89. In the East.

Vidarr walked out of the motel into the city. He looked around at the shops to buy a change of dress for Leserli. He stood in front of the shop and looked at the dresses that hung by a rope. His eyes wandered on the dresses one after another. His gaze then halted on a maroon dress. He remembered the time when Leserli showed him her maroon dress. She was well dressed for the ceremony. He could remember her clearly. She was so happy at that time, so was he. All he wants was to see her happy. He lived his whole life, seeing her smile. Now he couldn't imagine his life without her, without her smile. All he wants was her. A hand on his shoulder bought him back from his imagination. He looked at the person through his shoulder.

"Are you alright boy?" A man asked.

A tear dropped down from his eyes. He didn't realize he was crying until the felt wetness on his cheek.

"What happened?" The man asked again.