123. The conflict

"Speed up. Asterin." Cressida said and hit the reins to speed up her horse. So did Asterin. Asterin sheathed back her sword and pressed her leg. The speeding of the process made Vidarr slip a little. Asterin then slowed down and adjust Vidarr back on the horse. Cressida looked at her through her shoulder. She knew she couldn't defeat the men. If it were only soldiers, they could fight with them. But those two men were really strong. And one had s weird power to float people in the air.

While Cressida was contemplating the possibility of the situation, Asterin's voice made her halt her horse. She quickly pulled the reins and halted her horse. She turned her head around and glanced at Asterin. Asterin screamed as she was in the air above the ground. Her horse and Vidarr fell on the ground and rolled to the side. Cressida gasped and turned her horse around.