8. Princes conflict

It was the fortnight and time for the ceremony to hold. Everyone was busy in tonight's preparation. But, Zorion was busy in searching, searching for Lycaon in the whole castle. He was nowhere to be found. Zorion looked at every chamber, all corridors, dungeons, training hall, and terrace. Running his hand through his hair he exhaled a deep breath.

He criticized under his breath. 'This kid!'

He once again went to look in the training hall. It was a huge hall with all the necessary equipment arranged at on side of the wall, dozens of swords hanging on the wall some with their sheath, some inside shields, and some naked, without any cover. The next row was of bows, different kinds of bows, crossbows, large bow, double arrow bow, following by the axes, spears, and all the other weapons. From the center of the ceiling, a long rope was hanging, thick and heavy, underneath was a futon made of dried grass. To the right, there was a small stone fountain, water spouting from it, flowing down the stone it was being stored in a stone platform of depth one inch.

Viewing the whole area in details he was unable to find Lycaon. He left the hall in frustration and slammed the metal door loudly. Looking around, he sensed being stalk and began to walk slowly. Taking careful steps he glanced around by the corner of his eyes. Making his steps longer, he made left and right turns in the corridors and confirmed someone was following him. Speeding up his pace he took a right turn to trick the stalker. Falling in his trick the stalker did the same and lost the track of Zorion. When he stopped to look around, Zorion jumped down and placed his sword on his neck and wrapped a hand around his body.

"Don't kill me." The man said.

Zorion noticed the man was one of the soldiers of their castle. Twisting back the hand of the man, Zorion pressed the sword further and said. "Speak."

"Milord, Lord Prince asked me to follow you." The soldier said.

"Where is he?" Zorion asked.

"He went hunting."

"With whom?"

"Two soldiers."

Dropping his hands, Zorion sheath back his sword. Pulling out his smoke pipe, he lighted it with a nearby wooden torch. Inhaling the flavor he released a dense smoke covering his face. Looking at him, he removed the pipe and said. "Spill."

"At the time of dawn, Lord Prince called us. He said he will be gone for hunting. We asked to accompany him so he took two of the soldiers with him and told me to keep an eye on you. He warned me not to tell you about him." The soldier said everything in one breath.

Zorion was still looking at him with the same look on his face. He was not satisfied with the incomplete information the soldier was giving. Zorion raised his brows at the man, indicating - Is this all? The man gulped and said. "He will not be back until the next morning."

Zorion scoffed sarcastically and inhale through the pipe. "Run!" Smoke emitting out of his mouth as he speaks. "And bring him back before the sunset."

The soldier nodded and ran out of his sight. Leaning back on the wall, he gazed at the ceiling, smoking his pipe. He was lost thinking when the pipe was out of the smoke. The emptiness of the pipe brought him back from his deep thoughts. Inverting his pipe, he placed it in the waistband. Straightening his form he rubbed the back of his head and yawned. A soldier came to inform that the king wants to see him. 'With a little time of peace, I was starting to sleep' he thought and walked with the soldier.


Ridding the horse, he held the loaded bow aiming at his prey. "Hah!" He made a sound to speed up the horse and target a boar which was madly running in the jungle. Speeding up the pace he bends forward and held the arrow until the target was in a perfect position. He stretched the arrow further and releases it. The arrow hits the neck of the boar which slammed his head on the tree and fell sideways.

"Lord Prince where are you?" Came the voice of a soldier.

"Don't go too far, the jungle is dangerous." Said the other one.

Ignoring them, he rode further to hunt more. The deeper he went in the jungle the enjoyable his hunt was. Time passed as he was hunting and they came out of the jungle halting their horses near a lake. Jumping off the horse he pats its head and the horse rubbed his head on his hand.

Soldiers piled up the animals that he hunted; a boar, 2 rabbits, a fox, and an eagle. They looked at him as he was endearingly patting the horse.

"Don't you think he loves animals more than humans?" One of the soldiers whispered.

"I think too but why would he hunt fox and eagle we can't eat that." The other replied in the same manner.

"Shhh...Don't question. You know he..."

"I can hear you," Lycaon said.

Turning towards them, he looked down where they were sitting on the rocks near the pound.

Stooping towards them, he brought his face closer. "Yes, I do prefer animals than humans. And the fox and the eagle were eyeing my prey." He spoke close to their face then straightened his form and walked back his horse. They release the breath that they were holding and gulped hard.

Climbing on the horse, he turned around. "Roast the boar before I return."

Looking at each other they realized he's going again alone in the jungle, they quickly stood up.

"Wait for us, Lord Prince." Before they could climb the horses a soldier came and halted the horse in front of them.

On hearing the sudden neigh of the horse, Lycaon turned to look.

"Where is the Lord Prince?" The newly arrived soldier asked.

"What's the matter?" Lycaon shouts from the distance.

"Herr Zorion knew..." Before he could continue, Lycaon raised his hand to stop him.

The man jumped down from the horse and kneeled before him. "Forgive me, Lord Prince, I wasn't able.."

"Stand," Lycaon commanded.

'It's Zorion we are talking about' he thought. "Hundreds of you can't defeat him," Lycaon said and command them to ready their horses.

"Yes, Lord Prince." They all said in unison.

Lycaon looked at the soldier who came with the news.

Reading his question face the soldier quickly spoke. "We have to be there before the sunset"

Looking at the sky Lycaon said. "Race to the castle now," and kicked his horse.

Nodding, they all followed him. The speed of the horses increased by the amount of distance they covered. The sun was just above the horizon, the sky was changing its color; bright golden rays were scattering to orange. Speeding up the horse Lycaon looked at the sky, time was running at the same speed as they were or rather fast. His dark hair drifting back by the speed and ash mauve eyes were focused on the path. The surrounding was appearing and disappearing in the shades of green-brown patches of trees. The ground beneath him was dusting by speed. "Hah." He kicked the horse again to speed up the pace but the horse suddenly halted and raised its forelegs. The sudden jerk made Lycaon stand up on the stirrups and pulled the reins. The horse whinnied, moving its head to and fro. Sitting back, he rubbed the head of the horse. Calming the horse, he looked around the area by the side of his eyes. Something was odd around him, the place seems eerily calm. He flinched back his head when an arrow flew from the front and landed on the ground to the side. His eyes were focused to search the surrounding. Another arrow flew towards him but before it could hit anywhere, he caught it and broke it.

"Come out!" He commanded in a rather calm tone.

The soldiers catch up with him and halted their horses behind him. "What's wrong Lord Prince?" one of them asked.

A wicked smile formed on his lips. Turning his horse to the left he stared at the tress. "We have some hidden guests."

A man slowly came out sitting on the horse. "I'm impressed." He said.

"I'm not by your childish act," Lycaon replied.

He was a prince of the kingdom which ranks third in the west. Since Lycaon took the throne, no other kingdom in the west could beat him down from the first. The kingdom which ranks first has the authority over the entire west and is called as the 'Kingdom in the west', while others can rule only in their specified area. He was a tall man and older than Lycaon. His short hair was covered under a metal helmet, armor on his muscled body, his attire was speaking battle. Bringing his horse closer, he raised his hand to signal; dozens of men on the horses came out of the jungle and circled Lycaon.

The smile on Lycaon's face widened. "Only twelve?" He raised his brows at the third prince.

A laugh escaped on Lycaon's lips, turning his horse to the right, he said. "How long are you going to hide?"

Cursing under his breath another man on the horse came out. He was the second-ranked prince dressed casually, revealing his lean body and long limbs. His silky hair was tied in a low ponytail. Just a sword tied around his waist. "I knew he would do something, so I came to stop him." He said pointing to the third prince.

"Why stop? Let's join the forces." The third one said.

"Had you lost your mind? If anything happened to Lycao-" Lycaon raised his eyes to gaze at him. He faked coughed and continued. "If anything happened to the Lord Prince, everyone will blame me."

"It doesn't matter; we just have to kill him." The third prince said and raised his hand again to commence the attack. All the soldiers forward their horses in the direction of Lycaon. His three soldiers drowned their swords and surrounded him.

"Leave," Lycaon whispered to them.

"What?" They all said together.

"I said leave to the castle now." He gritted his teeth.

"But.." One of them began to protest but stopped in the middle when the other one pats his hand on his shoulder. They nodded and turned their horses to depart.

The moment they left, Lycaon turned his horse to the right, riding in the direction of the second prince. Moving forward, he held the reins and bends down to the right to pick up the arrow that was stuck in the ground. Marching his horse closer, he picked it up and threw it at the second prince which hit his upper arm. Moaning he bends forward and caught his arm. Lycaon halted his horse behind his and drowned out his sword. Placing the sword on his neck, he lifted his head by his hair.

"Stop!" The third prince commands his soldiers. They halted at once on his command and moved back in a row. Bringing his horse forward, he gritted his teeth. Soldiers looked at him in confusion. "He's setting a trap." He cursed.

"Setting? Lycaon said, "I already did." Straightening the body of the second prince, he jumped from his horse and sat behind him. "You are such a fopdoodle, coming all alone." He said to the second prince. Pressing the sword further Lycaon held the free hand of the prince along with the reins of his horse to take control over the animal. He looked at the third price who was trying to retreat silently.

"Don't you dare!" He glared at him.

"We will talk, ok, pull out the arrow from his hand." The third prince said. Every weapon has the kingdom logo and name on it. And there is no reason for Lycaon to kill the second prince. The two rationalities were enough to blame him

Lycaon laughed. "Talk? Definitely. You both are invited to the tonight fest." He said it like a question.

"Yes." The third prince answered.

"Let's get back before the night befalls." He kicked the horse which picked up the speed. Worriedly, the third prince and all the soldiers followed him. Lycaon was speeding up the horse, keeping a good amount of distance between him and the rest. As they were getting near the castle, the second prince asked.

"What are you planning?"

"Nothing." Lycaon sheathed back his sword, freeing the prince from his grip. The second prince rubbed his neck and pulled out the arrow from his hand.

When the towers of his castle were visible, Lycaon whistled and left the reins of the horse. His own horse whinnied and came closer to the sound of the whistle. "That's my girl." He said and jumped on his horse. Slashing the reins, he kicked his leg. Speeding up, he left behind both the princes and looked at the sky. The sun was already set and the sky turned dark. Getting closer, he heard noises from the castle. 'The fest has already started'.



fopdoodle; old curse indicates a foolish or stupid person.