68. Chaos

Vidarr woke up from his peaceful sleep. Slowly, he raised his lashes and looked at Leserli. Her bareback was facing him. He blinked lethargically and lifted up the sheets. He placed his hand around her waist and pulled her closer. Leserli smiled and faced him.

"Had a good sleep?" She asked Vidarr.

Vidarr gave a curt nod and stood into a sitting position. He pushed the sheet away and bents down to pick up his clothes from the ground.

He slipped into his pants and puts on his shirt. He stood from the bed and lifted his sword.

"We have food that you bought yesterday." Said Leserli and stood into a sitting position. She held the sheets to cover her form.

"We are leaving," Vidarr said and faced her.

"Where?" Leserli asked and sat on her knees.

"You are going back to the South," Vidarr said and picked up her clothes. He handed her the clothes and blow of the lantern.

"What about you?" Leserli asked.

"I have some business." He said.