98. The month of power

"Tell me who it is?" Lycaon said which made his father and both the persons face him.

The king of the West gasped and gazed at Lycoan while the men were looking at him calmly.

"I knew you want me dead but I didn't expect you would go to such an extent," Lycaon said, looking at his father.

"No son it's not-" before the king could finish his sentence, Lycaon raised his voice. "Do not call me your son. I am not your son."

The men glanced at each other and faced Lycaon. "So you are still alive." One of the men said. "Looks like our man became fond of you." The other man said.

"Who is it that you send?" Lycaon asked.

"As we said, we don't reveal our men." A man from them said.

"Don't you think it's fair for the prey to know it's the hunter?" Lycaon said in a provoking manner for them to reveal the person.

"This isn't a battle to be fair." A man said.