96. The strange three

Vidarr went into a big hall of the castle of Ozias. He looked around to examine the place. The place was well decorated with mirrors and chains. He couldn't understand the concept of decoration, why is it mirrors and chains. It was very distinct from their castle. The soldiers tied his hands with chains and left him alone in the throne room. Soon after the king of the East who took over the first position came and sat on the throne. Vidarr's eyes widened up at the king. He was a tall middle-aged man with a bulked build body. He would normally imagine a king as a fat old man who achieved a lot and would just sit and eat until he gets fat. But his man was nothing like that. He was strong but fat. He looked at the king from top to bottom. His golden crown, his silk shirt, and brocket pants, he wasn't wearing armor. There were leather gloves in his hands and a sword was tied around his waist. All over he looked like a night more than a king.