Hunt(3) (Volume 6 Chapter 3)

◇◇Kreshelia's POV◇◇

There was a horrible sound as the blade bounced off of its scales.


Kreshelia-"Tsk…so it didn't work."


The last wyvern I had fought had also blocked all swords. Magic attacks were effective, but not swords enhanced by magic, it seemed. As I valued speed, I had avoided using magic, but it seemed that I would have to cover the blade with water like before… I probably should have gone for the head when I had the chance, but there was no point in thinking about it now

Taking the head when it was completely alert would be almost impossible.



The young wyvern growled as it snapped at my sword again. While this one was smaller, it didn't necessarily mean that it was weaker. The look of murderous rage in its eyes was real.


But suddenly, the younger wyvern cried and let go of my sword.

I used [Blessing of the forest God] then and jumped through the air and landed behind it. Now I was able to see that a knight had come and was cutting at the wyvern's tail.

Knight- " Continue your attacks adventurer, Yis of the blue brigade has your back."

So this knight is of the blue brigade, at least some humans have chivalry and justice left in them.

I have to finish it fast and reach the fields even though it has many injuries and its wings are practically useless it still fights without showing any weakness. it has great vitality showing the pride of someone from the dragon race but I can't afford to lose now.

The dragon raises its tails and tries to hit me in his arc-like motion. I jump and dodge it and start to chant for my attack.

Kreshelia-" " Oh spirits of wind that flutters in this space, heed my call and blow everything that stands in my-"

The Young wyvern knowing that I am chanting a spells tires to bite me but just before he could crush my head

Kreshelia-" [Tempest]"

I was barely able to finish the chant in time but I was able to flick the charging wyvern with a violent current of wind.

The hard scales that bounced off my great sword were torn inside out with the violent current of win and blood started to flow from his


His seeing the opportunity started to attack the young wyvern tail once again.

The young wyvern turned around, feeling the pain. Yis predicted an attack and lifted his sword to block it. But I wouldn't let it attack at all. It's back was open. And that tail was long as hell. This time, I sent a surge of blue magic through the sword, wrapping the blade in water as it swung down.



The greatsword cut through the dragon scales with ease. Both flesh and bones were severed and the tail was cut off at the root.




It stumbled with a cry of pain. It's dragon wind burst into a chaotic storm around us. I somehow managed to dodge it as I rushed towards Yis.

Yis - " That was splendid, I underestimated you, surely you must be a Gold-rank adventurer."

Kreshelia-"No, I am just an ordinary traveller."

Yis - " Ordinary travellers can't cut wyvern's tail though this one is rather young."

Kreshelia-" That young wyvern was already wounded before I fought him."

Yis - " was he chased to this village must be another wyvern in the area?"

In fact, if the wyvern wasn't damaged by Lord then I would have just trying to tick it with ice swords where the young wyvern could just fly to evade my reach.

The wyvern could not balance itself without a tail, and it was wobbly on its feet. But more than that, the pain was taking over. Eventually, it would not be able to stand, and then it would be over. The only thing left was to take off its head.


Kreshelia-"I'll deal the final blow!"

Yis -"Be careful, Miss. It can be the most dangerous during these moments!"

I nodded as I walked forward. The wild wyvern looked at me. I didn't know if it was anger or fear, but it howled and howled.

I held the sword up and imbued it with magic. It was as if the wyvern recognized what this meant, and it began to suck in its breath. It was going to try and end this here and now.

It was going to breathe.


However, that meant it was open for a second.


In that instant, an explosion of wind erupted around my legs and shot me forward. There was no time for anyone to see the flash of blue when I attacked and the head flew off. Its breath came the moment that my sword went through, and the head was launched into the air. At the same time, fresh blood shot out of the stump and covered the ground with red.


Kreshelia-"In the end, speed beats everything."


I thrust my sword into the ground and turn around. What I saw then was the young wyvern. Life was gone from its eyes as it sunk into the ocean of blood.

I had battled a wyvern before but I had the help of my battalion and that time we were only able to chase it away but this was the first time I have killed though young a member of the dragon race who are known for their vitality and strength but I didn't have time to celebrate my victory as I had to reach somewhere else.

As I was going to move Yis interrupted me.

Yis -" Where are you going Miss you are the dragon slayer, you are a hero, we will celebrate and drink the whole night and have a great feast."

Kreshelia-" Though I very much like that offer I am sorry I can't accept it."

Yis -" Why is that?"

Well he is right I have slain a dragon so feast and celebration must follow but I didn't wanted any of that now because

Kreshelia- " I have to be somewhere else."

Yis-" Somewhere else?"

I smiled at his question and said

Kreshelia-" Somewhere I must be as people dear to me are waiting at that place."

Saying that I left that place and rushed towards the field where the people important to me were waiting for my return.

◇◇End of Kreshelia's POV◇◇