Chapter XXII: Return to Hogwarts

(Harry P.O.V)

"Harry!" Astoria cried happily as she ran towards the boy that had become an older brother to her on Platform 9 ¾, she jumped towards him and unfortunately for the both of them, Harry seemingly was unprepared as the two toppled to the ground.

"Ouch," Harry said before releasing a chuckle, "Hey Short-Stack, how was your Christmas?"

"It was good, definitely very entertaining," Astoria said with a grin.

"I heard," Harry said with a smile, "Saw it in the Daily Prophet, I knew Draco was vain, but kissing himself in the windowpane, now that was something."

Harry grinned happily before Daphne walked in with Tracey who while still looking a bit depressed showed less grief on her face than prior to the break. Astoria climbed off Harry before he rose to his feet facing down the two girls, "Hey Tracey, how are you?"

"I'm okay," Tracey said with a nod, "I'm going to go find a cabin, I'll see you later Daph."

Slowly Harry watched the auburn-haired girl walk by before turning to Daphne, "Still bad, huh?"

"This is actually a lot of progress for her," Daphne said though her face portrayed some sadness, "She hasn't cried about him in a few weeks now." Daphne then began to dig through her bag before pulling out the book on healing magic Harry had given her prior, "Here, you can have this back now."

"You find anything?" Harry asked.

"Maybe," Daphne said slowly, "Needs more research though. This book I got from the Malfoy library may have some complimentary answers though."

"Ah yes," Harry said with a smirk, "Your trip to the Malfoy's, I heard that was eventful."

"Don't tell me you're jealous Potter?" Daphne said with a smirk.

"How couldn't I be?" Harry said with a smirk approaching the blonde, "You got to see Malfoy make a fool of himself first-hand and I wasn't there. It's hardly fair Princess, not to mention the nightmares you caused me about all the other wizards who would want such a brilliant and beautiful witch like you all for themselves, it was traumatizing."

Harry smiled as Daphne looked up at him, their noses nearly touching as a small grin appeared on her face, "I have a feeling you'll somehow survive."

The smirk on Harry's face widened as he inhaled Daphne's lemony scent before he spoke, "Very cruel Princess, where's your compassion?"

"Ah right, compassion, sorry flyboy, left it in my other pants," Daphne said with a genuine smile, one of the most beautiful things Harry had ever seen in his life.

"How did the rest of your break go?" Harry asked calmly, "Do anything on New Years?"

"Nothing really," Daphne said with a grin, "You?"

"Went out to London with Nev and Corner," Harry said with a shrug, "Though it would've been better with you to kiss in the New Year."

"You could've kissed Corner," Daphne said with a slight chuckle.

"Wouldn't have been as fun," Harry said with a chuckle before stepping closer, Daphne's breath now able to be felt on his face, "Valentines Day, come out with me. I know Hogsmeade is closed for now, but I'll plan something else. I might even say please if it helps."

"Wow," Daphne said sarcastically, "Humility, coming from you Flyboy, color me impressed."

"Very funny Princess," Harry said relishing in the closeness of their proximity, "What do you say though?"

"I can't," Daphne said honestly.

"Why?" Harry asked more confused than disappointed.

"Look, it's just not a great time," Daphne said in a tone Harry could hear the honesty ringing through, "Right now Tracey needs me and to be honest, she's more important to me than you are. I might have a lead on the Blaise situation, and I really need to focus."

A small sigh of understanding released from Harry before he smiled, "At least I got a reason this time. I'm still going to flirt with you though Princess."

"Oh, I don't doubt it. It wouldn't be Hogwarts if I didn't have the Boy-Who-Lived hounding me after all," Daphne said with a slight chuckle before getting serious, "Maybe ask me again when this is all figured out and I'll think about it."

"Is that your version of a yes?" Harry said, still enjoying the close proximity they shared.

"It's not a no," Daphne said with a light smile, "Still, don't get your hopes up Flyboy, a princess has notoriously difficult standards to live up to."

"I'll take my chances," Harry said happily as Daphne wiggled her way out of their closeness and began her walk to meet Tracey aboard the Hogwarts Express, and all Harry could do was stare at the princess as she boarded the train in a cloud of steam.

He felt an elbow jam into his side before looking down at Astoria who smiled at him, "I can't believe it, the Ice Queen might actually be melting."

"I told you," Harry said with a grin, "Persistence is key."

(Daphne P.O.V)

As Daphne sat across from both Tracey and Astoria in their compartment, her heart was pounding harder than it ever had before. It wasn't helped by the mischievous grin Astoria would give her and even Tracey had said, "I'm happy for you, it's been a while since I've seen you smile."

Honestly, Daphne wasn't sure what had happened when she had come face to face with Harry. He was still cocky, but it didn't feel as arrogant this time, something had changed, and it wasn't just him. The way he smelled was more enticing to Daphne, the scent of his Cedar and Green Apple cologne reminding her of the love potion she had smelled a week prior. His smile brought more warmth out of her, and she had completely forgotten to force a scowl at his calling her princess.

She had been in closer quarters with Potter before, but it had never previously been so hard to fight off the blush on her face as it was on the platform. Though Daphne was honest in what she had told Harry, she had surprised herself, for the first time she had turned Harry down and not felt happy about the power it gave her. For the first time, it almost hurt. Still, she knew she wasn't wrong, right now her friends needed her and that was more important than any confusing feelings she now had to acknowledge she had for the Gryffindor Seeker. She had wondered if he liked her gift, Daphne had certainly enjoyed his, Sherlock Holmes was her favorite book series, and she had read that book cover to cover in a day, completely enthralled by the mystery, she could only hope Harry liked hers nearly as much.

However, as she turned to look up at Tracey who was staring mindlessly through the window, her thoughts cleared once again. Harry was fascinating and fun to think about, but Tracey needed her, Blaise needed her, Astoria needed her, she couldn't fail, it wasn't an option, and with that thought, she dug through her bag finding the book that Dobby had retrieved for her from the Malfoy Library. The Lost Soul Compendium, a large encyclopedia-like book containing everything from documented Lethifold attacks to a foul creation known as Horcruxes.

While she hadn't gotten anywhere near finishing the book, it was clear that most researchers believed the soul to be a conduit or link between the heart and mind. It is what gave people feelings, and is the source of what was referred to as the epicenter of magical ability. The book contained many horrifying accounts about victims of Dementor attacks, though none seemed to fit Blaise's description. However, under the Horcrux section of the vile book, there was a piece of information, if a person was remorseful, there was a way to attach a soul back together.

While Blaise certainly hadn't created a Horcrux, Daphne felt confident that she or Tracey would notice if he had, the fact that a soul could be placed back together gave her some hope. The text described the ability to link one's mind through a Horcrux connection and that had started Daphne with a theory of her own. Perhaps a skilled legilimens could begin to piece Blaise's soul back together, but who was talented enough to do so, and who could Daphne trust. As much as she wanted to tell Tracey her theory, the idea of giving her best friend some hope only to snatch it away seemed too cruel. The sad reality was, there was a real chance Blaise might never wake up.

However, their peace and quiet was broken as the compartment door slid open, and standing before them was none other than the Pug-Faced Pain in the Ass herself, Pansy Parkinson. Adopting her Ice Queen persona once more, Daphne looked up at Pansy, her icy-blues digging into her browns as she spoke chillingly, "Are you just going to stand in the doorway, or do you have something to say?"

"I know you're responsible for what happened to Draco," Pansy said angrily, "So you listen to me bitch. Draco's mine, you lost your shot, you don't get to just have him back now because you're jealous I have him now. Using a love potion to try and attract him to you, absolutely disgusting. Although you'd probably need to slip any well-to-do Pureblood a love potion to help them overlook how close you are with Potter. Nobody wants a Lion tainted snake."

Astoria growled as if she was a lioness in the flesh, but Daphne could handle herself as she yawned, "I don't know if you're in disbelief, or stressed, or if you are actually just that stupid, but I would never slip Draco a love potion keyed to me. It wouldn't be worth the time, I sat on his lap at the party just to tease him and he completely forgot you existed. Trust me, if I wanted to take Draco from you, I could do it in an instant."

Pansy looked venomously down at Daphne, but she was no stranger to hard looks, her face remaining as blank as unused parchment as she spoke, "You see Pansy, the good news is, I don't want Draco, he's all yours, but don't get too comfortable okay, it's only a matter of time before his eyes change to a more beautiful or wealthy girl."

"I'm beautiful!" Pansy said with a scream, "And my family is wealthy."

"Sure, sure," Daphne said waving it off, "But you're what I like to call as Class 2 Pureblood. Both Abbot and Brown, their families are wealthier than yours and not to mention they are prettier than you are. Draco would drop you for any of them, no doubt, except for the small problem that Abbot and Brown are enamored with Potter, and are more in-line with magical law enforcement, not making them a great match for a Malfoy. So yeah Parkinson, you might be with Malfoy, but you'll always be Plan B. Have fun with that."

"Why, you, you-," Pansy stuttered in a fit of anger, "Just stay away from Draco!"

"Whatever," Daphne said with a yawn, and as Pansy stormed out of the compartment, the shocked expressions of Tracey and Astoria met her, "What?" Daphne asked,

"I guess," Astoria started, "Since you were more mellow this break, I guess I forgot you were the Ice Queen."

"What is it that Daddy Dearest always says," Daphne said with mock affection, "It's important to keep up appearances. Plus, I only told her the truth."

"You Miss Greengrass," Tracey said with a tiny smile, "Are dangerous."

"And don't forget it," Daphne said with a chuckle of her own before returning back to her book.

(Michael P.O.V)

"Dang it," Michael said in slight frustration looking at the Wizard Skittles, "You have to be cheating Harry, there's no way you could possibly have knocked down all the pins 5 times in a row."

"What can I say," Harry said wiggling his fingers, "Magic touch."

"Maybe you're just bad at the game," Neville said with a chuckle clearly pleased he had beaten Michael multiple times, "Anyway, I'll get a pack of Every-Flavored Beans and some Chocolate Cauldrons please."

"Pumpkin Pasties and a Licorice wand for me please," Harry chimed in.

"I hate you guys," Michael growled despite the fact he was the one that had organized the deal in the first place of the loser buys snacks for everyone else, he didn't expect he'd be on the losing streak of a lifetime.

"We hate you too," Harry and Neville playfully chimed back, and with that, and a small smirk on his face, Michael readied his sickles and knuts and headed towards the trolley, a list of sweets in mind.

Thankfully, the trolley wasn't too far from their cabin, and while Michael began to order, a forced smile on his face as he wasn't trying to look like a sore loser, he heard a voice that made his smile genuine, "Hi Michael."

Michael turned around, a pleasant look on his face as he spoke, "Hey Red, how was your Christmas?"

"It was good," Susan said with a grin, "Auntie Amelia had a surprisingly quiet day, so we actually got to celebrate a normal Christmas."

"That's great," Michael spoke his eyes focused on her gorgeous amber pools, "I'm happy for you, I know last year with all that awful Heir of Slytherin thing your aunt was working around the clock. I'm glad you both got a chance to relax."

The trolley witch had finished loading Michael's order into a bag which he took thankfully, paying the witch the sickles before turning back to face Susan, who looked to be a bit nervous, "So um," Michael said not exactly feeling the most confident himself, "I've got to get going, I'll see you around the castle then-"

"Can we talk?" Susan asked nervously, "About what happened at Diagon Alley."

"I mean," Michael started, "Not trying to be rude, but I don't really know what there is to talk about? You're dating Boot and there's nothing to apologize for, I meant what I said about no hard feelings Red. Terry's a good guy, he's smart, stays out of detention, it's fine-"

"It's not fine though," Susan said, "You've been my friend since first year, and you looked so hurt at Diagon Alley and I felt so guilty and angry with Boot because he told me that he knew you liked me, and I-"

"Red," Michael said slowly, "It's okay. Look, I'm upset with Terry, it hurt to see him do that, but if you like him then I'll get over it, eventually. You've been through a lot Red, and I just want you to be happy, you deserve it, and if Boot makes you happy then I'll survive." Michael released a small sigh, "I've really got to go okay? But I meant what I said, we're okay, alright? No hard feelings."

Susan just nodded slowly, and with one last small smile, Michael departed the corridor on his way back to his cabin where his friends were waiting. Had he meant what he said, most of it at least. Susan had seemingly suffered a lot of misfortune, and Michael did want to see her happy, but he didn't want to see her with Boot, he wanted to see her smiling up at him, not viewing it from afar. Still, he sighed as he recalled his talk with his two friends about his feelings, and it had actually been Granny Longbottom that had given him some comforting advice, time has a tendency for working things out.

(Neville P.O.V)

Neville stretched out his limbs after leaving the train, a yawn leaving his mouth. Of the three of them, Neville was the most patient by far, but still, long train rides were never fun. As the three boys walked towards the carriages, Neville couldn't help but reach out and rest his hand on Michael's shoulder as he watched Susan, Hannah, Terry, and Anthony all walk-out of the train, Terry's arm around Susan's neck, though the red-haired girl did seem to look slightly troubled.

"Hang in there," Harry had spoken to their blue-haired friend, "Time, remember."

"Right," Michael said with a heavy sigh, "I'll be fine guys, thanks though, let's go find a carriage, don't want to be stuck with some weirdos after all."

"Sure," Neville said with a shrug, "Like we're the epitome of normal."

"Whatever Longbottom," Michael said with a chuckle.

The three boys had found what seemed to be an empty carriage, but as they loaded in, they quickly realized they weren't alone, and instantly, Neville's heart began to beat a little faster. Since his first year, Neville had been completely enamored with Hannah Abbot, he could hardly have a conversation with the blonde without stuttering like an idiot. But now, things had been different, and it had been a slow change over time. It had started the day of the first Hogsmeade weekend when he had invited Hermione Granger over to their table.

Yes, Michael was 100% correct, she was a little bossy, a little snooty, and an extreme know-it-all, but to Neville, Hermione Granger was simply brilliant. Outside of Harry and Michael, Hermione was one of the few people that believed in him, and while Harry was a prodigy in certain schools of magic, specifically combat magic, and with Corner being one of the smartest people alive in his opinion, Neville had spent a fair amount of time alone in the library with Hermione preparing for the exams.

The girl could rant for hours if not interrupted, and she was certainly very opinionated, but for the reserved Neville, he didn't so much mind a very headstrong girl like Hermione. Yes, obviously she butted heads with people like Michael from time to time, but Neville had never felt overwhelmed by Hermione's presence and for the most part, enjoyed it.

Which explained why his heart was beating quickly as he took a seat across from the bushy-haired bookworm with Corner next to him and Harry next to her. It was becoming obvious to Neville, that perhaps his feelings towards Hermione had escalated a bit beyond friends and study-mates, to something more complicated. As Neville soon realized that he was paying more attention to the waviness of her curly hair, and the chocolate brown color of her eyes. He took joy in the scent of Hermione's lavender-scented shampoo and the minty-fresh whiteness of her teeth. Without a doubt, Hermione's mind was no longer the only thing about the witch that interested him.

"H-hello, Hermione," Neville said trying to clear the nerves from his voice.

Hermione looked up from her rather large book, "Sorry, I guess I got caught up in some light reading, I didn't even realize you three had entered. How was your Christmas?"

Neville grinned at Harry and Michael's lost expression as they looked at the dictionary sized text in Hermione's lap, "That's light reading? Blimey Hermione, you're a maniac."

Neville quickly elbowed Corner who hunched over in pain, "Ow, what the-"

"We did, thank you for the quills, you didn't have to get us anything, we all feel bad that we didn't-"

"No, it's okay really," Hermione said waving it off, "I didn't really plan on receiving anything, it's just, you three actually gave me some people to hang around with, normally I'm just in the library by myself so it was nice to have some company. I just wanted to say thank you."

"You could sit with us more often if you'd like," Harry said with a shrug.

"No thanks," Hermione said with a chuckle, "I want to make it through my seven years without getting expelled and it's sort of guilty-by-association with you three. Thanks for the offer though."

Michael laughed, "Very Ravenclaw of you."

Hermione simply smiled before placing her bookmark in the binding of her current page before closing it with a thud. Interestingly enough, the book seemed to be in a language unfamiliar to Neville and cautiously he asked, "What are you even reading, 'Mione?"

Neville instantly wanted to slap himself for using a nickname, but thankfully, Hermione didn't seem to mind it, instead, she gave him a small before answering, "It's a book on ancient runes. I've been seeing Greengrass in the library, constantly studying, and I'll be dammed if I'm going to lose to her in Runes. She's already better than me in arithmancy, I can't allow her to beat me in two subjects."

"Um, Hermione," Harry said gently, "I think you can take a breather, she's not in the library studying for Ancient Runes."

"Then what is she studying for?" Hermione asked now very intrigued.

"I- um- I don't think it's my place to say," Harry said now realizing his position facing down a very intrigued Hermione, "Just wanted you to know it's not related."

"Fine," Hermione said with a sigh, "I'll just figure it out myself then."

"Are all Ravenclaws this mental," Harry said looking over to Michael.

"Most of them," Michael said with a shrug.

And while the two boys laughed, Neville could only smile as he saw Hermione enter one of her deep thinking trance-like state. Her nimble fingers tapped against the cover of her book, and clearly, this rivalry between her and Greengrass, while friendly in nature, was more serious for Hermione than he had first believed.

However, those thoughts were for the moment seemingly pushed out of the mind of all four passengers as in the distance, the light of the castle walls began to come into view, the sounds of splashing in the Black Lake echoed through the air, and all Neville could do was nod his head in agreement to Corner's sigh, "It's good to be home."