33. Step on the East land

Her body was cold and her skin turned pale. Her lips were blue and blood flowing out if her mouth. Falling on her knees, Cressida looked down at the girl. She was calm and peaceful as if she's sleeping but her aspect was severe. Stooping down, Cressida placed her ear on her chest. Her breath was slow. She stood there for a while when the breathing turned heavy. As the time pass, her breaths turned harder. Straightening up, Creasisa glanced at the girl, her chest was rising and falling by heavy breaths. Looking around, she searched for an escape route. Asking one of the girls to cut the rope with her dagger, she freed her hands and lifted the sick girl on her shoulders. Putting back her dagger, she ran straight in the jungle. The girls kept quiet, none of them spoke nor any of them protested. Everyone was worried about the girl.

A soldier came to supply water to the girls and noticed Cressida was missing. He marched back to Lycaon.