Oh what to wear." She sighed on Monday morning, standing before her wardrobe with a grimace across her face.

"Whatever you want," he smiled as he picked out a shirt, "whatever you're comfortable with."

"Well, I do like this one," she held up a chic black velvet dress that she had bought the other day, "but it's black," she sighed again, "and I feel like I'm always looking like I'm off to a funeral."

"Well then wear something colourful." He shrugged.

"But I don't want to look like I expect anything."

"Then wear black."

"Oh that is not helpful!" she scolded him with a wry smile, knowing that he was only trying to wind her up. Returning the black dress to the wardrobe, she riffled through for something appropriate.

"How about this?" she asked, turning around to show him her next choice.


"Oh you'd say that about anything." She shook her head, slipping the dress over her head.

"That's because you look good in anything." He told her simply as she picked out shoes. "Here," he handed her the string of rubies that he had given her early on in their relationship, "they should go perfectly."

"Stop saying perfect," she scolded him, stepping into her shoes, "it's unnerving."

"As you wish." He smirked, handing her the matching earrings.

"Well I'm not," she continued on, finding her favourite black fur stole, "the perfect Kathryn Potter would not be standing here today."

"What do you mean?"

"The perfect Kathryn Potter wouldn't have allowed herself to fall so spectacularly in the first place," she sighed, "and wouldn't have let herself get caught because she wouldn't have done something so foolhardy."

"Well then I'm glad that you are so gloriously imperfect," he corrected himself, "and I would not have you any other way."

"Oh stop it," she scolded again, raising her eyebrows, "you know you're becoming far too mushy for my taste."

"Apologies," he smirked, "it won't happen again."

The journey into London was a quiet one. Neither of them was willing to discuss what was potentially to come and so they settled for sitting in a companionable silence as the fields and towns sped by the windows. Scrimgeour was waiting in the alleyway and, after a fleeting kiss on the cheek, Lucius departed without a word. Taking a minute to compose herself, she stepped into the phone box and prepared to run the gauntlet one last time.

As she expected, the photographers were out in force and practically pounced on her as she stepped out on to the polished wooden floor of the Atrium. In between the blinding flashes she saw many familiar faces; all of them here to see what the Wizengamot's verdict would be. She stopped for no one, walking down the stairs to the courtrooms to avoid the crush in the gilded elevators. She was given a wide berth as she arrived on level ten, despite the crowd filling the corridor leading to the courtroom. She spotted Harry and the others keeping her a seat on one of the benches nearest the Wizengamot and the chair in which Lucius would be sitting.

Harry watched as she approached, hardly surprised at how easily she wore her different masks. Gone was the somewhat playful young woman that had been at the meeting with the Prime Minister; she had been replaced by an all-together more serious persona.

Like it had been on Saturday, her dress was red, though this one was a grown-up affair of blood red velvet. The neckline was slashed across her shoulders whilst the sleeves stopped at her elbow; drawing attention to her slender forearms and the heavy ruby bracelet that dangled elegantly from one wrist. A thin, twice looped black leather belt cinched the dress in at her waist before it tapered away at her knees. Her string of dark rubies sat comfortably around her neck and matching earrings twinkled against her dark hair, completing what could certainly be called a true Gryffindor outfit.

"Morning." She said coolly, sinking down into the space next to Harry.

"Nervous?" Harry asked immediately, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"Oh just slightly." She drawled sarcastically in reply, shifting anxiously in her seat.

"How's he feeling?" Hermione asked curiously.

"He doesn't really say," Kathryn sighed, noting how much Hermione's feelings towards Lucius must have changed given that she was actually enquiring after his wellbeing, "I think he's just been trying to keep it out of his mind."

"But you had a nice weekend?"

"Yeah," she smiled, "trying to savour the moment ever so slightly, you know, just in case."

"Do you think it will be the case?"

"Who knows?" she shrugged gloomily. "If Fudge has his way, then certainly, but there's the rest of the Wizengamot to consider."

"Well, at least you can say that you fought your corner and you fought it well." Sirius chipped in from his seat behind Harry. "You at least gave them plenty to consider."

"Oh yes, but who knows if it will be enough?" she raised her eyebrows ominously as the clock chimed the hour and Lucius was escorted in through the main doors. His eyes quickly found hers as the Wizengamot made their entrance, and she could tell that he was doing his best to look hopeful so as not to make her feel disheartened. Looking across to Fudge, however, her heart could not help but sink as she saw the smug flash of satisfaction in his eyes. Fudge cleared his throat and the courtroom fell silent in anticipation.

"Lucius Malfoy," he addressed him directly, "the Wizengamot has deliberated your case and a verdict has been reached." Kathryn held her breath, waiting for the blow to fall. "Before delivering that verdict, however, the Wizengamot wishes to make a statement as to the conduct of Miss Kathryn Potter over the past two years."

"I knew they'd do something like this." Kathryn hissed in Harry's ear. "They can't send me to Azkaban but they can definitely denounce me to anyone that will listen."

"The Wizengamot acknowledges and thanks you for your cooperation," Fudge began, though he didn't look as if he particularly agreed, "and recognises the emotional difficulty that you must have faced when explaining to this court what passed between yourself and Mr. Malfoy." There were several nods of agreement from other members of the Wizengamot particularly the women. "The depth of information you provided has been extremely useful to the Wizengamot during its deliberation on this case. The circumstances you found yourself in were regrettable and the Wizengamot recognises that you acted to ensure your survival. Despite that, however, the court does not look upon all of your actions with a forgiving eye."

"You don't say." Kathryn murmured dryly.

"You have made no secret of your decision to hide the affair from your friends and, when considering that such a revelation could have given the Dark Lord's opposition vital intelligence, such action can in no way be condoned. It also means that you placed yourself willingly into extreme danger if details of your relationship had been discovered by the wrong people." Kathryn knew that every pair of eyes in the room was fixed upon her but she kept her face impassive despite whatever emotion she felt.

"Of course, Miss Potter has not been on trial for her actions, the Wizengamot and the Ministry simply wish to express an official opinion on the subject." Fudge continued.

"They might as well have put you on trial." Kathryn heard Hermione grumble under her breath.

"It is a shame to see someone so promising tarred with the brush of scandal, but you do not seem to feel the concern for your reputations that other so." Kathryn merely rolled her eyes in boredom, making it clear that she had little time for anything Fudge had to say. "One can only hope that your future choices will be taken with more thought." Kathryn resisted the temptation to challenge his right to lecture her on what was and was not a good choice. She kept silent, however; wishing to retain the moral high ground in this particular confrontation. Fudge cleared his throat to continue.

"Let us now, however, continue with the matter at hand." he shuffled the papers before him into a neat stack. "Lucius Malfoy, you were brought here to answer the charge of being a Death Eater and willingly participating in crimes perpetrated by the aforementioned group. In deference to the wishes of Miss Potter," Fudge said this part through gritted teeth, indicating that this wasn't his particular desire, "the Wizengamot chooses to disregard the evidence she gave in relation to her kidnap and torture as it is apparent that she seeks no retribution." Kathryn let the tiniest of smiles slip across her face; thankful that at least some of the Wizengamot seemed to have brains.

"The charge of being a Death Eater, however, still stands." Fudge went on, raising his voice over the furtive whispers that had broken out at the last announcement. "And on that count, the Wizengamot has no alternative but to find you guilty."