11. On land

Cressida could hear Verena's voice from inside the cabin. She was standing at the door, water dripping from her form. When she held the door nob to enter, her hand stunned on hearing Verena's words.

"She sees visions like you," Verena said, inside the cabin.

Cressida moved forward to listen clearly. "I'm seeing my past in her," Leander said. She gulped and moved further close, placing her ear on the door.

Not too soon, the door to the cabin suddenly opened, revealing Cressida eavesdropping. She looked up at Verena who was staring down at her, anger was written all over her face. When Cressida opened her mouth to speak, Verena clapped her, making her wet hair splash water. Tears building up in her eyes. Placing her palm on her cheek, Cressida moved back. Wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, she turned to run.

"Verena.." Leander said.

"I was afraid we might lose her," Verena said, staring at her hand that clapped her.

Taking a deep breath, Leander closed his eyes. Tilting his head high, he was recalling his past. "She will leave one day."

Moving her arm from her eyes, Cressida gazed at the bright sky above her, the sun was peeking out from the clouds. The surrounding was lively around her, people walking, selling, and trading. She was lying on her horseback, looking up in the sky, reminiscing the moment which still remained mysterious. It's been a month since she left them and step on the land for vengeance. Jumping down from the horse, she looked around at the change that happened in these five years. Standing in front of an armor shop, she glanced down at her form. Remembering, once Verena said; you will need an armor one day to protect and veil your feminine form.

Smiling, Cressida leaned on the door frame of the shop recalling her farewell. Leander didn't saw her leaving. The moment they drop the anchor at the shore, he left before Cressida to refill the supplies. And Verena was crying like a little girl. She breathes a gentle laugh, then the whining of her Onyx took her attention. People were running passed by her horse, gathering in a circle at some distance.

Climbing her horse, she moved forward to the source of the commotion. "C'mon boy, lets see what gains the public eye."

Two people in the center of the crowd were fighting over a fish they captured. She scorned at them in disdain and turned back to the armor shop."Did you see that Onyx? Just a fish, tch! What if I give them an octopus?" Cressida threw her hands in the air.

Onyx raised his forelegs and neighed loudly. "Calm down boy. Did you like my idea that you are excited abou-?"

Before she could finish her sentence a couple of men came out from the lane between the shops, followed by another person on a beautiful white horse. He was covered from head to toe. A simple attire, white laced shirt, black trousers with boots, and a cloth on his face as a veil.

'Is that a girl too? With all those covering.' Cressida thought for a moment. Her eyes stopped and stared at the eyes of the person; the only visible part and followed along with it. She couldn't ignore the strange similarity that eyes hold, it reminds her of Leander, the strange attraction was engulfing her. Those men moved forward and looked down at the fighting people, following the gaze of that person, Cressida glance at the crowd. They were tossing a coin for it. When she looked back in the eyes of the person on the white horse, they were reading the moments of the coin in the air until it was caught in a hand.

"What the sard!" Cressida swears out loud enough to be the eye of the men on the horses. The person on the white horse looked at her with narrowed eyes. Covering her mouth with one hand, she pulled down the hood of her cape with the other to cover further.

"Did that kid recognize him?" One of the men from the horse whispered.

'Him... Not a girl.' Cressida thought.

"Check him out." The other one said.

On hearing their conversation, she moved her horse backward to sneak out silently. Not too soon, one of the men shoots an arrow. Gracefully stepping her horse aside, she dodged the arrow that hit on the ground beside her. They were charging their horse towards her when a hand halted them. She glanced at the hand then to the eyes of the person who stopped them. The same eyes that catch her attention.

Her golden orbs holding on to the ash mauve ones, none of them were willing to lower the gaze. The more she looked into those eyes, the wayfarer she becomes of the void abyss. 'There's something the emptiness in his eyes is trying to speak', she thought. Whether it was the competitive nature of his that was keeping up the stare or the alluring vibes of Cressida, Whatever it was, he was keeping up the competition. Unwillingly, the everlasting stare broke when the loser stole the fish and began to run. Averting his gaze from Cressida to the loser, Lycaon shoots an arrow at the running man, hitting his knee, making him fall on his face.

The other man bowed him, looking up to him. "Thank you, herr. Thank you. You saved me."

Without bothering to reply, Lycaon Valdemar turned his horse, followed by his men.

Blinking a couple of times, Cressida looked around, gaining the sense of the surrounding. "What was that?" She said to herself. 'This is bad.' She though noticing the increased population around. Swiftly turning her horse, she made her way in the woods where she used to go with her brothers. Increasing up the pace, she was riding against the wind. Heavily blowing autumn wind drifted her hood down, revealing her golden curls creasing her cheeks while waving along with the wind. Her honey orbs were fixed on the path, searching for the memories she cherished the most. Halting suddenly, she pulled her horse making Onyx whined. Scrutinizing the place, she jumped down from the horse and smiled faintly. Crouching, she touched the ground then looked up at the clear sky and the pleasant sun. Falling rays on her clouded eyes made her eyes glimmer in sadness.

Standing back, Cressida pat Onyx. "You know boy, this place holds a piece of my heart."

Walking towards a tree, she traced her hand on its trunk. With a deep breath, she sat under it, leaning her head back with closed eyes. Faces of her brothers were popping up, their smiles, the way they talk, play, and their love towards her. They would have been overwhelmed if they see her riding a horse of her own all alone. She began to imagine her riding along with them. Everyone, alive and happy.

"Cressida slow down. You might fall." The oldest brother shouts from behind.

"Not at all, now that I can ride on my own. I'll never slow down." She looked at them through her shoulder, they were speeding up their pace.

One of the brothers speeds up, overtaking Cressida. She hit the reins to catch up with him but soon the other did the same thing leaving her behind. Watching them leaving one after another made her uncomfortable, she doesn't want to lose them again. Viewing around, she noticed the increased distance between them and her. "Why are you leaving us behind?" She said when only the oldest brother was alongside her.

She looked sideways at her beloved brother, her eyes gazing at his face and the forelegs of his horse, he was speeding up too. "Load Brother-" She spoke when he took the lead, abandoning her behind. Kicking the horse, she made all the efforts to catch up with him. "Wait. Don't leave me behind." She shouts but was no use. Her eyes were fixed on her brother, hoping he might turn and look at her, with a warming smile on his face. Nothing happened they were getting further far. Blinking hard she was holding on to keep them in sight but they slowly faded and disappeared in the dust. "No!"

She abruptly woke up from her nap. The sun was setting at the horizon, the sky was changing from bright orange to dim pink. Placing a hand on her forehead, she covered her eyes and a drop of tear rolled down her cheek.

"Damn it!" Gritting her teeth, she controlled her tears.

Standing on her feet, she dusted her pants and climbed on Onyx. "Hah!" Kicking, she spurred her horse deeper into the jungle. Breathed in the grassy smell along with the cold wind. Every time she thinks of her family, she feels miserable, she was not able to protect them. Always dreaming of becoming a warrior, she failed to protect her family. But now, she's no more miserable or weak. She's back for the payback.

Her horse stopped on the spur of the moment when some deers crossed the way. Watching the beautiful deers, Cressida smiled and pulled out her bow and arrow. "Let's have a marvelous meal." Loading the bow with her eyes on the deer, she followed its moments with the pulled back arrow. Before she could release and hit the target, a sound took her attention. The sound was more interesting than the meal.

Unloading the bow, she turned her horse, holding the reins with one hand. Following the intriguing roar, she forwarded. By every turn, the sound of the roar increased. Slowing down her horse, she loaded back her bow, aiming at the bear rampaging in the middle of the jungle. Twitching an impish smile, she halted her horse. "Let's replace the meal with the gold."
