51. The rumours

Lycaon got into his room. The moment he opened the door and entered, his eyes surveyed the empty room without a wife and an empty bed with no sheet. He glanced around, Cressida was nowhere to be found. He then noticed the opened door of the window and looked down at the sheet hung out of the window. He chuckled at the view and thought. 'What an old school.'

He then looked back at his bed and room and took a deep relaxing breath. Though he thought to keep her in front of his eyes until he was out of guilt, he was liking her absence. The silent room with no feminine voice or face. No talks about marriage. Now that both of the girls are gone, he felt free. He stretched his hand in the air and yawned. He then threw himself on the bed and closed his eyes. The face of Cressida appeared in her mind. The way she fainted and laid defenseless on the bed.