Hidden Boss(1) ( Volume 7 Chapter 1)

I was laughing at my miserable end. One of the wolves leapt to attack me I tried to move my body but even after [ Hyper Regeneration] the continuous use of skills had drained my strength. I was too slow to block that attack that wolf opened his mouth to bite my face but an arrow from the forest pierced his head.

Ava- " Reinforcements?"

Yes it was precisely Reinforcements but it didn't come from the dragon knights or holy knights or even the party of Melena and others who were coming here towards the carriage, they were simply my clones made by [illusion].

Did anyone really think that someone who defeated the zombie dragon would lose to some mere wolves?

Mental fatigue? I could continuously fight for 2 days but I came here after sleeping for a whole goddamn week I can't feel more energetic.

The only reason I am doing this show is for the real boss of this scenario to show himself

Ava-" Arrows are emerging from the forest but I can't seem to sense any presence but either way, this is a chance. Val I coming to get you now."

Valor-"Who the hell is Val?"

Valor-"Don't go giving me strange nicknames."

Ava-" Yea yea."

Valor-" Don't foil my plan to lure out the hidden booooosss."

I was picked up by claws and lifted from the ground

Ava-" If you have the energy to talk grab Sophia."

Valor-" But my hidden boss?"

Ava-"If you don't grab her I will show you how scary a woman can be when she is angry."

She ain't no woman is surely something I will say someday but not today.

Valor-"Ok let me do it."

Hearing my response she started to descend towards Sophia but

Valor-" Aren't you going a little too fast."

Ava-"....a little I guess"

Valor- " To hell with little I will be smacked into the ground if you continue with that speed."

Ava-" I have to be fast or the wolves will reach her first."

Valor -" That's no reason to smack me on the ground."

Ava-"You don't want to do it like this."

Valor-"Not one percent."

Ava-"Then fly"


Valor-" The heck you mean by thaaaat."

She threw me toward the frozen stiff Sophia and I crashed into her body.

I thought she would be rock hard due to petrification but she was rather soft and smelled nice but not now.

I moved my hand around her waist and raised my other hand in the air.

Valor-" Fly faster you fat dragon."

I don't know what are the standard of fat for dragons or there BMI but I know I can taunt anyone.

Ava-" Wh-Who are you calling fat."

She slowed her speed to look at her stomach.....is my life a joke to her?

if she doesn't come fast I am activating my

[Super Sonic] and getting the hell out of this place.

Valor-" Then come faster than those mutts."

Ava-" Hmuuu."

She skyrocketed her speed and like an eagle grabbing his prey.

she grabbed my hands with her claws

Valor-" Can't you do it with a little more care."

Ava-" You want speed you also want care what are you, a five-year-old kid?"

I want to retort but I can't retort to it as I think she is speaking right....I am the biggest fool for thinking like that.

Valor-" You are a dragon right."

Ava-"No doubt in that."

Valor-" You are a Wind type dragon right."

Ava -"You are absolutely right."

Valor-" You are a grade (E+) dragon right."

Ava-" That's right but how did you know that."

Valor-" That's should not be the point but if you can talk to me then that must mean you must be smarter than those wyvern that is normally used by the dragon knights."

Ava-" That's right I am an intelligent dragon."

Valor-"You are an intelligent dragon right?"

Ava -" Very intellectual."

Very intellectual...heh very intellectual my ass.

Ava-"Why are you laughing like a mad man.

Valor-" if you are intelligent."

Ava-" if I am intelligent?

Valor-" If you are intelligent than a fly a little GODDAMN HIGHER DAMMIT!"

Ava-" Oh you just were talking about that."

Valor-" What is with that reaction dammit wolves are just below me fly a little higher will you and what is with your slow ass speed even I can walk faster than this."


" Graaau"

The wolves were jumping towards me and I was kicking them down with my only free body part my legs.

Ava-" What can I do you guys are heavy."

Valor-" We are the same people that were riding you once before, the only heavy thing here is you."

Valor-" Don't go lower if you can't refute me play with words rather than that fly higher and faster while at it."

While our comedy act was playing out a loud roar drawed our attention.


Ava-" What was that sound."

Valor-" I know it."

Ava-"You know it who is that."

Valor-" Isn't it obvious."

Ava-" Obvious?"

Valor- " They are put by developers to get arrogant and careless players in the end of the dungeon, it's a common occurrence in RPG."

Ava-" Devloop? Rpg?, is rpg name of the owner of that voice or is it devloop?"

Valor-" Neither of that."

How could I expect a person of this world to know about RPG games?

Valor-" He is simply the hidden boss."

Ava-" Hidden boss?"

While we were talking about him a large wolf bigger then the wyvern I encountered at the pioneer village came into view

The wolf had jet black fur. His fur had a glamorous look under the light of two suns his claws were big, his teeth were razor sharp and he had a meter longhorn at his forehead which was being engulfed in a black light

Valor-"I don't like when the main boss starts to charge up a attack."

Ava-" Charge up."

Valor-" Ava we have to dodge it fast."

The huge wolf expecting our action increased his rate of charging and


a black beam of light was coming towards us in a straight line.