Chapter 9

Trence's POV

A month or two has passed, and it was already July. Quite unfortunately, Taileen's father wasn't leaving quite yet and from what I've heard, he was searching for her and has hired a guy to do so.

Why won't he just quit it? Is he that ignorant to not know the fact that his daughter doesn't want to go to America with him?

I sleepily looked at our teacher.

"U---Um, e---everyone! I-I have an announcement!"

Everyone stopped chattering with each other and gave Ms. Cadence our attention.

"Our two elected students for Ceremonial Advisers will discuss it. Rachel and Kiko, please stand up.."

Rachel and Kiko went in front and smiled.

"In a few weeks, we're gonna have our annual school festival, which ultimately celebrates our school's anniversary. As you all should know, for the festival each class will set up their own booths. Every profit made will be put into improving the school facilities and et cetera." Kiko forwardly said.

Everyone, including me, wore excited expressions. I took a peek at Taileen's expression (though it was hard since she was seated at the front), and was glad to see that she seemed excited too. 'That's great. She needs a distraction.' I thought with a smile.

"The section with the highest profit will be given a special award and high grades for the participating subjects," Rachel added, taking peeks at her small notebook every now and then. "Also, the grading is individual, so make sure you help, or we and the teachers will make sure you don't pass the performance task, okay?"

Kiko pushed Rachel's notebook away, which seemed to make Rachel annoyed. "Anyway, enough about that. What do you beautiful ladies and gents want for ours?"

Most of them raised hands and made suggestions. "I love the enthusiasm, guys!" Kiko said with a chuckle.

We ended up with a row of suggestions;

MAID CAFÉ *can also be cosplay??


THEATER (strictly not Romeo & Juliet)


EXHIBIT *to be discussed

SAMURAI BATTLE SHOW *NO actual physical harm pls!

"Is that all?" Rachel asked as she wrote the suggestions on the blackboard. "Eh, that's enough. I'm sure we'll get to settle on one with this much." Kiko said as he crossed his arms.

I'm honestly fine with anything, as long as I didn't have to do much work. 'I wish I'd just be some model or something...' I thought.

Once again, I glanced over at Taileen. She wasn't looking straight at the board, which surprised me. Her seatmate, Cassidy, seemed to be talking to her eagerly. Taileen was smiling sometimes, too. 'Why do I kinda feel jealous of Cassidy...?' I thought, unknowing of a frown that formed on my face. 'Well, that brute does need more friends, so it's fine.'

"So, guys, we have lots of suggestions, so we're gonna have to vote. To avoid complications, stick to one prompt, okay?" Kiko explained, to which Rachel added, "Just raise your hand when I say the prompt."

I stared intently at the choices. I was fine with anything, but I had to make a choice. Which of the choices would give me a higher chance of slacking off?

'Haunted House, definitely, because even if I get a big role, I just have to scare people, right? The roles would alternate too...,' I sighed. '...but the thing is I'm no good with horror stuff, so never, ever let that win. Next is theater, I could help with the backgrounds and props, which means I could just do completely nothing in the week itself...but I'm almost 100% sure they're gonna do Romeo and Juliet, whatever anyone says, and I'm sure I'll be Romeo. In the off-chance I'm not, I'll probably be Mercutio or something, so yeah, definitely not that.'

I looked at the board again. 'Crepes stand probably won't win, but if it does, it's okay, I guess? I can cook, but it's so tiring, and I could be a poster boy all week, so not that. Maid says "maid" but I'm sure, with the small number of girls in the class, they'll include butlers too. I don't wanna be a butler, period, so that's out, too.'

All that was left was..."Samurai Battle Show?" I mumbled to myself questioningly. 'Who...thought of that? Because that's sick.' I thought with a grin. I didn't even think deeply into it, I WANTED it.

"Okay, I'm sure we've given you guys enough minutes to decide," Rachel suddenly said with a loud clap. Kiko, who was sitting on the table with a phone on hand, spoke, "Alright, I'm gonna start, who wants the Maid cafe?"


The tally ended up with these results;





EXHIBIT *to be discussed - 5


"Oh thank god," I muttered with a small grin of relief. I heard some of the girls' grumblings, but most of the class weren't too disappointed.

"Okay, we've got a winner; Samurai Battle Show...okay, I don't really get it." Rachel smiled in confusion. "I honestly don't. Who chose this?"

We scanned the room for who'll raise their hand. There, on the other side of the class was Dane, a theater kid and also part of the Kendo Club who was raising his hand. "Hehe, it's me." He said shyly. I mentally gave him a salute.

"Alright, go to the front and explain." Rachel said and sat next to Kiko. Dane excitedly went to the front and explained.

It's too long since he was also excited about it so I'll shorten it; "...blah blah, so we're making everyone in the class fight each other kendo-style, but also it's just acting. We need a leading character, and it doesn't need to be a guy. I'm actually hoping it'd be..." Dane looked at the left shyly.

'Huh, why's he being so shy?' I thought although I didn't particularly care. I found myself looking at Taileen's direction again. 'She looks uncomfortable...? Why -'

I looked at the front and realized who Dane was looking at. 'Taileen...'

"Um, well, it's still all up to you guys, but I think Taileen Anderson would be perfect as the lead. You all saw what she did to Prince Trence, right? She looked so graceful even though she was beating ---"

"Hey! Taileen wasn't beating Prince Trence up!" Rachel cut him off defensively. I didn't even care; all my focus was on the two.

Taileen was frowning, completely uncomfortable. 'She's uncomfortable, right? She isn't--'

I noticed her cheeks. 'Is it because of the curtains? Why is it red? Don't tell me she's SHY. No way. Absolutely no way.'

'Actually, why do I care? I don't care. I'm not putting down Dane; he's a cool guy. Great at acting, at kendo, and smart at Math. Best groupmate. Yeah, it's cool. Totally.' I held my phone dismissively, turning it on and off, spinning it and eventually putting it down. 'Dammit...'

"Shut up, you two!" Kiko said to Dane and Rachel with a sigh. It seemed like they were arguing...well, I wouldn't know. I was too focused on something...someONE else. "Okay, the idea sounds cool. I'm thinking, since theater was just one vote away from winning, we'll mix up the two concepts. I'm sure y'all are okay with that?"

No one seemed to be opposed. "Alright, then me, Rachel, and Dane will think of a story that fits the samurai battle theme. If anyone wants to help with the story, just approach us."

Kaye, a classmate of ours that loves to do cosplays and is also part of the theater club, raised her hands. "I'll make the costumes, so can I pitch in with the story making?" She asked. The girl who kept bothering Taileen raised her hand too. "Me too! Me too! Actually, me and Tai-Tai here were thinking---"

"Don't call me Tai-Tai or I'll kick your throat." Taileen exasperatedly said.

"---right! SO, me and Taileen here were thinking that Taileen would be down for lead, so like, why not make her a ~princessy~ warrior kinda character? Cool? Cool?" Cassidy asked, looking at our classmates for approval. Most of them agreed, and though no one asked me, I also... loved to see that.

"In my defense, it was mostly her that did the decision," Taileen said and slouched down her seat. I saw Dane giggling, which irked me. "I'm sure you'd do awesome," Dane said and smiled at her. Taileen rolled her eyes and looked the other way.

'Don't look there! I can't see your expression, dammit...' I thought and crossed my arms.

"Oh, but if there's a princess, then naturally, a prince would be good too, right?" Another classmate, Kris, pitched in. The other guys who obviously didn't want to do it looked at me. "It's in the name! Prince Trence, we're counting on you~" They nervously said. I didn't want them to be further intimidated by me so I could only smile. "Haha, I'm in your care, then. But would I really be fit for this?"

'No, hell no. Say no.' I thought. But, alas, fate had other plans.

"Oh! Prince Trence, you're gonna be a natural!" Cassidy said with a giggle. "Yeah! No one else can do it." Rachel added. Kaye smiled and nodded, "I already have most of your measurements from last year, so it'd be easier for us too."

'Right, we also did theater last year...ugh, that weird Romeo and Juliet spin-off...' I didn't want to think any more.

"Okay, if you guys think so." I said with a smile, a crippling fake one. 'I hate this.'

Everyone seemed happy with it, so I thought, 'well, if it makes them happy.' They continued to discuss what we'd do without further asking me. I sighed and looked at the window. In the corner of my eye, though, I noticed someone looking at me. I looked at them with my eyes.

'Taileen?' I thought. She was looking at me with a blank expression that I couldn't read. 'What's her problem now?' I thought with a huff.

Her expression changed. 'What the hell?'

Taileen was...chuckling...?