131. Back to the Voldemar

The Queen of the South when came out of the castle, the carriage was ready in front of the door. There were noises of soldiers to her right. She looked at the source of the sound. Three soldiers were surrounded around a horse. They were murmuring among themselves.

"What going on there?" The Queen said to the soldiers. They turned around to face her.

"MiLady." One of the soldier said and the three of them bowed her together.

The Queen gave a curd nod and they straightened their form. The soldier then spoke to her response.

"This horse, MiLady." The soldier said.

"What about it?" The Queen asked.

"It's of the soldier who was send to the East." The soldier replied.

"Haven't he returned?" The Queen asked.

"No, MiLady." The soldier replied.