116. Reminiscent

"This is not good." She murmured and jumped back. Cressida followed her. "Where are you running?" She said.

"Follow me if you want answers," Asterin said and turned around. She then took a long jump and ran forward into a little deserted place. She didn't want people's attention. All she wants to have a good and big talk with Cressida.

Cressida followed her. They soon came into one side of the city. This side of the city was with fewer people. There were no eyes of people nor anyone to disturb them. Asterin halted at a little distance and waited for Cressida to come. She arrived after a little moment and saw Asterin waiting for her. Cressida stood exactly in front of her with the dagger in one hand and the hood of her flying along in the direction of the wind.

"Finally. It's nice to meet you Cressida Dragomar." Asterin said.

"What made you stop now?" Cressida said which brought her back to reality. "Aren't you running anymore?" She then added.