36. The alliance

A hand wrapped around her waist, pulling her back while placing a sword on her neck from behind. Cressida could feel his hard chest against her back. His muscled arm pressing against her belly. Her body warms up on the condition she was in. The hot water and the hot situation. The only cold thing was the metal sword, being kept on her warm neck. Breathing in, she moved her head back to distance herself from the sword. He wrapped his hand tight, leaving no space between them, and pressed the sword further. Breathing in and out, she looked at him by the side of her eyes.

"Why are you after me?" Cressida spoke in a low voice. He laughed at her question. His body vibrating while he laughs. Ending his laugh with a scoff, he spoke. "Isn't it the opposite? You after me." He said and pulled her further close with a single jerk.

"I am not. If you leave me, I'll just go." She said casually, turning his laughter louder and harder.