Invasion ( Prologue)

◇◇???'s POV◇◇

The other blood ape's right eye had been pierced through, and it was going wild and trying to pull the sword out. It had been so close to us, and I had no idea… This forest was insane.


???-"Now, concentrate. Blood apes will attack as a group. Consider the likelihood that there are ten of them here."

They Adventurers swore as they swung their swords. I launched an ice arrow at an orc in a tree. The orc managed to fire off an arrow at the same time, and so I blocked it by generating a shield of ice. I had thought of this as a method for blocking projectiles. I think…that no one else had thought of this yet… I would call this spell

[Ice shield]

??-"Sir Hero is capable of using the [ice Sheild]

????-"Even though he is only twelve years old"

Not original I guess.

All the while cutting the orcs that I passed and decreasing their count. The orcs could not follow my speed and so their attacks never had a chance of landing.


Still, no matter how many I killed, they seemed to keep coming. I didn't know how many there were, but I felt that I must have killed two hundred alone. Finally, one of the orc leaders seemed to have lost his patience, as he stopped barking out orders and rushed towards me with his sword. The sword was visibly old and in terrible shape. It seemed like it would be better used for clobbering than cutting. However, it never had a chance to do either, as his arm and head went flying in the air.

The blue blood sprayed out from the blue body, and I remembered just how warm it was as it splattered on my cheek. Things were getting loud behind me. It was probably the men that the leader had sent. I used [Presence Detection]…there were five of them. So that was six including me. Perhaps we could take down the settlement with these numbers.

Even after killing one of the orc leaders, there did not seem to be much difference; much chaos. After all, they had been doing little but advancing, to begin with. And I was here to prevent that. And while I had brought their numbers down a little, there were still many more. We would be able to kill much faster as a group of six. This would be the climax of this moonlit battle.

Scout-" We have found the settlement. "

Adventurer A -" Let's race to see who will reach there first."

Adventurer B-" The last one to reach will pay the bill."

Typical adventurers always free will and string that's why after training for three years at the place I chose to be an adventurer even though everyone else went to different famous institutions but I decided to be an adventurer as I always dreamed to be like the adventure I saw in those RPG games.

Hero-"You are on Arthur."

Even though I say many went too different institutions my childhood friend Arthur decided to stick with me and we are currently in the Crimson Moon party defending the village from a

Orc invasion.

We got the mission of subjugation of orcs from the adventure guild as there had been increased in the sighting of the orcs near the area of the village.

But while coming here we were ambushed by

Blood Apes and latter found the possibility of a

Orc settlement and on seeing the battle techniques of the Orc, the leader has suspected the involvement of highly evolved Orc and proposed we must cull the herd now or there could be a possible stampede endangering many lives.

Orc-" For Lord Mord Bu Hiiii"

Several orcs wielding clubs and axes block our advance

Arthur -" Push through them"

Adventurers- """""""" ohhhhhhhh""""""

The adventures engage the rear guard of the orcs. we are gradually pushing them back,

Some orcs are no match for such a veteran group of gold and silver adventures the orc using different strategies doesn't matter.

" Buhiii some human scums interfering with our plans "

A pale orc holding a giant axe came in front and everyone stopped fighting.

Adventurer-" A high orc but they weren't supposed to be here."

High orc-" You humans insect are trying to interfere with the plans of our great lord Mord"

Arthur-" Why do you want to invade the village."

High orc-" Invade the village bu hi hii hii."

His laugh flipped a switch inside me

Hero-" Why are you squealing you PIG."

The orc's ugly face cramps up on hearing pig looks like he doesn't like it but he gets angry and charges at us alone. I used my great sword to make an arc-like moment and hit his head, Arthur uses his sword to parry his counter attack. while

an arrow sent by an adventurer wounds one of his eyes and blinds him he looks tough but without hai vision, he is nothing more than a pig.

Arthur-" Ice Peirce my enemies[ Icicle Thrash]"

Spikes of ice jabs the blinded orc and he screams in pain and falls to the ground.

Adventurer-" I will take his head"

one of the < warrior> adventurer approaches the collapsed body of the high arc but at the next moment that adventurer body is split in half

and now standing behind the collapsed orc was a huge black orc holding a huge greatsword and

surrounding him were several ashes coloured pale orcs like the one which collapsed at the ground.

The huge black orc glares at us and even though orcs are grade (F-) rank monster a chill ran out of my spine and my three years of experience told me that if I don't fight him seriously.

Hero-" I will die."

Adventurer-" Tha that's an Orc Lord."

All the adventurers start to mumble and panic

" How can something like that be here."

" something like high orc should also be not here in the first place."

" We were only told of an orc subjugation."

"Let's escape I can't die for some gold coins."

Arthur -" What are you saying if we escape now what would happen to the villagers"

Adventurers-" We are adventurers not some knight."

Frustrating it was they were right adventurers were people who work because they are paid and you can't expect chivalry for them and different from knights and soldiers they value their lives more."

Arthur -" Tch weaklings getting cold feet from some pigs"

Saying that Arthur rushed towards the Orc Lord

Hero-" Arthur Stop "

I tried to stop him but without paying heed to my words he jumped at the Orc Lord

Arthur-" [Water Blade] "

Arthur sword got covered with a torrent of water and he strikes at Mord but two high orcs come between them but they were cut like butter as the sword descend continues it hits the hand of Mord blood splutters did Arthur succeed?

Adventurers started cheering but the sword engulfed in a torrent of water couldn't penetrate the arm of Mord and in the next moment Arthur's head was lying in front of me.