Hidden Boss(3) ( Volume 7 Chapter 3)

Oh damnit

Valor- " Ava come out from your suicide mode and listen carefully to what I am going to say."


Valor-" I assure you that I will find some way to kill this oversized wolf but we need to survive this current onslaught for that."

Ava-" But all of them will be annihilated by the black beam if they don't counterfire it."

Valor-" You just persuade them to hold their fire I will not let the beam reach them."

The only thing I believe in is my self and I will stop that beam as Valor. Doing something by myself is a million times better than relying on some strangers and waiting for the result which will decide my fate.

I will write my fate with my own two hands.

Valor-" We will either float."

or sink.

"Mages hasten your spell."

"Enchanter buff the knights "

"Knights ready your shield we have to buy enough time for the reinforcements to come."

(Author- The conversation in mind is shown by '...')

Ava-'Vice commander'

Vice commander-' Soul link but only the captains possess that artefacts.'

Ava-'Please hold your fire'

Vice commander-'So the dragon in the sky was your Sophia, it is a shame but we have to stop that monster.'

Ava-' We will hold that beam so please hold your fire'

Vice commander-'Sophia you do have tremendous potential but I know your ability and that black beam is not something you could stop alone.'

Ava-'But I am not alone and he believes he can stop it.'

'Vice Commander -'he? Ah! That young lad from that Academy but what can a greenhorn like him can do in such a situation '

"Sir our spells are ready"

Ava-' He was the fasted to finish the trial '

Vice commander-' Oh the one to possess that skill which allowed him to finish the course in six minutes."


" Hold the fire."

" But Vice Commander."

Vice Commander-' I thought it was just an inflated rumour but hearing your words make me think it's true...Ok, as soon you stop that beam move from the line of fire we will use this opportunity to fire our spells and kill that walking calamity.'

Ava-'Yes Vice Commander.'

" We will hold the fire till Dragon Knight-Captain deflects the beam and we will use that window to strike down that beast, are you with me?"

"""""" YES"""""


Valor-"Hah I am finally on your back so how did the negotiation go?"

Ava- " They agreed to hold off the fire but how will you stop him."

Valor-" You know once a great man said that

You either die a villain or live long enough to see yourself become the hero."

Ava-"Exactly which man said this?"

For this world

Valor-" This Great man standing on you."

Ava- "yeh right."

I took out my blood covered sword and took a deep breath. The only way I can stop his attack by taking advantage of my speed it will be a repetition of [Sonic Blade] attacks.

I now have to cut light itself and if I am slower than his black beam....I will surely be dead along with Ava and Sophia.

The large horn on the huge black wolf' head was

charging up the black beam.

Valor-" Any second now....fu..Ava are you ready?"

Ava-"I was born ready."

Valor-" Just don't break my balance and slowly retreat."

Now then let's get the game started

Valor-" [Super Sonic] and now [ Sonic Blade]"

My blade gets covered in a green aura, the oversized wolf there has also completed his charge and shot his beam towards us.

The green arc emitted by my sword clashes with the black beam and...

Valor-" my attack disappears well a single strike wouldn't be enough so what about tens of them."

I quickly did ten consecutive [Sonic blade] the attacks done within seconds stacked up at each other and form a green rotating spiral like structures.

" That young lad is so fast."

" He can do so many attacks."

" He would surely be a good dragon knight in future."

" Idiot he is a way stronger than you imagine what kind of monster will he become in the future."

" The spiral is pushing back the black beam."

Why they are doing live commentary?

am I putting up some kind of show and how the hell are their voices reaching here?

This battle looks like a scene from Dragone B**l but why do I feel I am at the losing side.


The oversized black wolf roared and the status quo between the green spiral and black beam and black beam surged towards at a lightning fast speed."

Ava-" Valor we should land it's impossible to stop that beam"

Damn it

Valor-" We can't maintain the balance, Heyyaaaa"

I used [Sonic Blade] then again then once more and even after ten consecutive strikes and formation of the green spiral the black beam was annihilating everything in its path.

" It's hopeless."

" We must fire now Vice Commander."

"We can't do that Captain and that young lad are in the way."

"Such a small sacrifice for the safety of the Royal Capital is nothing big."

"We should believe in them"



" We will wait till the last minute and if Sophia and that young lad fails to stop that beam then

we will fire so everyone be alert and mages are ready to fire at my command."


I continuously used my Sonic Blades but I knew that I wouldn't able to stop the beam for long and it doesn't how much I try to delay the beam if I can't stop it completely I will be the one to fall.

Valor-" This isn't working I am too slow."

Ava-" I have a way to increase your speed which is usually used by dragons but I have never heard a human use that.

Valor-" Spill up, I can even sign a deal with the devil to overcome this game with insane difficulty"

Ava -" Have you heard of Compund Spells."

Valor-" Compound Spells?"