111. Her people

"And who's leading the group?" Cressida asked. She wanted to know, who's this person who was doing all this.

"It's an old man." The girl said.

"What?" Cressida arched her brows at the girl. "An old man?"

"Yes." The girl said with a nod.

"How old. And how does he look like?" Cressida asked.

"Pretty old. He has a long beard and no hair on his head. He's a little bend from his back. Probably he was tall at his young age. He looks short now because of the bend." The girl then thought for a while with her finger on her chin.

"That's enough," Cressida said. Just this little information made it sure it's him. The old man that she knew, the old Savant of their kingdom.

"Where is he?" Cressida asked. Now she wanted to meet him. She wants to know why was he spreading these rumors about them. What was his plan? Is he fine or has he been captured by any enemy? There were so many questions building up in her mind.