her wounds more than to wait for the sun to rise.

I removed her armour because I couldn't carry her with the heavy armour on.



After removing her armour I could see the slender figure of a woman under that armour, her bust was smaller than mine or almost non-existent to be precise.

Now was the time for the headgear. after hesitating for some time I removed her headgear

???-" Divine."

She was simply divine she had fair skin with platinum blonde hair with green eyes like forest lush and pink lips and the most surprising thing was that

???-" She was an elf."

I wanted to admire her beauty but the pool of red blood brought me back to reality and so I carried her on my back and surprisingly she was very light but my speed was reduced nonetheless.


I was continuously walked for 5 hours the sun was now in the sky and I could now see the exit.

My whole body was in pain may be due to the fact I didn't get enough rest or I was moving while carrying a person, either way, I was about to reach my village. my mother would finally be healed and I also have to thank this lady Knight for helping me.

I left the forest and the village was in front of me I should have been happy but tears were coming out from my eyes as a man with purple eyes and white hair was standing between me and the village and on closer look, I found a purple core in his body

???-" A monster."

◇◇End of ???'s POV◇◇

◇◇Death Lord's POV◇◇

The noisy intruder was a little girl and she had the gall to call me a monster but my current look may that of a monster but hearing it still pains my heart and she is not alone she is carrying someone

A woman no on closer look an elf.

I should first make it clear that I am not hostile

Death lord-" Welcome, you look tired."

I said so with the most gentlemanly smile I could muster but the girl instead of being relaxed started crying and fainted on the spot.

I looked at the scene to see three girls lying on the ground.

Death Lord -" Anyone who sees this will brand me as a pervert."

???-" Oh aren't you one."

A familiar shadow emerging from the ground rebuked me.